Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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Quote from: Daemonknight on October 03, 2010, 07:30:13 AM
Alexis was looking through a starmap of UIW space, deciding how best to utilize the Jade Aerie Naval Star when it arrived, deciding Kowloon to be the best rally point. In reading the USIIR report for the world, she noticed that there was a special asterisk next to one particularly developed manufacturing centre...

"Arch-Duchess, might I inquire as to the nature of this facility? It seems quite advanced, yet it doesn't seem to be listed among your nation's corporation's holdings... If I am not mistaken, it is an old Wolf-in-Exile facility, quiaff?"

Deb looked at the listing.  "Yeah.  The Wolves have not expressed much interest in it for the last...two years?"  she looked to Dao.

"eighteen months." Dao said.

Deb nodded, "You should contact Chuck Vanh on Kowloon, and have him set up a trial-we can't run the factory, and it has been idle for more than a year.  The official position of the Union is that possession of the site is a Clan Matter, to be resolved between Clanners-but the neighbourhood IS inside one of our cities, so it would be best to hold the trial in a designated zone..."


*OOC- This message arrives forty two hours after the Viper officer sends a missive.

Star Commander Jaymie waited her turn to meet with the Archduchess and her staff. Once admitted, she was sure to bring in a holoprojector and played a message.

The image of a spinning emblem of Clan Steel Viper faded to the head and shoulders of a Clan Steel Viper MechWarrior. The man is quite handsome despite the slightly over-sized features commonly found amongst sufferers of giant-ism. Bright hazel eyes stared through the holographic message. In a deep bass timber the Viper officer began to speak. "Greetings Archduchess McAuliffe. I am Galaxy Commander Byron Breen, commander of Beta Galaxy and the Steel Viper Touman in the Inner Sphere. I am aware of your situation, and Clan Steel Viper is currently en route. The attached files list our proposed dispositions and deployments. Clan Steel Viper is interested in the Goliath Scorpion systems of Death of Adrien, Gabenstad, and Vargtass. With the Viper vessels in-bound in the next few weeks, they will be fall under Clan Jade Falcon Command. When Viper ground forces arrive, any ground operations will be under Viper command, with Clan Steel Viper leading from the front in any ground assaults."     


After the big Meeting, Star Colonel Ezra demands a meeting with the Archduchess.

He will wait and is in the meantime signalling Melissia what will be needed.


Star Captain Hazen likewise awaits a private conference with the Arch-Duchess. She has time to spare, and begins looking for something more entertaining than political cross-talk.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


In the meantime: Arluna Security Control was called from the Dropper on the official Dropport: "This is Star Commander Wolfe: I am commanding the security detail of Clan Ice Hellion's ilChi. Request a base for his Diplomatic Star of one BattleMech, and 2 Tanks. 2 Transports with VTOLs complement. We need a free route for this transport. Over."


Quote from: Marlin on October 04, 2010, 11:53:09 AM
In the meantime: Arluna Security Control was called from the Dropper on the official Dropport: "This is Star Commander Wolfe: I am commanding the security detail of Clan Ice Hellion's ilChi. Request a base for his Diplomatic Star of one BattleMech, and 2 Tanks. 2 Transports with VTOLs complement. We need a free route for this transport. Over."

It took about half an hour for the convoy route on Highway 17 to go active, and five minutes for the Hellion techs to translate the paper map from the port, to the designated Ice Hellion embassy compound in what was rapidly becoming known as "Clan Quarter" on the southwest side of the city into digital route-markers for their war machines to follow.

The actual drive was only about half an hour.

The Gurdeson Estate had belonged, before the plague, to a 'mechwarrior family loyal to the former rulers of Arluna-they, like most of the urban upper crust, had died in the plague and the riots that happened immediately after the outbreak, but the estate had been largely undamaged, and included facilities suitable for maintaining a military force nearly three times the size of the actual Hellion Contingent-in conditions that would be considered ridiculously lavish in the Clan Homeworlds.

Similar facilities were already allocated to the ilChi of both Clan Steel Viper, and Jade Falcon-the UIW did not NEED such facilities, as their military forces did not function on the lines of Feudal power relied on by generations of 'mechwarriors in the Inner Sphere, following the both more ancient, and modern model of a Professional Military establishment that did not rely on a bribe of luxuries and political power to remain loyal.


Vincent was seated in the back of the limo with the children and their nanny, the rest of his newly hired staff he sent on to his residence to unpack and put away the children's belongings and to get some rest.

He was somewhat surprised at being informed of the Archduchess's desire to speak with him, not to mention various vessels belonging to the Falcons, Hellions and the Vipers at the SpacePort, obviously something big was in the works, if not already taking place.

Guess he would just have to wait until he arrived for his audience with the Archduchess to find out what has, is and might be going on....


Thiel Residence, Golden Lake District Kowloon.

Sarah sat under the maple tree and just thought. She wondered if she would ever be able to see her friends in the 4th again. She was also awaiting a reply from Admiral Li regarding possible departure. She really had no idea if she would ever make it home.


