Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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"Did you touch anything??"  The first questions out of Lt. Davis' mouth to the foreigner.

"no." he was told.

"Okay, Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to wait over there-" the Leutenant pointed to the doorway, "Corporal Duvays will take your statement, but the OCB guys are going to probably take it again, This is how you found her?"

The Ice Hellion ambassador nodded without a word.

"Okay, just go...over there, Sissons, McGittrick, help secure the scene-somebody tell me the fucking cameras were on!!"


This was like in one of those movies, mostly badly, horribly structured flicks that Ezra had seen during his time as Marine. German speakers called them 'Krimis' and it involved usually a murder while the murderer was not known. Then there was the commissar, an Inquisitor of sorts who did not possess that power but worked for the prosecutor. It was all complex and easy to manipulate, but that commissar tried to put together the pieces and hunt the offender down with his mind and skill of following the track.

This belonged to it, witnesses needed to be asked. Here it was Ezra himself. He could not suppress a small smile when he saw the young man approaching him. That was supposedly the Corporal.

"Come here, I will not hurt you, Corporal. If you have questions, I am here to answer them."  And over to that Leutnant: "Leutnant, I have an appointment. If I miss it, you will need to inform the Archduchess."


"We'll let her know, sir...Sissons, take the Ambassador out to the foyer, have someone get him some coffee, an' take his statement-then send Powell and Loesch up to tell Her Grace that her visitor's helping out on an OCB investigation and we'll cut him loose soon..."

Ten minutes later, a female Corpsman whose nametag said 'Trac' was pressing a hot cup of strong coffee into Ezra's hands.  "Here, sir..." while personnel in rank-less civilian clothes and raid-jackets marked "Investigator" were taping off the scene and making measurements-while "Medical Examiners" were removing the body.

"this is a lot for a suicide?" Ezra asked her.

"No sir.  Suicides are treated as a murder investigation-especially military." she told him, 'Standard Procedure-I'm sorry you had to see that."  the young girl said, "Especially when the vic doesn't leave a note...I've had to work ten or fifteen of these in the last three months."

"Is that a lot?" Ezra asked.

"Statistical averages say I should only be working two or three a year, so yeah, it's a lot." she told him, "First one done in a public place since...July?  Back in July we had a Chief Petty Officer from 2nd Fleet do a swan dive into the street." she said it almost-casually, "That was a hell of a mess, he didn't leave a note either.  This one is weird, women don't usually eat a gun-if it's a female, she'll usually put it right...here." She pointed to a spot between her (rather small) breasts, "Keeps the face looking good for the funeral-so that's three weirdshit things about this one-first, she did it in a public building, second she didn't leave a note, an' third, she fucked up her face when she did it...not normal, not normal at all-Investigator Griffin's going to be having kittens over this..."

"Hey Trac!! She's a One Percenter!"  someone called over, the little Corpsman looked over at the man speaking, then, her face clouded over more.

"One Percenter?"  Ezra inquired.

"Plague Survivor, one of the Test group...it explains a lot...look, ah, I'm sure you got business, you got a commscard?  We can call you if The Griff needs anything besides your prelim statement."  Trac told him.


He nodded to the small woman. "I will be on-planet." Then he made to the stairs. He had still much to talk. The schedule would not become more relaxed after this.

But the one-percenter reminded him.. was Miranda not one of them? She survived the plague. Did Debra do that as well? One percent of billions were still some millions.. But Miranda was also more different. One of the topics at hand.

But any government should know that those people were killing themselves. Waste. Their binding to their Clan/state did not seem that good. It was not unheard of for Solahmas not getting their last action, but otherwise?

At the Office where he hoped to find the Archduchess was a secretary first. Did he knew her yet? From the Party? Her name was Gloria.

With his cup of Coffee and his Data crystal still in his pocket he greeted her. "Gloria. Is the Archduchess ready to see me now? Your Investigators make good coffee." he added, sipping.


Gloria hit a button, and looked at the screen.  "Yes, her meeting with Star Captain Hazen is concluded."  she said, and then, she keyed something else.

"Your Grace, your two-o'clock is here." she said.

"Send him in." Debra's voice sounded tired and slightly tinny.


