Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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saKhan's eyes narrowed dangerously as the Ice Hellion spoke. He turned his head slowly to fix his stare on the Hellion warrior with the intensity of an ERPPC.

"Watch your words, surrat. Your words are dangerously close to calling the Grand Council and the ilKhan herself weak. By extension, you are calling the Falcons weak. I will let this pass once, but utter such again, and you will find yourself in a Circle of Equals you are unlikly to leave under your own power." The saKhan's threat was not idle, and those present could almost feel the malevolent anger radiating from him.

After a few tense moments, Robert spoke.
"I must disagree with the Hellion's opinion of our chances. To say that without the Ravens we are lost, is grossly understating the strength of the Clans. The Ravens of course have the largest of the fleets, but by no means do they possess the only naval strength. The inclusion of the Ravens would greatly assist our cause, but so would the addition of any other group, including the Free Worlds Leauge. The Star Adders must be brought to end their conflict with the Leauge, so that we might work together against our true enemies."

Brian flicked his gaze to Robert momentarily, but his gaze once more returned to boring holes into the Hellion warrior. Although listening to the conversation around him, it seemed he was mentally challenging the Hellion to speak ill of the influence the ilKhan wielded a second time.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"We of the Free Worlds appreciate the support and...love that our friends and comrades both of Clan Jade Falcon and in the Union have made towards us."
"While we understand the well of emotion and the struggle to return to normalcy that have caused you take the stance that you have Duchess. "

"I would note you are undervaluing the steps towards stability that your friends and your own forces have taken to stabilize the region. More than one Successor Lord would gut their own mother for the privilege of a state free of the Wordlings and their secular Comstar cousins."
"Also with the reduction of potential threats to merely the Star Adders you no longer need to worry over competent bandits preying upon your worlds, merely incontinent ones.
Far be it from me to be petty but I feel that bringing an end to the Star Adder's unjust and unconscionable war upon the Free Worlds is paramount...after all shipments of the latest fall line's will be coming out soon and the need to end their threat will most likely tie up merchant vessels for months if something is not done soon.

I mean think of the horror....last year's fall line. It's barbarous.

Um...Lady Inara I don't think shipping in new clothes should be the main concern for ending a war that threatens the lives of millions.

Clothes...right I was talking about 'clothes' lets go with that.

OOC: Yeah...I really need to start focusing on doing this only when I have alcohol in the house no where near my best or my average work.


As the saKhan spoke, Ezra was about to get up, thankfully his only aide, a nameless Tech, hissed something, as if to remind him what and where he were. So Ezra kept his place and returned the stare.

And he bared his teeth before answering to him: "I am not afraid of you, saKhan. I may be unblood and old, but I have nothing to lose. We would see who leaves a Circle of Equals on his power.." after another small word by the Tech he backed up a bit. "For the sake of our goals here however, I believe the Archduchess has the word now. And I agree with Lady Inara. The Adder-FWL War has to end. This is a task mainly for the ilKhan. Then we can think of either offensive against our enemies."

He seemed settled but stared equally against the saKhan. It seemed that he still welled in his Clan's past glory.


Brian smiled, seemingly satisfied that he'd elicited a response from the Hellion, and shrugged, indicating he considered the matter settled.

"I would have to say that I believe the ilKhan is the wrong person to foreward any request for mediation to the Star Adders. Considering the contempt they showed her last time, by sending their unblooded, unranked...whatever the woman was, they obviously do not take her seriously. That is being handled as we speak. However, with Lady Inara here" Brian nodded in the FWL Ambassador's direction, "I believe that we can work on one half of the equation alongside this meeting. ilChi Hazen has drafted a preliminary set of conditions that we believe the FWL would find acceptable, and we feel would also appeal to the Adders. I personally would like to see Addergard burn for the way they have tossed Kerensky's teachings into the fire, but that will have to wait.