Via Courier

  TO:Admiral Alicia Li, CinC UIW Naval Forces

  From:Kommandant General Daniel Russell, CinC Royal Guards Bde, LCAF



One of my best officers was caught on Kowloon when the balloon went up. She was able to communicate her request to remain on the rolls and keep her LCAF commission. Kommandant (promotable) Sarah Thiel is at her home of record in the golden lake district. I have an officer in my custody who wishes to retuen home. Leutnant General Evelyn Mosovich has been placed on the retired list on my authority and will be able to leave assuming she can get transport. She has recovered from her injuries and has had massive reconstructive surgery at my personal expense. She looks Deb's age. Please respond if you can get Thiel her fiancee would be pleased. The 4th sends their warmest regards as does Maria.

Best wishes,



A Convoi of six trucks, 2 Heavy Tanks and one sleek yet intimidating Mech rumbled along Highway 17, the people watching would truly know that this was a deadly force. Two of the Trucks obviously carried VTOLs strapped on them, and the Mech seemed to be not heavier than 35 tons, but only the fewest would know its designation.

He walked quite slowly at the back of the Convoi, while a brutal looking tank took the point. In the center there was another heavy tank. Thus, there were 5 Warmachines while the other Trucks carried other goods and obviously ammunitions and infrastructure. The ilChi seemed to be an important man.

At the Gurdeson Estate, the Clansmen took up position and seemed to get organized. A Trinary would have fit in to the huge facility.

BattleTech Osric in the Incubus 2 was said to be a better Pilot than Ezra himself. He checked the sensor array for all he saw and it saw. The big villa was truly a worthy place to live in. Much better than any GravDeck at least.

He would like it here.

Star Commander Wolfe then would order him to continue while the trucks were already parking into the Mech Bays.


Star Captain Hazen was distracted by her com unit beeping loudly, obviously a priority message as she immediately stood and began speaking into her wrist-comp's audio pickup. After a few moment's conversation, she turn to the nearest uniformed soldier.

"Soldier, please inform your superiors, and the Arch-Duchess, that there will be inbound jump signatures within the next 6 hours. A Clan Jade Falcon battle group is currently en-route to Kowloon, but they will have to stop at the Zenith jump point to recharge their batteries. I do not want their sudden arrival to cause any undue confusion."

**6.5 Hours later**
Arluna System
Zenith Jump Point

Arluna's native Coast Guard forces, forewarned of the incoming jumpships, were still totally unprepared for what they saw. Their radar and IR systems jumped suddenly, caused a few Sensor techs to believe it was infact the fear Goliath Scorpion invasion. However, after officers calmed the initial hysteria, it was shown what had actually appeared.

The huge predator that was the CJFS Jade Aerie, a prized Black Lion, was attended by shoals of fighters and dropships, some of the cargo drop ships even requesting landing clearance for supply runs to the surface, not even bothering with escorts, a sight rarely seen outside of secure Clan systems. The other warships were equally impressive: the squat, powerful form of a Liberator, IFF-tagged as the CJFS Gauntlet; the brand new Conqueror-class CJFS Jade Vengeance still showing it's virgin shine, not even marred by space debris, yet. Almost lost amongst it's bigger brothers, the small Congress-class CJFS Jade Thunder could've been mistaken for one of the jump ships transporting the independent Raptor Wing formation.

It was the most impressive display of sheer naval power that had graced Arluna in quite some time, and although it was not staying, the Coast Guard got the chance to drool over equipment they could only dream about. They were graced in a different way however.

"Arluna System Control, this is Star Admiral Folkner, Clan Jade Falcon. I must request anchor positions for my ships to deploy sails and recharge our batteries; we've been running a little looser and hotter than I prefer to make time here. I am also requesting landing clearence for a number of my dropships that're running resupply runs to the surface: we've been out for quite some time and could use some fresh supplies. Likewise, I would request permission for rotating R&R shifts for members of my crews that wish to take them. We will only be in the system for as long as it takes our re-supply dropships to transport all requisitions to our ships. If granted, I would like to personally come to the surface and meet with the Arch-Duchess. Or she is welcome aboard my vessel, along with any of her Navy or Coast Guard personnel she would like to accompany her."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"Jade Eyrie, this is Coast Guard system control for Arluna, anchor coordinates are now being transmitted on subchannel One Four Echo Band Zulu Two One, vector solar south on the nine-o'Clock and in close formation.  You caught us in the early morning so traffic is light, we are coordinating now with civil defense authority to make some space for your shore leave, since we do not have a formal status of forces request you confine personal armaments to sidearms only on Weapons Hold.  Leave Parties will report first to the south Spaceport Lounge for safety briefings, we expect you want to get these rotations through quick, but keep leave parties to Cluster size or smaller so we do not have to worry about someone getting lost,  UnRep parties and support droppers need to come down on the West side of the 'port near the provisioners' docks, please remind your supply officers to have their req-lists in hand at the dock, you ARE the descendents of the Star League Defense Force, I am sure your supply personnel know how to fill out a 6267-4b purchase order and a 3305-2A credit-chit, so make sure your people HAVE those on-hand and filled out-we have not yet managed to re-vamp the transaction recording software and we want to make sure everything is rikki-tik, Over."