Ezra glanced once more at Gloria and moved through the door, bowed his head and closed it.

Taking the cup to his left hand, he marched towards Debra and extended his hand.

"Good afternoon, Archduchess. I hope to find you in a good mood, but I can understand that you might have already enough. You had to deal with a Jade Falcon, after all."

A dry smile appeared, marking his talk as a joke. At least in the broadest sense.

Now more earnest: "Did you hear what happened to.. ah, in the Lower house chambers, qu..?" He tried to not say the Clan phrase.


Quote from: Marlin on October 11, 2010, 11:36:58 AM
Ezra glanced once more at Gloria and moved through the door, bowed his head and closed it.

Taking the cup to his left hand, he marched towards Debra and extended his hand.

"Good afternoon, Archduchess. I hope to find you in a good mood, but I can understand that you might have already enough. You had to deal with a Jade Falcon, after all."

A dry smile appeared, marking his talk as a joke. At least in the broadest sense.

Now more earnest: "Did you hear what happened to.. ah, in the Lower house chambers, qu..?" He tried to not say the Clan phrase.

Debbie nodded.  "Yeah...ah heard it." she said, "Ah will mourn her latah-when there is Tahm...maybe then, they can tell me why."

Her tone sounded...washed out.  "Let's get down to business-work is the best thing for it."


He nodded and sat in front of her.

Taking another sip of that nice, bitter liquid, he started.

"Very well. We have the topic of 'El Jefe', then Miranda, then the Scorpions in connection with those, then the Factory on Kowloon, which if I remember correctly is soon to be a target for a Trial. By my Clan, that is. I expect the Falcons will be fast to act as well.

Then is the topic of Communication to talk about. I have the suspicion, that they already created facts, which my Leadership will be unhappy about. However, let us get started with the Scorpions, quiaff?"

He pulled out his DataCrystal, looking for an appropriate system to plug it in, Debra had to show him.

He pressed some buttons until a text appeared:

QuoteResume about the Goliath Scorpions:
Clan Ice Hellions was once on good terms with this Clan. In the wake of the Scientist cabal, this has changed drastically. No communications have been done whatsoever, just a complaint by their Khan, believed to be a faint, about the conquering of Manaringaine in the Grand Council. Other than that, their Khan distanced themselves from the HomeWorld-Elements, who struck with nuclear weapons.
Unless there is a decisive change in attitude by them, Clan Goliath Scorpion is considered hostile and a detriment to the War cause.
Found Elements are to be taken down with extreme prejudice or if no sufficient force is available, to be avoided.

He let her read and when she seemingly was finished, he took on again: "There has to be a small update: The Nova- Spirit Cats trialed them two months ago on New Kerensky, aka the Rack, when they defeated him, a Warship in orbit obliterated the Cat's force. Commanding them was the saKhan of the Cats and his Keshik was annihiliated. It is clear that the Scorpions always were at the forefront of this Cabal. They are now on the same level as the Terrans."


OOC Note - This happens before the arrival of anyone new.

"Mr Vanh, there is much news.  However, as a merchant, let me first address the factory.  While your nation has not been utilizing its capacity, Clan Wolf has been.  Your people have continued to work well.  However, given recent events, I am not sure we will be able to continue running it.  Your nations position in regards to the clans is making this a dangerous area.  Especially given my other news.  We do have our forces here, as we have for some time.  However, our entire touman has joined the Star League Defense Force.  Clan Wolf has always been commited to the mission of the Defense Force and have made it more official now.  As such, the 303rd is now a Star League Defense Force formation.  We are considering our options.  Even as the SLDF, we intend to abide by our agreements, which include recognizing your forces as primary control of this system.  However, we also expect your people to do their part in defending this world and its holdings.  We recognize the special nature of the facility we run.  We made a special agreement with you, given your unique position previously.  We now must question if you remain committed to our original purpose here.  Given what you have suggested from your leadership elsewhere, it would seem that, in general, we are running a factory for an enemy to our Clan and the Star League.  Clearly, this would be an untenable position, quineg?"

Quote from: Cannonshop on October 08, 2010, 07:44:25 PM
Hue City, Union of Independent Worlds...