As for Arc Royal, its simple: the Star Adder conflict gets in the way of the Free Worlds League being able to threaten the southern edge of the Skye-Donegal region." Robert closed his eyes and muttered something that the educated among the group would recognize as German. Casting the Archon a bried glance, Brian continued.

"If the Free Worlds League can be freed for action against the Martyrs, and independants, it will allow the Hellions and our Falcons to strike the Martyrs in the seat of their power- the Clan-Lyran warzones. Despite being heavily militarized, I believe a concentrated offensive could breach the area far enough to cause significant disruption to the Martyr economic and industrial sectors, rendering them incapable of mounting any sort of defensive, or counteroffensive campaign. Unless they appeal to the Hegemony, they would be unable to stop us. If they DO appeal to the Hegemony for aid, we must have sufficent forces in reserve to meet any expeditionary force they deploy. The Spirit Cats, Camels, Steel Vipers, and anything the Snow Ravens can spare, should be held in reserve to strike at potential TH deployments."

The Falcon saKhan looked at the others assembled, and seeing no immediate objections, began plotting rally points, targets, estimated force requirements, and potential ambush systems, detailing his plan...

((OOC: i dont have those details worked out yet, and I frankly dont want them in a public forum. It'll be handled via PM or GM-overviewd Skype between the relevant parties.))
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


"The better question Archduchess," a feminine voice answers, to all present she stands proud and unflinching under their collective gaze, meeting any with equal intensity, "IS why is the FWL still committing troops to claiming territory where all Trials have been refused, as is the right of the defender according to Clan tradition."

"While it's true that a third of the old Lyran Commonwealth came over to Clan Star Adder, they did so peacefully, without bloodshed. Meanwhile, an equal amount, if not more, was forcefully brought into the Free Worlds League under the guns of their Ground and Naval Forces."

The two men to either side, one slightly behind, let her speak, and when she finishes, at least for the moment, the one behind addresses the gathered dignitaries, "Gentlemen, ladies, Warriors, Khans, etc. I am Vincent Frehley, Consulate to the UIW for the Star Adder Commonwealth States. I introduce to you all, MacLeod Connery, Logistics Adjutant - Inner Sphere, former saKhan, of Clan Star Adder, and his wife Kassandra Centrella-Connery, formerly a Warrior of the Magistracy of Canopus, whom shall be speaking for Clan Star Adder and the Star Adder Commonwealth States."

The young woman waits impatiently for the Consul to finish, before she continues, "They sure have a funny way of expressing that hate, instead of launching attacks against the Terran Hegemony and acting in concert with the Clan from the beginning, the FWL goes after nearly undefended and initially neutral worlds, that posed no threat to anyone, let alone a Nation as potent as the FWL has been believed to be."

MacLeod Connery then addresses the Ice Hellion representative, "We have not lost that many Trials, and as my wife has stated, as the defender, the right to accept or deny any Trial is ours and ours alone. That the Free Worlds League seems to have difficulty grasping that concept after so many years of education on the Ways of the Clans, would seem to indicate some defect in their training system."

Kassandra smiles at her husband, her left hand on her swollen belly, "And I agree, the conflict between my Clan and the FWL must end, but as I have learned and know, the pride of both is great and neither will back down easily, let alone happily."

"And thanks to the endeavors of the Merchant Caste, we have the results of the latest events that had occurred over and on Coventry. Verigraphed Battle ROMs and audio logs from all Adder Ships, as well as those that survived from the other Ships that were involved in that debacle," Connery winces visibly at those words.

"Clan Star Adder has little desire to expand its holdings beyond the original Steiner Protectorate borders. Had the FWL not invaded, and by refusing to accept the blanket refusal of Trials, that is precisely what they have been doing for months, Clan Star Adder would have been able to improve more worlds at a faster pace than it has. Even so, under the pressure exerted by the continuing aggression, HPGs and other Communications have been built, with more being built as we speak."