Dao Thanh was feeling better this morning-she hardly vomited at all before PT.  People put up with this for NINE MONTHS??  as she released the transmit button.

"You serious? you're asking them to fill out THOSE forms?"  Lt. Martin Maguierrez asked.

"I doubt they expected differently, Leutenant." Dao said, "I suppose their Merchie supply officers MIGHT be lugging bags of Kroner or Kerenskies around, but it would be space inefficient to do so, and with the Treaty, there's going to be a branch of the Falconbank in down-town soon enough, so I am rather anticipating they're going to want to use Clan Credits or Clan Trade currency-either one has to be accounted for tightly, to make sure that they aren't cheated on their end, so we account for it just as tightly to make sure nobody gets light-fingered on OUR end."

she sighed, "Besides, if we make sure they do it the first time, we won't have the problem we had when the Terries came through two years ago and didn't pay for half the shit they bought, broke, or stole."


MacAulliffe Farm, 0330 Hours, 22 December, 3069...

"Bout tahm y' got heah, Vince." Debbie Mac was up, and she was dressed to go outside, "Ah got c'mmitments from Three Clans t'back us up with th' Scorpions, an' the biggest meetin' ah have hed sin' Januarah of 68 y'all were off-world an' away from y'phone."  she slid a packet across the breakfast table to him, "Review it, take it t' yo' Khan's attention, give me an answer 'fore January first." she said quietly, "We Were going t' be working up some training an' such, you c'n tell Charlie 'at we ah, after all, NOT goin' to be hasslin' his northwestern boadah-seems we may have bigger threats than we thought, closer t' home..."

[ooc: it's the same information the other Clan Reps got, plus a certified copy of the trade/economic development agreement with the Jade Falcons]

"After Ah deal with the cows, Ah get to go an' have three or foah more meetin's like this one, Vince." she said, "Then, Ah got t' tell Alicia Li that she's workin' with a Clannah-she will NOT like that much, givin' up command rights is hard fo' her, but AH want this mission t' go smoothly-or as smooth as it is likely to go.  Y'all want to make sure your Clan is aware of the operation, hell, they might want a PIECE of it-jump-day is near the start of next month."


Quote from: Cannonshop on October 06, 2010, 06:57:53 AM
MacAulliffe Farm, 0330 Hours, 22 December, 3069...

"Bout tahm y' got heah, Vince." Debbie Mac was up, and she was dressed to go outside, "Ah got c'mmitments from Three Clans t'back us up with th' Scorpions, an' the biggest meetin' ah have hed sin' Januarah of 68 y'all were off-world an' away from y'phone."  she slid a packet across the breakfast table to him, "Review it, take it t' yo' Khan's attention, give me an answer 'fore January first." she said quietly, "We Were going t' be working up some training an' such, you c'n tell Charlie 'at we ah, after all, NOT goin' to be hasslin' his northwestern boadah-seems we may have bigger threats than we thought, closer t' home..."

[ooc: it's the same information the other Clan Reps got, plus a certified copy of the trade/economic development agreement with the Jade Falcons]

"After Ah deal with the cows, Ah get to go an' have three or foah more meetin's like this one, Vince." she said, "Then, Ah got t' tell Alicia Li that she's workin' with a Clannah-she will NOT like that much, givin' up command rights is hard fo' her, but AH want this mission t' go smoothly-or as smooth as it is likely to go.  Y'all want to make sure your Clan is aware of the operation, hell, they might want a PIECE of it-jump-day is near the start of next month."

"My apologizes Archduchess, I wasn't sure what I would need to care for two young children, so may have gone overboard on covering my bases," Vince yawns, "and while they seem to be adjusting well, the same can't be said about myself," he says as he scans the document.

"And from the looks of this, it will be a few more hours before I can try to catch up on some rest. I'll read it more thoroughly and forward it to the Khan along with my recommendations once I return to my office."

His tone of voice changes as he takes several swallows from the tea provided, "So how are you adjusting to the sudden change in the UIW stature? Never mind, from the look in your eyes I'm guessing you'd like to strangle someone, and I'd prefer not to be in the near vicinity lest I become a target," he smiles warmly trying to ease her tension by getting her to laugh.

"I suppose I should be on my way to make sure the Khan is able to provide an answer by the deadline," he stands, then offers a slight bow, "By your leave Archduchess," he says before slowly turning and making his way out of Debbie's office, though he stops briefly at the door, "You know where to reach me should the need arise," and with that he departs.


House of Congress, Grantsville, 0830 Hours, same day...

Debbie walked in, past the silent and empty Congressional Meeting chamber, up the stairs to her office, nodding to staffers as she went.

"Gloria, Ah'm not late, am I?" she asked her Receptionist, who was sleepily sipping coffee.

"No Your Grace."  Gloria said.

"Good, when the Jade Falcon ilChi shows up, send her straight in." Debbie said, "Then put up the do-not-disturb act until she leaves."

"Yes ma'am."  Gloria replied.

Debra walked into her "Official'' office, sat down, and pulled out a stack of papers, placing them to make herself look 'busy'.

And waited.