"...do you have ANY help coming, Merchant Factor?"  Charles Vanh was meeting with the Wolf administrator of the Canid Creations factory in Hue-in his official capacity as Speaker of the Assembly, "The Government on Arluna is inclined to let the damn Clans stomp you flat and take the facility-and your people, bondsman.  I assume you don't want that, but my hands are tied."

"We might...there was a rumour that with Marco Hall as the Commanding General, we would be getting SLDF flagged reinforcement." the Factor said.

"They'd better hurry the fuck up, then." Vanh said, "I got a telex from the Capital, Her Grace just signed a major trade deal with the Jade Falcons-they're goign to be restoring the old pre-Amaris-crisis shipyards over Boojum, and opening outside-the-border communications by taking over the HPG contract-that could screw you and your people over-if you have friends on the way, they had better get their asses in gear-that deal just bought the rep from Boojum's support-it's a big deal out there, good for the economy..."

"I know, I know." the Factor said, "What is the general mein down here? I have not been out of the complex much."

"People around here like your folks well enough, Factor, they don't like the idea that Little Debbie is going to treat this as an internal matter between Clans-but it's not enough 'like' to stage a revolt over-that Yard's going to generate a lot of jobs, and having interstellar Comms again will generate more-we're in a deep recession, I have too many people out of work-people vote their wallet before they vote their conscience."  He sighed, "I might be able to hide some of your folks in the population if it comes to it, and filter them back across the border, or just hide your workers and security guys in the population with ident cards indicating citizenship..."


Quote from: NVA on October 11, 2010, 07:41:31 PM
OOC Note - This happens before the arrival of anyone new.

"Mr Vanh, there is much news.  However, as a merchant, let me first address the factory.  While your nation has not been utilizing its capacity, Clan Wolf has been.  Your people have continued to work well.  However, given recent events, I am not sure we will be able to continue running it.  Your nations position in regards to the clans is making this a dangerous area.  Especially given my other news.  We do have our forces here, as we have for some time.  However, our entire touman has joined the Star League Defense Force.  Clan Wolf has always been commited to the mission of the Defense Force and have made it more official now.  As such, the 303rd is now a Star League Defense Force formation.  We are considering our options.  Even as the SLDF, we intend to abide by our agreements, which include recognizing your forces as primary control of this system.  However, we also expect your people to do their part in defending this world and its holdings.  We recognize the special nature of the facility we run.  We made a special agreement with you, given your unique position previously.  We now must question if you remain committed to our original purpose here.  Given what you have suggested from your leadership elsewhere, it would seem that, in general, we are running a factory for an enemy to our Clan and the Star League.  Clearly, this would be an untenable position, quineg?"

Here, Vanh pulled out a nic-stic, and lit it.  "Factor, I can't give you much assurances there-when Khan Hall became General Hall, he pretty much told us to piss up a rope when we went to him offering our assistance-at least, that's how Debbie reacted, and I'm not sure she's wrong on that, what with the Blakies doing everything in their power to cut us off and press the Union into the Clan camp-I'm glad YOU have clear comms out, we're getting a data pipe about wide 'nough to move a few written messages a week-the news about Wolf's decision to go whole-on into the Star League wasn't in those...on the other hand, we've got pretty GOOD data on what is happening between the Clanners-because unlike the SLDF or the Star League, they're still talking, and we get a few dispatches and some contact with the Free Worlders-but most of that is econ data and related to THEIR concerns, and of course, once or twice a month we manage to exchange messages with the Skye-Lyrans, so it really should NOT be a surprise that Debbie's working more closely with the people that are still willing to talk to us-especially if the results mean jobs for the citizens and a fair sized effort to deal with a Rogue Clan directly on our border, who may've turned loose a genegineered weapon on Arluna."

He drew in a puff, and let it out, "Which you guys didn't do, or express much concern over...but it's a pretty big deal for a lot of the folks in the Union, now in spite of that, Clan Wolf has a good reputation as neighbours.  I don't want to see your guys getting killed, on the other hand, I also won't sacrifice my world to an invasion because my personal preferences got in the way of a national policy established by a government that I helped to found- Regardless of my personal view of that policy, or its implications."

He paused, "Now, as for your production...yeah, you've been good tenants and you pay your taxes on-time and don't disrupt the neighbours, but honestly you haven't built anything for US since '68."