"Simply put, had the FWL stayed out of Adder territory to begin with, we would not be here today having this discussion. One of which I've heard countless variations of in the Court of my mother Magestrix Emma Centrella."

"I agree that this isn't a matter for the ilKhan, and she showed her contempt first, after the support Clan Star Adder has given her in her path to the ilKhanship and maintain her position when threatened by others, by continuing to negotiate with the FWL even after she was given the transcript of the initial peace overture made by the FWL towards Clan Star Adder, via Charlamagne Steiner, which I happen to have a copy of as well should any wish to see it, and the counter proposal that was made before the FWL representative broke off said negotiations in order to try and get a more FWL friendly result."

"And the likely reason the FWL didn't go against the Skye-Donegal region of the defunct Lyran Commonwealth is because it wasn't lightly defended, it had a solid, stable central government. Like all Successor States, the FWL prefers easy victories over long, drawn out and costly battles. Don't try to deny it, while I may have been born and raised in a Periphery Realm, I am still more familiar with the ways of the IS than any Clansman here and likely still alive anywhere within the various OZ's."

"Which Kerensky is that? The General that fought against Amaris and led the core of the SLDF that would become the Clans, or his son, who is alleged to have done more than a few not so honorable things in order to solidify his control of his fledgling society. Clan Star Adder seems to be one of the few remaining that is attempting to come to terms with the conflicting ideals from both sources."

"Have you ever heard the saying no plan survives contact with the enemy? Well, the same can be applied to cultures and civilizations, for neither can they survive contact with a different one. By the standards of some of your won more fanatical brethren, every Clan has been corrupted. As well as all Successor and Periphery States are no longer what they were before the Clans arrived."

"It's called interaction. It's called progress. It's called evolution. Call it whatever you want, but the Clan Jade Falcon of today is not the exact same Clan from thirty years ago, which is not the same as the Clan Jade Falcon from one hundred years ago, so on and so on. The same applies to all Clans, like it or not, which you probably don't."

"Now what is this proposal you have that may end the needless waste and let us all focus on the primary goal: removing the threat posed by the Not-Named backed Terran Hegemony."


Debra's mein chainged, and she hopped up onto the chair at the head of the table, sitting perched on top of it to gain a measure of the height she didn't have.  "Lady Centrella-Connery, he-said-she-said, are those verigraphs from a third party? because if they are not, then y'all gotta be aware I could have Kelli Fitz over in OSS produce verigraphed battlerom footage of Father Christmas, in flight, in his sleigh, drawn by eight tiny reindeer, that would show up on scans as being genuine proof that he exists... which is why I ain't bought the Leaguers' verigraphed scans either-do you have third-party data from someone NOT involved in the dispute?"

This was a posture Vince, at least, had seen before-one of Debra's early jobs forming the provisional government, was resolving disputes that had already turned violent.

Her resolution methods were sometimes quite violent, and she'd killed at least one witness caught lying.

"I have verigraphed imagery from the Leaguers showing YOUR people doing it." she added, "They delivered it over a week ago, I think it safe to say that both the Star Adders, and the Free Worlders, have good reasons to hand out evidence that the other side is responsible for the bombing on Coventry-so, unless one of the two of you has someone NOT you who can step forward and corroborate your story, I'm going to call references to the bombardment of Coventry inadmissible in this chamber-at least, today.  Maybe you can get the InterClan Watch, or maybe some other Clan or Inner Sphere power to investigate and verify your claims."

She looked at Inara, "That goes for YOU too-accusations of war-crimes are serious business, no third party means it's your word, against theirs, Civilians died, there were two sides fighting in the area at the time, both have a reason to lie about it if they did it, and to scream about it if they did not do it...for all I know, it was the Terries, or the Martyrs trying to keep both sides at one another's throats."