"When we opened this factory, and before then, we presented a number of gifts to you.  However, this factory requires orders and requisitions.  Your government has not once requested any output from us.  Nor, has it made any orders.  As such, we filled the requests we received.  If there was an expectation that Clan Wolf would be able to provide you military hardware as an ongoing gift, well, we do not have the economy to do that.  The 303rd was produced and brought online here.  Your people helped make that happen with their hard work.  This unit has remained commited to the defense of this world against the clans.  That was our agreement with you.  Now, if your parent government, which did not exist when our agreement with you was made, has chosen to allow the clans free access, then, so be it.  Franly, Marco Hall did not have the forces as Khan of Clan Wolf to protect this world from a full scale clan invasion.  Now, as the Star League Defense Force, the same is true.  Given the reports that you pulled your people from non UIW worlds that you jointly protected with us and the SLDF, the first message came from your side.  UIW forces were not interested in the joint defense of the Lyran State.  Now, I am a merchant, not a politician, however, when you declared yourself independent of the Star League state you came from, you cast aside the Star League.  They simply, I guess we simply do not have the resources to protect all the worlds of the fractured Lyran state who do not want to participate in the war.  We do not want to see you fall to or join the clans, but, neither can we fight them off for you when you declare yourself independent from any Star League state."


Quote from: NVA on October 11, 2010, 08:45:22 PM
"When we opened this factory, and before then, we presented a number of gifts to you.  However, this factory requires orders and requisitions.  Your government has not once requested any output from us.  Nor, has it made any orders.  As such, we filled the requests we received.  If there was an expectation that Clan Wolf would be able to provide you military hardware as an ongoing gift, well, we do not have the economy to do that.  The 303rd was produced and brought online here.  Your people helped make that happen with their hard work.  This unit has remained commited to the defense of this world against the clans.  That was our agreement with you.  Now, if your parent government, which did not exist when our agreement with you was made, has chosen to allow the clans free access, then, so be it.  Franly, Marco Hall did not have the forces as Khan of Clan Wolf to protect this world from a full scale clan invasion.  Now, as the Star League Defense Force, the same is true.  Given the reports that you pulled your people from non UIW worlds that you jointly protected with us and the SLDF, the first message came from your side.  UIW forces were not interested in the joint defense of the Lyran State.  Now, I am a merchant, not a politician, however, when you declared yourself independent of the Star League state you came from, you cast aside the Star League.  They simply, I guess we simply do not have the resources to protect all the worlds of the fractured Lyran state who do not want to participate in the war.  We do not want to see you fall to or join the clans, but, neither can we fight them off for you when you declare yourself independent from any Star League state."

Charles sighed, "Look, we don't have to worry about falling to the Clans...yet." he said, "and I would have ordered more from you guys-back when we were under Lyran rule, you saw it too-they taxed hell out of us, then refused to invest any of it in our defense-they were counting on throwing us (and you) to the Clans to buy time...I'm asking if you think you'll be able to hold Hue,  If you can't, then we're going to have to explore some options that I don't particularly like, that you don't like, and that we both don't like-because I can't officially help you to do anything, but retreat off-world before the threat arrives...and I think Grace would make me sleep on the garage floor if I did that without going over ALL the options first."


Quote from: Marlin on October 11, 2010, 06:04:44 PM
He nodded and sat in front of her.

Taking another sip of that nice, bitter liquid, he started.

"Very well. We have the topic of 'El Jefe', then Miranda, then the Scorpions in connection with those, then the Factory on Kowloon, which if I remember correctly is soon to be a target for a Trial. By my Clan, that is. I expect the Falcons will be fast to act as well.

Then is the topic of Communication to talk about. I have the suspicion, that they already created facts, which my Leadership will be unhappy about. However, let us get started with the Scorpions, quiaff?"

He pulled out his DataCrystal, looking for an appropriate system to plug it in, Debra had to show him.