"As for credibility, now...someone has lied to me practically since I took this job, gone back on their word more than once, and it is not the Free Worlders." she said, "So, let's be real clear here-Coventry is not on the table...unless you want to go somewhere I do not think you want to go."


The SLDF envoy paused before beginning.

"Thank you for meeting with me.  The SLDF and the Star League is concerned about what has happened out here.  I understand the difficult position you find yourself in and I have come to see how the Star League might be of assistance and how we might repair the situation after recent events.  The SLDF is worried about the Star Adders recent activities around here and their inability to keep a promise.  Given that and their use of over reactive means on numerous worlds suggests that they may turn their sites on you when it is convenient for them.  But, we don't want to make your situation worse than it already is.  Our purpose should be clear.  We still need to push the clans back and try to remove the less honorable ones, like the Adders.  We have tried to support the independent worlds in their choices so far and have kept our word at every turn, even when it might hurt us.  I simply want to see if we can improve our working relationship out here and assist you in making sure you do not become a clan state."

With that, the envoy paused to see what service he might be.


Quote from: NVA on December 15, 2010, 06:10:30 PM
The SLDF envoy paused before beginning.

"Thank you for meeting with me.  The SLDF and the Star League is concerned about what has happened out here.  I understand the difficult position you find yourself in and I have come to see how the Star League might be of assistance and how we might repair the situation after recent events.  The SLDF is worried about the Star Adders recent activities around here and their inability to keep a promise.  Given that and their use of over reactive means on numerous worlds suggests that they may turn their sites on you when it is convenient for them.  But, we don't want to make your situation worse than it already is.  Our purpose should be clear.  We still need to push the clans back and try to remove the less honorable ones, like the Adders.  We have tried to support the independent worlds in their choices so far and have kept our word at every turn, even when it might hurt us.  I simply want to see if we can improve our working relationship out here and assist you in making sure you do not become a clan state."

With that, the envoy paused to see what service he might be.

"I think even Debbie Mac's losing her patience with the Star Adders, I think the first thing we're going to have to work out, is what parts of the SLDF can safely operate out here." Representative Vanh said, "A wolf unit's likely to end up being a target, and we can't cover that-and it doesn't help your mission.  There's a general feeling in the Congress that Deb's getting a mite too cosy with the Clans, and while the Free Worlders are a help balancing that off, they're just one nation, and really don't want to be too exposed out here...I'd say a good opening would be an intelligence-sharing agreement regarding certain known threats, including the Star Adders and the Martyrs."


Although Ezra was irritated to see a former saKhan with his "wife", he chose not to make that an issue now.

"Thank you for this. I think it is good that we delve into this further. Yes, you are right, either side is proud and not easily convinced by peace. In a pure Warfare scenario, you have proven that the Star Adders are strong. However, you lost Coventry to a Trial and the FWL have shown that they can win in this fashion. Now your forces stand on Coventry proper, as far as I have heard, against their rede to not step onto it for half a year. This is a problem. You talk of needless waste. If what I have heard is true, then there is the opportunity for both sides. The Alarion strike has been called off by the FWL, I see it as a gesture of good faith. And as much as I do not like it, you should let the Coventry force go that is still on the planet, even though other Lord's troops are with the FWL and I would not mind to see them destroyed.

Marik has seemingly listened to my Clan and the Jade Falcons and would not pursue this waste further. However, I can see if Coventry is going like planned, they would see that you do not aim at peace, and will come full force. Which will lose us our only friend in the Inner Sphere and plunge you and them into a bitter war which neither side will come out in good shape. The Terrans are their main enemy. Do not make them choose.

As to why they did not gobble up Skye Worlds, perhaps Robert would have an answer to that?" He nodded at Robert Kelswa, still the de-facto leader of Skye and the Planets.