He pressed some buttons until a text appeared:

QuoteResume about the Goliath Scorpions:
Clan Ice Hellions was once on good terms with this Clan. In the wake of the Scientist cabal, this has changed drastically. No communications have been done whatsoever, just a complaint by their Khan, believed to be a faint, about the conquering of Manaringaine in the Grand Council. Other than that, their Khan distanced themselves from the HomeWorld-Elements, who struck with nuclear weapons.
Unless there is a decisive change in attitude by them, Clan Goliath Scorpion is considered hostile and a detriment to the War cause.
Found Elements are to be taken down with extreme prejudice or if no sufficient force is available, to be avoided.

He let her read and when she seemingly was finished, he took on again: "There has to be a small update: The Nova- Spirit Cats trialed them two months ago on New Kerensky, aka the Rack, when they defeated him, a Warship in orbit obliterated the Cat's force. Commanding them was the saKhan of the Cats and his Keshik was annihiliated. It is clear that the Scorpions always were at the forefront of this Cabal. They are now on the same level as the Terrans."

Deb looked over the reports, and listened to Ezra.  "In all your investigations into this Cabal, Ezra, did your people ever figure out what their endgame objective was?" she asked, and looked up, "Operations, plans, infiltrating deep into...probably more than one Touman, funnelling weapons, altering genetics in the Warrior Caste, working to cure the flu on one hand, and turning loose a genegineered horror with the other-all of these taken individually make no patterns-taken together, they are working to a Plan...figure out their plan, figure out their objectives and we can stop reacting to what they're doing, and start taking the initiative away from 'em."

Debbie's accent was not just gone, it was replaced.  A slight asiatic lilt to her words, a coldness in her eyes that she hadn't had before-a cruel Sanity showing through.

"The Scorpions aren't the terrans, Ezra, they are more like..." she drew and laid her pistol on the desk, "This.  You can destroy one weapon, but until you have defeated the mind behind the hands, you will just be destroying weapons forever-I want to go after the mind behind this-because that is the foe that threatens my people."


Ezra bit his lip.

"Archduchess, this is one of the weak spots within the Clans. The Cabal could fester for so long because our countermeasures are weak. The Watch my Clan has now is still quite unable to do its tasks. Any investigation we tried did not go well. The individuals we interrogated were of the Cabal and even they could not tell us about everything going on.

The only thing I fear for the Scorpions, is that they help the Terrans against us. If they can stay away from Terra, we can put them down. Eventually. If they move into the Deep Periphery, we can find them, eventually. But we must separate them from the Terrans. To answer your question, we do not know, what their ultimate plans are. Obviously for the Scientists, to end Warrior supremacy and lead themselves. Nothing more."


Quote from: Marlin on October 12, 2010, 08:05:42 AM
Ezra bit his lip.

"Archduchess, this is one of the weak spots within the Clans. The Cabal could fester for so long because our countermeasures are weak. The Watch my Clan has now is still quite unable to do its tasks. Any investigation we tried did not go well. The individuals we interrogated were of the Cabal and even they could not tell us about everything going on.

The only thing I fear for the Scorpions, is that they help the Terrans against us. If they can stay away from Terra, we can put them down. Eventually. If they move into the Deep Periphery, we can find them, eventually. But we must separate them from the Terrans. To answer your question, we do not know, what their ultimate plans are. Obviously for the Scientists, to end Warrior supremacy and lead themselves. Nothing more."

Deb mulled this over, and seemed to be 'listening' to something.  

ask him for access to known conspirators, give them to Kelli to interrogate, and send a special team into former Scorpion areas to comb through and seek evidence.  Try to make it look like his idea.

"We have people with extensive experience in investigations of this type, Ezra." Debbie said, "Maybe, if you have some live ones, we might be able to put together more information than your native intel people have been able to-naturally, it would have to include new investigations into more recent events..."

You should have tried harder to make it HIS idea.

I'm in charge here, besides, I don't know him that well-you don't manipulate EVERYONE you need to get help from.  she thought back, keeping her face neutral.

He's going to say no.

His choice. Deb responded, Go back to sleep if you don't like how I'm handling this.

"At minimum, we need to pull a more thorough investigation, and if your Watch people are as 'off' as you suggest, maybe we can help you with that as well." she added, "Though I'll have to twist some arms to get deeper cooperation, I don't think it will be that difficult-we are already involved in recruiting a...'team' for another, unrelated mission-you might hear something about it later, if all goes well."