"If we could finally behave like civilized people, then the issue of accusations of War-crimes would be investigated, by uninvolved parties. If you want peace, you have at least one step to do. It may be painful, but be assured, if those troops you let go would come at you again without provocation, we would be on your side. If you choose not to, you must deal with a whole Successor state alone. Projections I got see you at a disadvantage there, despite your successes so far. Also, the whole operation against the Terrans would need to be replanned and likely be shifted to an unspecified later date as two of our most powerful allies, or conservatively spoken at least one, would be missing.

Make your choice." Ezra nodded solemnly at Deb, what else could he do? So far they had only gotten words. If they really wanted peace, they would have to prove it now.


Deb looked thoughtful for a moment after Ezra spoke.

"Who Benefits?" she asked suddenly.  "WHO benefits if the Free Worlds League and the Star Adders are going at it hammer-and-tongs?"

she looked at each of the delegates present in turn.  "Elizabeth! Display Projections, Query, 'Who Benefits if the Star Adders and Free Worlds League continue with their War, timeframe six months to two years'.  Base projection on known production and troop deployments cross-referenced to trend lines over the last four years."

The holoimage of the map vanished, and a string of data points, images from broadcasts, and Industrial Figures filled the air.

It took about a minute, and a cool, feminine, yet utterly mechanical voice replied, "Two entities benefit from continued hostilities-the Terran Hegemony, and the Arc Royal Estates General, Archduchess.  Of the two, the Terran Hegemony benefits to a greater extent, as this conflict works to their favour in ninety out of one hundered statistically likely scenarios."

"Query: Would such a benefit be worth mounting or executing a false-flag operation to provoke and or escalate further hostilities?" Debra asked.

"Undoubtably.  However, it is unlikely that the Arc Royal government would be able to mount such an operation-lack of resources and civil strife presence argue against it-the Terran Hegemony has access to the necessary equipment, as well as extensive intelligence and deception apparattus necessary to carry out a likely deception operation on the necessary scale, in addition to strong motive to tie up or otherwise weaken both the Free Worlds League, and the Clans.  Behavioural and archive data indicate that the Terrans may be very concerned with the threat Free Worlds research into Hyper-Pulse-Generation technology poses to their monopoly on Inner Sphere Communications, as well as long-standing hostility between the Hegemony's government and the Free Worlds League.  Taking a Clan out of the running by tying it up in a conflict with the Free Worlds would, as they say, kill two birds with one stone.  The profit margin for such a deception operation significantly exceeds potential risks should it be discovered or logically deduced-alone, the League has no chance against the Terrans, and Star Adder operations up to the current date indicate no interest in pursuing the war against the Terran Hegemony beyond the paying of lip-service."

"Clarify."  Deb asked, "What trends?"

"Since the current series of Clan offensives began in 3067, Star Adder forces have retreated in the majority of cases where Terran Forces have advanced, including the arrival of the Terran Third Corps into this sector in 3068.  Since the defection of worlds to Clan Star Adder, there have been no tracked indications of raid or reconaissance activity against known Terran foreign basing, including known Terran bases within the former Freedom Theatre of the now defunct Lyran Commonwealth, further, the ceding back of worlds taken from the Arc Royal government-worlds ceded without fighting, indicates no interest in secure lines of supply or support for offensives spinward or rimward of their current position. Star Adder production sites are situated away from the front-lines, and the Miquelon Corridor is a narrow and strategically vulnerable link that is too narrow and exposed to support a serious offensive against Terran interests.  It is not, however, too narrow a link to support a lower-level conflict in the former Lyran Commonwealth, against an opponent known to have little interest in the area."

"Speculate."  Deb ordered.

"Based on trend-lines and projections, it is unlikely that the Star Adders are going to move against the Terran Hegemony even in the event of an armistice-it is more likely that they will direct their aggression at targets they see as likely to fall easily along the antispinward side of the Inner Sphere.  Probability is in excess of forty percent that the Adders will, at some point, elect to remove the Union of Independent Worlds, Clan Spirit Cat, and Clan Ice Hellion from the area to secure their rear and ease consolidation prior to arranging a separate armistice with the Terran Hegemony.  This is based on two things: the Star Adders have had a poor showing against forces they do not outnumber in the majority of engagements over the last five years, they have repeatedly instituted new and statistically unlikely structures of rank, including the unprecedented office of 'Ur-Khan' for their former coventry province holdings, and then, there is the social issue."

"Social Issue?" Deb frowned.

"Prior to the Tharkad Bombing, public polls on Coventry showed deep-seated hostility toward all things Clan, regardless of WHICH Clan.  The defection of Duke Bradford and the apparent sea-change of public opinion prior to Charlemagne Steiner's actual assumption of control appears to be a manufactured, rather than organic, outcome.  Such manufactured outcomes have been tracked before-notably the polling data that supported the defection of roughly one third of the Skye Province to the newly-created Terran Hegemony.  Similarity of method indicates that the same operators may be connected in both cases."

"Which operators?" Debra asked.

"The Terrans."

"Elizabeth, Speculation and Projection mode off-I'm going to have to send someone to look at your software." Debra said, "Restore the map."



"Well, to date, we have nothing on the terrorists.  We could not risk our assets on Arc Royal after they threatened to set off a nuclear device simply to coerce General Hall.  Believe me, there is a special place for those terrorists on our target list.  It is too bad we have to focus on the threat of the clans continuing to press forward.  In fact, it appears that many of the clans are cooperating with the terrorists.  We noted Steel Vipers, Ice Hellions, and Falcons at Arc Royal as we were pulling out.  Given the movement of the Ice Hellions, we believe that they are in coordination and assisting the martyrs.  I will have my XO send you the details of what we have seen and the intel behind our assumptions."

The general sent a quick message and the data was soon being sent to Vahn's terminal.

"As for the Star Adders, on our exit from UIW space, we encountered a large formation moving through Millerton.  They tried to bully our forces, but stated that they could not 'stop us', as they were heading to Coventry to deal with the issues there.  Given their past usage of orbital bombardment, I would not be surprised to see them continue that against Coventry.  But, that is our supposition, based on history, not specific intel.  Between them and their allies, there is likely a massive force heading to Coventry.  We have seen the Hellions and Falcons there as well.  The Falcons have also been known to use orbital bombardment, killing a large number of people on Sudeten when they lost it."

Quote from: Cannonshop on December 16, 2010, 10:38:23 AM
"I think even Debbie Mac's losing her patience with the Star Adders, I think the first thing we're going to have to work out, is what parts of the SLDF can safely operate out here." Representative Vanh said, "A wolf unit's likely to end up being a target, and we can't cover that-and it doesn't help your mission.  There's a general feeling in the Congress that Deb's getting a mite too cosy with the Clans, and while the Free Worlders are a help balancing that off, they're just one nation, and really don't want to be too exposed out here...I'd say a good opening would be an intelligence-sharing agreement regarding certain known threats, including the Star Adders and the Martyrs."


Robert listened to the AI's report with cold indifference. In his eyes, a computer was only as useful as the information put into it, and any possible output from a computer was easily controlled by giving it specific inputs. He didn't know if thats what Debbie had done, but he knew it was possible. However, he did not say anything, merely glowered at the Star Adders.

saKhan Pryde, however, had no issues with speaking his mind.

"As much as I enjoyed that hypothesis, it does not actually mean anything. We could run thousands of simulations, and come up with everything from the Terrans wearing FWL uniforms, to the Star Adders being led by Sun-Tzu, as the cause of the conflict. The simple fact is that the conflict must END." He turned his gaze to the Star Adders.

"Here is what I would assume to be atleast a starting point for the Adders and the Leauge. First, all hostilities at Coventry cease immediatly. Second: all Clan salvage, not including warships, goes to the FWL. All IS salvage, not including warships, goes to the Adders. The Adders keep all salvageable Clan hulks, any non-Adder vessels to be handled as an intra-Clan matter, and not relevant here. All IS hulks similarly go to the FWLN.

Second: all FWL forces are to withdraw from the Steiner Protectorate. Any worlds that claimed for Charlie, BEFORE being under FWL attack are to be returned. Independant worlds, or worlds under FWL control before calling for Charlie are to remain in FWL control. This cannot be negotiated, as neither party has any right or privledge to dictate terms to another realm within its own borders.

Third: the FWL will launch an investigation, supplementing an ICW investigation, to find the ship's captain responsible for the orbital bombardment. The FWLN will submit him for punishment before the ICW. Likewise, the FWL will pay a sum to be determined by a neutral party, to the citizens of Coventry, as reparations for this act of supreme barbarism.

Fourth: the Steiner Protectorate will declare Coventry as a de-militarized zone for a period of not less than 2 standard years. This world has seen enough bloodshed. Any Trials for the planet must be fought in proxy elsewhere. Clan Star Adder, the Steiner Protectorate, and the Free Worlds Leauge, will maintain embassies on the planet, to facilitate diplomatic communication between the three realms, so this useless fighting can be prevented in the future. Hardly anything has been gained, except for the loss of life and material. It is not the Clan way, and I hardly think the Captain-General enjoys expending his soldiers and fleets just to see the pretty lights."

saKhan Pryde looked around at both Ambassador Inara, and the Adder party.

"Anything either of you would like to add, or discuss? Perhaps once you are away from each other's throats, we can focus on problems that actually have a solution."
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


OOC: Italics are thoughts

Well quite the full house, here perhaps I should send for Mr. Jane to join us while it would be best if he not speak he does glare so fetchingly menacing. Still better him then Malcolm he would have his saber out and across the table the after the second insult to the League's 'Honor' Vanraians can be so touching...fine seamstress's though. Also it would seem Sir Paul has done a good job of establishing the League's position on Sudeten with the other Clans as the Falcons and Hellions at least to seem to be largely in step with the position I have been advised to expouse from Atreus. I shall have to thank him....properly the next time we meet it is making my job rather more bearable.

"On the matter of a independent investigation to the Coventry Attrocity The Free Worlds has no fear of the outcome of a open and independent investigation. If one of our Captains has done this thing we would of course turn him over for just punishment. Let us hope that all suspect state's can agree to such openness and not turn back on such a commitment once given. In the interests of time and diplomacy I feel no need to enumerate whom here has been less then stellar in meeting their commitments such is beneath the dignity of the task we have all come here to see accomplished.

Also I am certain that all are capable of puzzling it out.

As to the question of why we are committing troops to claim territory when Trials are denied. Well actually your husband's people keep noting to our various commands when they issue trials that if "they do not depart it will mean war between them and whoever has arrived" or some such. Seeing as the Adder's declared war on the Free Worlds long ago our boys tend to just head planet side to broadcast the trial request in the clear. You know just incase some lowercasteman or other was preventing the Adder Warriors from finding out ...oh how does the phamplet on Clan Practices put it...Ah yes "non-warriors preventing the acceptance of the honorable batchall of the warriors of the Free Worlds" really just a cultural misunderstanding since no other Clan has refused a trial we hadn't really thought it possible so just kept going then once the shooting start's it's standard procedure that a failure to announce a counterbid is a declaration of "All in"."

"To be quite blunt, the Spirit cat's are not here Madam Connery. Off all the enemies of the Terran Hegemony only they have gotten closer to Terra in battle then the Free Worlds, and they were not shooting at the time. I can provide you with the history books of the last decade of war but considering your own mother were the Terran's unwilling guest I do not think it shall be necessary hmm?

As to how many battle's have been lost or won. I see no point in getting into whom one what battle's and where. It is known to all the state of the War Front which is a statement of fact acknowledged by all parties here today.

Power's below when one has to open a argument on the state of a war with "we have not lost that many battles" yes. you. have. Still its impolitic to point it out poor dear, it is obvious to everyone in this room who has the misfortune of polishing a turd. Darling you are not sorounded by idiots we KNOW your Emma's brat Goddess I pray thee when I get pregnant do not allow the hormone's to strike me so?

As to the matter of Thomas's response to Charlemange's counter proposal. I rather thought the Captain-General was clear when he told the entire Inner Sphere that no Steiner would sit upon the Archon's throne without his support. Robert Steiner listend and thus he is the rightful Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth. Ever still our friend and ally despite recent additions to his titles.

I don't think I can be more clear of Thomas's support for Robert. Though if this is not to take advantage of Robert Steiners proclamation before falling into Falcon hands, I'll join the Cult of the Knights of Cameron.

...While the Free Worlds League ascribes to the theory of Evolution we deny that we are corrupt. Those who abuse their power's of office are swiftly prosecuted in a free and fair trial.

It is the nature of government in whatever form Clan, Inner Sphere or Periphery to root out corruption for it cannot stand the sight of day.

Though what such a ideological discussion has to do with the price of tea on Vanra I cannot say.

As to the socalled verigraphed "proof" of the Star Adder's...well enough has been said about this fiction for all here to make their proper distinctions...

Further we support the statements of Ice Hellions and accept the wisdom they have offered.

As to the amendments made by the Jade Falcon's...the Free Worlds does not object. We have prevented the Steiner Protectorate from preying upon the rightful Archon's realm our accord will further secure that. If they no longer claim but those who have chosen to follow them then they are no longer our conscern.

What the hell the LCCC is always in love with Clan Tech and the fact remains if the Adder's start demanding massive alterations to a third party recommended and created peace accord...they shall look even more obstinate in their fellows eyes.

The move is to you young Kassandra time to show us what you have learned at your Mother's knee. I would show you what I learned but Pregnant women are just not my thing too much effort involved in negotiating the child.

Not enough freedom to.....Now what is Pryde on about again must not let the mind wander to far. Don't worry just look intensely interested and wait for someone to parrot the whole thing to me.


Kassandra listens quietly, some of the Falcon proposal is acceptable, other parts not so much, but in the end it comes down to the Adders and Leaguers, talk about two bulls in a china shop, she muses, a slight smile coming to her lips at that old saying.

Once the League representative finishes, she speaks, looking directly at her FWL counterpart, "Interesting statements there, sir. The Captain-General was clear when he told the entire Inner Sphere that no Steiner would sit upon the Archon's throne without his support and We have prevented the Steiner Protectorate from preying upon the rightful Archon's realm our accord will further secure that. If the FWL is so supportive of Robert, then perhaps they should return all of the former LC worlds they have taken to him, seeing as how he is your ally."

"As to urKhan Charlamagne Steiner's claim on the Archonship, tune into a special SACS HPG broadcast, he'll be addressing that topic."

"Now to the matter of settling the situation between the Adders and League, that is something that should, and will, be discussed between myself and the esteemed League representative...alone."

"No outside influences, no third party interference, just he and I, together, hashing things out to an acceptable compromise that neither of us is entirely happy with, but one we can live with."

"If none can agree on that first step, then...," she ends her sentence with a shrug of her shoulders.


saKhan Pryde merely blinked at the Adder.

"Are your eyes decieving you? Perhaps you need glasses, but I hardly think Ambassador Inara is a he, unless my definition of the word is incorrect. Do as you wish of course, but I shall remember for the next time the Adders get themselves into a situation that they can't get themselves out of, that they do not want or require the benign assistance of the Falcons." saKhan Pryde did not wait for an answer, nor respond to one if give, he simply stormed from the room, barely holding his anger and contempt in check.

ilChi Hazen attempted to stand aswell, but a gesture from Robert saw her sit back down, a slightly annoyed look on her face, at what was obviously a command.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade