Union of Independent Worlds Faction RP thread

Started by Cannonshop, July 02, 2010, 09:48:03 AM

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Quote from: GraeGor on July 20, 2010, 05:14:48 PM
Quote from: Cannonshop on July 16, 2010, 07:22:08 PM
Back Yard, MacAulliffe Farm, High Sun (1530 Hours on a 24 Hour clock), 22 Miles outside Grantsberg...

"...looked as uncomfortable as I felt the first time someone showed up with the dog-and-pony." Debra was saying, "You are going to have to get used to that, an' more, Star Colonel.  The show isn't for the guest, and it is not for the guy running it-the show is for the civilians, it makes them feel..." She searched for the word, "It is for the civilians.  ah-I learned that one a short time after going to work for Peter.  Lyrans love their ceremonies, an' as much as we have left the Commonwealth, there is a certain amount of that out here, too-I expect you reach Coventry or Alarion, you will see a rank of 'mechs in about the same formation Lt. Nguyen's marine company was holding, doing roughly the same thing... and Alarion will probably do a flyby with fighters.  They'll do it because it reassures the citizens that all is well, that their leaders are up to the job, and that they know how to handle a State visit by dignitaries...but enough with the small-talk, right?"

Charlamagne, still with that "deer caught in headlights look", answered rather quietly, almost as if he were trying not to be noticed and heard, "Military style ceremonies I can deal with, the Clans have a number of them. However the crowds are considerably smaller and composed of ones peers and comrades."

He takes a sip from the water glass before adding, "In time I may get more used to such spectacles, but that does not mean I have to enjoy them,quiaff."

Deb nodded.  "Pol and the boys call 'em dog-and-pony shows." she said, "I call them a titanic pain in the ass for everyone involved, except the Press, who love to snap the holos, and the Citizens, who it's really for."     she sighed, and they walked to the car, and a Marine opened the door to let them in.

QuoteThere were Marines here too-Pol and his men had changed uniforms on the bus-ride up, while the road route was secured by "army" (militia) troops.  On one level, placing the lives of two heads-of-state in the hands of sunday-soldiers offended Pol Nguyen's professional dignity, but on the other, getting to wear civvies and short-sleeves at Debbie Mac's house was an opportunity too good to pass up.

"Pol, go inside and fetch the Blue file off'n my desk." Debra ordered, "an'  the map marked 'Saturday'."

"Aye Aye ma'am." Pol went inside, and retrieved the items, coming back out to the back-yard, while the Archduchess cleared the picnic table and set aside river-rocks to hold the map down.

"I've had people asking if we're going to be getting more neighbours." Debra said, "Especially from business and community leaders, questions about whether all trade with the Clan side are going to be fight-or-Barter situations, and what the exchange rate for Clan Work-Credits and Kerenskies to Kroner and C-Bill is going to be."

"To be quite honest, I do not know if you will be getting more neighbors, though I suspect it likely. There is talk about the fates and Fates of several other Clans, most notably the Wolves and Scorpions," he says, "as far as business and trade, it would be best to prepare for all, Barter, Trial or Purchase."

"Monetary exchange rates will likely vary from Clan to Clan. Clan Star Adder uses kerenskies for all Inner and Inter-Clan merchant dealings, and offers a one-to-one rate of exchange to all allied and friendly non-Clan Powers. While not accepting the monetary units from those dubbed as enemy. Neutrals are given a two-to-one rate, that is two of theirs for one kerensky."

"Needless to say, amongst those worlds that were Lyran prior to the Sundering, most were pleased at not losing any of their earning and savings. Of course, those who owned large military holdings were not so when they learned that those were Nationalized and placed under the direct control of the Clan Council," he added with an amused smile.

Deb chuckled, "When you nationalized those industries, did your folks look at their balance sheets? Coventry Metal Works owes one of our firms a pretty nasty sum for some heavy machinery, and Bradford was making noises about not having to pay his bill because of a change in ownership."  she sighed, "Kelli Fitz was pretty angry about that."


His expression changed somewhat, still amused, but in a more thoughtful way, "I can send a missive to the Watch, and if Director approves, and is not overruled by the Khan and Council, then a Chatterweb Node would be placed within your borders."

"And on the topic of communications," he injects, "Clan Star Adder is willing to provide HPG service to the Union of Independent Worlds, even training some of your own in the maintenance and operations of such devices. Several dozen Techs are amongst my companions just for that purpose should you wish to begin here on Arluna. The exact details of a more long term HPG service would have to be worked out with the Watch or a proxy, but
I am sure that something can be arranged to the benefits of all parties."
"Coast Guard'd be interested in that-One of the things we...'inherited' from the Elsies is a handfull of really, really old Explorer class ships from the Heyday of the Star League, they've got the fittings for HPG installations, but who in their right mind is going to let agents of a foreign power on their ships-especially a power that...well..." she shook her head, "If we could set up an operator/maintainer school for HPG technology for the Coasties that'd be great-especially with the planned Exploration Initiative."  She handed him a stack of flimsy.  "We intend to start moving pickets out in to these unexplored regions to set up an early-warning net to spot out Pirates before they reach friendly territory.  The more early-warning we've got, the better we have it in preventing another Jessenice massacre."  she folded her hands, "Officially, it's going to be looking for additional resources, and we're keen to do that too-but there's no room for it in the budget, and we sure as hell don't have the population to start launching colonies...but we're working on a long-term plan here."
Quote from: Cannonshop on July 18, 2010, 07:47:53 AM
MacAulliffe Farm, Arluna...

Evening descended, and it was time to go inside.  The oddly informal formality of the meeting thus far-mixing blunt business with what could only be termed a 'casual' environment, shifted to a much more formal air when the door closed and the two heads of state were in the sitting room.

Map displays, data streams, and the signs of a working office clashed somewhat with the wood-burning fireplace and worn-but-comfortable furniture-the furnishings of what had been a prosperous, but essentially common, farm house.  The other things, the displays, imagers, data stream managers and high-tech props of governance were out of place here-yet they WERE here.

"...Thing is, you're coming in as Archon, you will need to know what obligations your predecessor burdened the office with.  Namely, the treaty that ceded worlds to the Terran Hegemony."  Debra pushed a PADD across the low table, to Charlemagne.  "There was an obligation for mutual defense in that treaty.  One that had the Lyrans working support for the Terrans when they hammered the Free Worlds league in 3063... Dad was part of that mission."  she nodded to a framed twodee picture of a large, scarred man in 'working clothes' standing in front of the house.  "Notable in recent years, you might consider the essential absence of the Terrans from the front lines." she added.  "They didn't keep up their part of the bargain.  You might point that out to Robert Kelswa Steiner if you get the chance to meet with him-Lyrans are dying on the front-lines, and half the realm's been conquered, and where are the Terries? it's their war, isn't it? they're the ones who sheltered the...um...'not named', right?"

"I was not aware of such a Treaty, and further points out that the Not-Named and Terrans are not to be trusted. First things first though, I must get the worlds that have chosen to follow me stable and secure," his eyes seem to blank slightly, and his tone alters so slightly, "I foresee a time when Robert and I will have more than words...," the look on his face after that brief sentence is a mix of embarrassment and relvelation, though if pressed as to what he meant, he simply replies, "The Universe is vague."

"That Treaty, and their failure to uphold it, is one of the main drivers for the decision to go independent." Debra told him.  "WE are no longer bound to it...as Archon, you are going to have people-probably good ones, whom are not...as enlightened about the Realpolitik involved.  I'm waiting for Robert to realize they abrogated their end, and take actions...and if he does, he may need help."  She brought up a display.  "These systems were ceded to the Terrans in exchange for that treaty.  They are heavily industrialized, and deeply militarized.  You may be able to convince him to let the Grand Council's forces through Skye without a fight, if he is first made aware of how thoroughly betrayed his Commonwealth was-which is the difference between fighting a proxy, and fighting your true enemy."

She handed Charlemagne one more file.  "This is the summary of action from the Lyran support end on the Terrans' war against the Free Worlds League. It summarizes known Terran force strength at that time-since then, they have likely grown bigger.  You should pass this to your folk-we can't afford to let it be known we're passing it to you for...obvious reasons.  I ran the numbers-the longer the Hegemony can stay out of this fight, the less likely your colleagues on the Grand Council are to win it, hell, the less likely anyone but the Terries are to survive it-certainly if things continue as they have been, there will be no Lyrans left, only worlds sledged flat by armies passing back and forth."


Quote from: Cannonshop on July 20, 2010, 07:31:21 PM
Deb nodded.  "Pol and the boys call 'em dog-and-pony shows." she said, "I call them a titanic pain in the ass for everyone involved, except the Press, who love to snap the holos, and the Citizens, who it's really for."     she sighed, and they walked to the car, and a Marine opened the door to let them in.

Charlamagne waited for the Archduchess to enter first, one of his first lessons was in male to female etiquette, of which allowing her to enter any vehicle first was the proper manner. Once she had moved aside, he too stooped and entered the car.

QuoteDeb chuckled, "When you nationalized those industries, did your folks look at their balance sheets? Coventry Metal Works owes one of our firms a pretty nasty sum for some heavy machinery, and Bradford was making noises about not having to pay his bill because of a change in ownership."  she sighed, "Kelli Fitz was pretty angry about that."

"They may have, but I have not had the opportunity to review," he answers, "and if this Bradford believes that he can get away with not honoring a debt or deal, he will soon be relieved of that belief," the Clan Star Colonel says with some animosity, "as well as of his position. I am sure that there is somewhere that could use more manual laborers."

"I shall make note to have all outstanding balances paid in full," he declares, "with interest. Once the situation is more stable of course."

Quote"Coast Guard'd be interested in that-One of the things we...'inherited' from the Elsies is a handfull of really, really old Explorer class ships from the Heyday of the Star League, they've got the fittings for HPG installations, but who in their right mind is going to let agents of a foreign power on their ships-especially a power that...well..." she shook her head, "If we could set up an operator/maintainer school for HPG technology for the Coasties that'd be great-especially with the planned Exploration Initiative."  She handed him a stack of flimsy.  "We intend to start moving pickets out in to these unexplored regions to set up an early-warning net to spot out Pirates before they reach friendly territory.  The more early-warning we've got, the better we have it in preventing another Jessenice massacre."  she folded her hands, "Officially, it's going to be looking for additional resources, and we're keen to do that too-but there's no room for it in the budget, and we sure as hell don't have the population to start launching colonies...but we're working on a long-term plan here."

"I will have two dozen Techs behind then," Charlamagne states, "in order to begin the training, at least as much that can be done if facilities are limited."

"And I believe we may have found that interest I mentioned. Have your people make a report of what is owed, and how long overdue. When able, I will see that HPG's are built, shipped and installed in those Explorers as compensation for the delayed payment or delivery of promised wares."

"That is, providing that such is acceptable to you and the Union of Independent Worlds," he asks, though his tone indicates that he already believes what her answer will be.

Quote"That Treaty, and their failure to uphold it, is one of the main drivers for the decision to go independent." Debra told him.  "WE are no longer bound to it...as Archon, you are going to have people-probably good ones, whom are not...as enlightened about the Realpolitik involved.  I'm waiting for Robert to realize they abrogated their end, and take actions...and if he does, he may need help."  She brought up a display.  "These systems were ceded to the Terrans in exchange for that treaty.  They are heavily industrialized, and deeply militarized.  You may be able to convince him to let the Grand Council's forces through Skye without a fight, if he is first made aware of how thoroughly betrayed his Commonwealth was-which is the difference between fighting a proxy, and fighting your true enemy."

"If he asks, I, to be honest, would have to think about it," he says, "And I can but suggest such a course of action with the Khan, and he would then decide whether to bring it up in the Grand Council."

QuoteShe handed Charlemagne one more file.  "This is the summary of action from the Lyran support end on the Terrans' war against the Free Worlds League. It summarizes known Terran force strength at that time-since then, they have likely grown bigger.  You should pass this to your folk-we can't afford to let it be known we're passing it to you for...obvious reasons.  I ran the numbers-the longer the Hegemony can stay out of this fight, the less likely your colleagues on the Grand Council are to win it, hell, the less likely anyone but the Terries are to survive it-certainly if things continue as they have been, there will be no Lyrans left, only worlds sledged flat by armies passing back and forth."

He scans the document, eyes taking in the main gist of its contents, "You are right, this information should be passed along. I will see to it immediately before I leave the Arluna system," he concludes, "which of course will be after I address your Congress. There are many questions they want to ask, quiaff. I cannot promise much at this time, as I do not know what precisely I have to work with, and what challenges will arise as time passes. Though I will answer honestly and as best I can."


"We can figure something out on the compensation later, Charlemagne, I just need your assurance that it will be attended to later." Deb said, "I give you my guarantee that your response will be...forwarded to Him."

she dropped into one of the overstuffed chairs, and poured something purple from a mason-jar into a glass, "In the meantime, Ah'll need you t' pass on a message to the Grand Council." she said, "We intend to have relations with as many of them as will come, from what ah see, we have some mutual enemies, not just the Rim Wuhlds, an' thet fahl's all true-but not all th' Terries have-they have the entahr Innah Spheah wrapped up-they own both Comstah, an' Wuhd of Blake, an' Ah don' b'lieve anah moah than you do thet they ahn't readin' everyone's mail-yo'ah f'miliah with the tactic of Interdiction?"

Charlemagne nodded.

"They've got a blade t' th' throat of every nation, big 'n small, in the Innah Spheah, They've used it befoah, it wuhked, you thin' they won' use it agin?"  she sighed, "Means EMCON, you know EMCON?  means we can't put anythin' impo'tant on th' HPGs, at least, not un-coded, an' modahn Depcryppy means it's best to have 'signals' then details, so's if they DO intahcept, all they git, is gibberish don' make sense to 'em."

The map-display shifted again, showing a tactical plot made of worlds that had declared for Charlemagne, the UIW, and a route through Skye to the Terran Hegemony.

It also showed SLDF troop dispositions-some of the locations were outdated-some of the worlds shown had fallen in previous months, others were places the Clans' frontal assaults had either succeeded or stalled.

"Theah's an Opportunity here."  she said, and highlighted a route across the map.  "Force concentrations here, open running through here."  Areas highlighted.  "Time is short, they're going to close that, an' they may blackmail Skye into fortifying this southern border area.  You need to get Stan to get the Clans Moving through before the Terries realize their delaying force isn't delaying anymore, it's been encircled."  she paused to study his reaction, adding, "Th' Rimjobs already signed a Comstah contract-means theah' gon' go for alliance next...we might be able to do something regards t'that."

The map shifted over, displaying the known Goliath Scorpion and Spirit Cat holdings.  "We c'n staht harassment attacks against the Rimjobs, tah 'em up chasin' the Navy in the back-country, assumin', that is, the Clans can keep the Terries from reinforcin' them.  Th' Wildcahd, in mah opinion, ah these two-the Scorpions don' answer theah mail, an' the Cats ah an unknown quantity."  she turned to look at her guest, "Ah need to Know we can operate without interference from those two.  Joint operations ah bettah, but at MINIMUM we must be able to make operations plans without worryin' about what the Cats and Scorpions are doing."


Marine Corps Recruit Training Center, Hamburg, Neerabup...

The Recruits weren't much younger than Eddie Vanh.  He stopped in front of one.  "What is your fucking name, Hậu môm"

"Sir, Silas Jones, SIR!" the recruit said,

"I didn't hear that, what is your NAME Hậu môm?"  Eddie barked.


"That's not your name, your name is Maggot.  do you like that name, Maggot?"  Eddie snarled.

"Sir NO SIR."  Jones answered.

"Too bad, Maggot.  Skinny white boy like you, why did you presume to sign up with my Corps? You should be a fucking accountant!"  Eddie barked, "Did you get good marks on your Entrance Exams, Maggot?  Do you think this is going to be a fucking JOYRIDE??  I'll be watching you."


Ngo Industries central office, Kowloon...

Kelli watched the INN feed, and made a private note, before turning to Ms White.  "Check Dan Brewer's account and make sure DefHes is up on their payments, Ms. White." she said quietly, "I get the feeling that any late or pending payments are going to be defaulted."

"Yes Ma'am...what do you want me to do with them?" Ms. White asked.

"Forward them to Defiance's Board of Directors with a past-due notice." she said, "Not that they'll pay, mind, but it's good to keep the books balanced."


Congress, Arluna...

"There is a motion to condemn the actions of the Lyran Commonwealth in the suppression of Hesperus Two.  All in favour?"  Debra Mac asked.

Twenty hands went up-she counted them.  all of the Inarcs Congressmen, Neerabup, Anembo's second district and the IV district of Australia..

"Opposed to the motion?" she asked.

Twenty-one hands came up, including Cindy Vanh of the Ia Drang district on Kowloon.  For some reason, seeing Chuck Vanh's sister voting against condemnation was..disturbing.

"Abstain?" she asked, "The motion is rejected by one vote, with sixteen abstaining.  Shameful, people.  I know there's a lot of Pro-Skye sentiment, but come on...Next item on the Agenda..."


Camp Nevermind, Badlands Australia...

the colours looked similar-an outline of old Britain on a green background, but Britain was brown now, and the name "Albion" was replaced by "Prydain at Awstralia" along the bottom half of the flag, and at the top, "Chyfalle chan Annibynnwr Bydau".

"New Uniforms?"  Captain Gwynned Colter asked.

"Aye."  the Supply Sargeant said, "Ye won't hae t'buy the first sets,e'en officers."

She looked them over.  The cut was familiar enough-old Star League pattern BDU's in a tiger-stripe pattern Like those crazies in the 171st.  A long field-coat in dull, dusty brown, and the helmet...she'd seen the helmet pattern before as well-it HAD been tested by the Board back in '51, with improved electronics that were more compact, a sun-visor, and an external shell that could serve multiple uses, but at the time, the AFFC had rejected the pattern as being 'aesthetically unpleasant' in spite of nearly half a kilo less weight for the same protection, better hearing, and, unlike the LCAF standard helmets, no 'blind spots' that a human didn't already have.

The shoulder-patch was the same as the Regimental standard, but with a killer-whale superimposed over the map of Britain.  "Why's it different from the Standard?" she asked.

"Killer Whale's the symbol for the 1st Division, Mum, it's superposed over Regimental insignia as part of the shoulder-patch.  The 171's got a Killer Whale killin' a Shark over a Star o'David...sign here."

She took the uniform draw, signed for the BDU, and moved down the line.

The next step, was a tailor.

Gwynn found out why the native Marines called the dress uniform a "Wool Body-Condom".  Between the row of brass buttons and the tight tailoring, it was hot, sweaty, and in spite of that, it managed to make her look..trimmer.  The starched white hat that topped it was a stark reminder-the UIW's dress uniform,and field uniforms, both required headgear. unlike the LCAF's regulations.


Arluna Zenith
10th October 3069

An IR flash heralded the arrival of a new guest.
As soon as the Monolith came into being, it put forth a message on all frequencies: "Attention Arluna control, this is the Jumpship "Memory" of Clan Ice Hellion. You have offered to take our delivery. We are here to hand them over into your custody. We are coming in peace and request landing coordinates for our freight. Memory out." Captain Gill, formerly Gill Dubcek, knew he was supervised by some Marines, but still, he had a mission for his new Clan. And he would deliver the living cargo without more trouble than it was worth.


Quote from: Marlin on July 26, 2010, 07:49:31 PM
Arluna Zenith
10th October 3069

An IR flash heralded the arrival of a new guest.
As soon as the Monolith came into being, it put forth a message on all frequencies: "Attention Arluna control, this is the Jumpship "Memory" of Clan Ice Hellion. You have offered to take our delivery. We are here to hand them over into your custody. We are coming in peace and request landing coordinates for our freight. Memory out." Captain Gill, formerly Gill Dubcek, knew he was supervised by some Marines, but still, he had a mission for his new Clan. And he would deliver the living cargo without more trouble than it was worth.

"Ice Hellion Memory This is Arluna Traffic Control Alpha,  Live Cargo Droppers Follow landing signal on Channel 162A at pulse 22/3 to the delivery point, Local Coast Guards will meet your delivery at the landing zone, over."

The pulsed signal led the dropships to what looked, at first, like a medium-sized city...until the pilots got close enough to eyeball the fact that the place was overgrown and a deserted ruin two years' neglected.  There was a local drop-port, it wasn't neglected, and it wasn't abandoned.

There were also armed troops here-equipped with Heavy Needlers and other light, antipersonnel weapons. Temporary structures were marked "Voluntary" and "Involuntary" and led to different portions of the terminal complex.  Both had signs up, Proclaiming "Welcome to Oxford-on-Tyne"


Quote from: Cannonshop on July 23, 2010, 07:04:48 PM
"We can figure something out on the compensation later, Charlemagne, I just need your assurance that it will be attended to later." Deb said, "I give you my guarantee that your response will be...forwarded to Him."

"I give you my word that it will be attended to...one way or another."

Quoteshe dropped into one of the overstuffed chairs, and poured something purple from a mason-jar into a glass, "In the meantime, Ah'll need you t' pass on a message to the Grand Council." she said, "We intend to have relations with as many of them as will come, from what ah see, we have some mutual enemies, not just the Rim Wuhlds, an' thet fahl's all true-but not all th' Terries have-they have the entahr Innah Spheah wrapped up-they own both Comstah, an' Wuhd of Blake, an' Ah don' b'lieve anah moah than you do thet they ahn't readin' everyone's mail-yo'ah f'miliah with the tactic of Interdiction?"

Charlemagne nodded.

"I personally cannot address the Grand Council of the Clans," he says, "however I can pass your request to Khan N'Buta, and it will then be up to him. You could have asked him yourself you know, it is an open secret in Clan Star Adder that he has some interest in your Nation, though none are sure as to why."

Quote"They've got a blade t' th' throat of every nation, big 'n small, in the Innah Spheah, They've used it befoah, it wuhked, you thin' they won' use it agin?"  she sighed, "Means EMCON, you know EMCON?  means we can't put anythin' impo'tant on th' HPGs, at least, not un-coded, an' modahn Depcryppy means it's best to have 'signals' then details, so's if they DO intahcept, all they git, is gibberish don' make sense to 'em."

"Thank you for the insight. I had not considered employing any encryption prior, now though I will. Director Adderson likely can assign a team of Watch personnel to oversee activities, if he has not already."

QuoteThe map-display shifted again, showing a tactical plot made of worlds that had declared for Charlemagne, the UIW, and a route through Skye to the Terran Hegemony.

It also showed SLDF troop dispositions-some of the locations were outdated-some of the worlds shown had fallen in previous months, others were places the Clans' frontal assaults had either succeeded or stalled.

"Theah's an Opportunity here."  she said, and highlighted a route across the map.  "Force concentrations here, open running through here."  Areas highlighted.  "Time is short, they're going to close that, an' they may blackmail Skye into fortifying this southern border area.  You need to get Stan to get the Clans Moving through before the Terries realize their delaying force isn't delaying anymore, it's been encircled."  she paused to study his reaction, adding, "Th' Rimjobs already signed a Comstah contract-means theah' gon' go for alliance next...we might be able to do something regards t'that."

Charlamagne studied the map intently, amazed at this girl's ability to recognize such details, though odds are that she was briefed ahead of time.

QuoteThe map shifted over, displaying the known Goliath Scorpion and Spirit Cat holdings.  "We c'n staht harassment attacks against the Rimjobs, tah 'em up chasin' the Navy in the back-country, assumin', that is, the Clans can keep the Terries from reinforcin' them.  Th' Wildcahd, in mah opinion, ah these two-the Scorpions don' answer theah mail, an' the Cats ah an unknown quantity."  she turned to look at her guest, "Ah need to Know we can operate without interference from those two.  Joint operations ah bettah, but at MINIMUM we must be able to make operations plans without worryin' about what the Cats and Scorpions are doing."

"Clan Star Adder cannot offer much more regarding Clans Goliath Scorpion and Spirit Cat," he states, "even though both Clans owe the Adder for their current Holdings, neither has been very receptive to contact for some months now, and that worries the Khan."

"I will do what I can, though I think it highly unlikely that they will take what I have to say seriously. More than a few Clans probably view what Clan Star Adder has done as extremely un-Clan, even with precedent set by Clan Wolf."

"Now though," he says with a touch of reluctance, "I feel the need to address your Congress, a sudden sense of urgency has come over me. Rather intense, and that has me concerned."

(ooc: some IC posts will be made soon with Charlie in the ACW, though those will take place after he addresses the UIW Congress. There are situations, issues and all the other fun things that he needs to deal with)


Quote from: Cannonshop on July 26, 2010, 08:07:19 PM

"Ice Hellion Memory This is Arluna Traffic Control Alpha,  Live Cargo Droppers Follow landing signal on Channel 162A at pulse 22/3 to the delivery point, Local Coast Guards will meet your delivery at the landing zone, over."

The pulsed signal led the dropships to what looked, at first, like a medium-sized city...until the pilots got close enough to eyeball the fact that the place was overgrown and a deserted ruin two years' neglected.  There was a local drop-port, it wasn't neglected, and it wasn't abandoned.

There were also armed troops here-equipped with Heavy Needlers and other light, antipersonnel weapons. Temporary structures were marked "Voluntary" and "Involuntary" and led to different portions of the terminal complex.  Both had signs up, Proclaiming "Welcome to Oxford-on-Tyne"

October 15th
3069, Arluna, Oxford-on-Tyne

Star Captain Ezra had watched the preparations and sites with a mixture of feelings. They were ready, but this city.. he had never seen this before.
Anyway, as the Dropships landed, he would march out to the next member of the security detail to find their commander and agree on a course of action.
Being a Warrior since 31 years, he was certainly past his prime and did not like guarding criminals and fools, but the duty was more important than his feelings.

"I am Star Captain Ezra, I have supervised this transport. Where is your commander?", he asked the armed trooper that stopped him.


Quote from: Marlin on July 27, 2010, 09:43:00 AM

October 15th
3069, Arluna, Oxford-on-Tyne

Star Captain Ezra had watched the preparations and sites with a mixture of feelings. They were ready, but this city.. he had never seen this before.
Anyway, as the Dropships landed, he would march out to the next member of the security detail to find their commander and agree on a course of action.
Being a Warrior since 31 years, he was certainly past his prime and did not like guarding criminals and fools, but the duty was more important than his feelings.

"I am Star Captain Ezra, I have supervised this transport. Where is your commander?", he asked the armed trooper that stopped him.
Private Julio Ortega tried not to stare as the Ice-Hellion officer walked up to him, and demanded to see someone in charge.
"Sargeant!"  He called over an NCO, "Sargeant, he wants to talk to the captain."  The Sargeant in question was in the Advisory group from the Marines, and in charge this morning of Julio's platoon while the NCOs and Staff were out doing qualification exercises.

Even to an offworld observer, the difference between 'Army Group' and Marine uniforms was obvious-Julio's BDU was dull olive-drab with sew-on rank and the word "Army" over the left breast pocket.  Sgt. Killinger and the Marines playing Cadre wore tiger-stripe pattern camouflage duties and a long, duster-style field-Jacket of brown, with the word "Marine" sewn over the right pocket, collar-pinned rank, and a brown 'stetson' with mesh sides to vent heat.

Sargeant Thomas Killinger looked the Hellion officer over in a glance, "Star Captain, if you'll follow me to the Officer's Deck, I'm sure the Leut-I mean Captain can answer your questions?"  He looked over at Ortega, "Private, carry on, I'll take it from here."

The Involuntaries were being rounded up and in-processed-doctors hit them with innoculants against the local diseases, checked their teeth, some were directed to dental techs, others moved down the line.    Injuries and bruises were treated, food was provided in small cardboard containers with soft-plastic utensils.

"Sorry 'bout the way it looks, Star Captain-we take these folks in, we try to make sure the environment doesn't kill 'em.  That group is going to hit the psychists first, then the locals will start interviews, find out what they know how to do, what they need to know how to do, and schedule 'em for class-after that, it's going to be job interviews for some, others will get sent to a work-detail to serve out their sentence doing burial detail and brush clearing-figure when they had enough of that they'll be settled down."


Ezra tried to hide his disdain for the contractions he heard. It seemed that the lower Caste were still somewhat more cultured than the people of the Inner Sphere.
He nodded at the explanations by the Sargeant but did not say too much. This would wait until he met the Captain. But it looked as if they knew what they were doing. At least.


Kelli Fitz had received a message per Text, it seemed to have been routed from some of the Drop Ships that had landed. Ice Hellions?

As she read it, it slowly came to her. Him!

"Kelli, I hope my message finds you well. We haven't met for a long time but I hope you remember me. Now, I belong to the Ice Hellion Clan and I think they are nothing to fear if you aren't on the wrong side of the battlefield, that is. They sent the Genyosha packing.

Anyway, I have sworn to follow them, but for now they are in a war against the Terrans and to my taste neglect the defense of their holdings, Melissia foremost. This is where you get into play. As an aide to the planetary governor I have access to some funds and I need equipment. Nothing too fancy, best would be good solid tanks. Not only can they be maintained by us but the boys that make up the first defense units here will much sooner become accustomed to them, remember, I was a tanker back then as well. I just hope the leadership will see the wisdom in my decision as I think they will never deal with an Inner Sphere power, at least not in the foreseeable future. All this here is to be treated confidential, of course. Leadership has seen wisdom in disposing the criminals to Arluna and that is why I can write you. There will be Jumpers trickling in about the time and if you want to acknowledge, in two weeks, the one you got the message from will return to Melissia. Your contact will be the Chief of Guard of DropShip "Botterbloom", I trust him as he is an old friend of mine. If you can arrange something like that, let me know please. I am sure you will find a way.

Bill Gerhard


Quote from: Marlin on July 27, 2010, 07:16:12 PM
Ezra tried to hide his disdain for the contractions he heard. It seemed that the lower Caste were still somewhat more cultured than the people of the Inner Sphere.
He nodded at the explanations by the Sargeant but did not say too much. This would wait until he met the Captain. But it looked as if they knew what they were doing. At least.


Kelli Fitz had received a message per Text, it seemed to have been routed from some of the Drop Ships that had landed. Ice Hellions?

As she read it, it slowly came to her. Him!

"Kelli, I hope my message finds you well. We haven't met for a long time but I hope you remember me. Now, I belong to the Ice Hellion Clan and I think they are nothing to fear if you aren't on the wrong side of the battlefield, that is. They sent the Genyosha packing.

Anyway, I have sworn to follow them, but for now they are in a war against the Terrans and to my taste neglect the defense of their holdings, Melissia foremost. This is where you get into play. As an aide to the planetary governor I have access to some funds and I need equipment. Nothing too fancy, best would be good solid tanks. Not only can they be maintained by us but the boys that make up the first defense units here will much sooner become accustomed to them, remember, I was a tanker back then as well. I just hope the leadership will see the wisdom in my decision as I think they will never deal with an Inner Sphere power, at least not in the foreseeable future. All this here is to be treated confidential, of course. Leadership has seen wisdom in disposing the criminals to Arluna and that is why I can write you. There will be Jumpers trickling in about the time and if you want to acknowledge, in two weeks, the one you got the message from will return to Melissia. Your contact will be the Chief of Guard of DropShip "Botterbloom", I trust him as he is an old friend of mine. If you can arrange something like that, let me know please. I am sure you will find a way.

Bill Gerhard

Well... interesting, Bill's still alive.  She wondered how the Hellions dealt with his tendency to prank-and then thought better of asking.   She switched her terminal from 'Georgia' to the unconnected-to-any-network 'Lisa' terminal, and began composing a message.


Bill, it's good to hear you survived the invasion intact-a bit startling to find out you're working for a Clan directly, but I'm sure that's one hell of a story in and of itself.
Give me specs on what you're looking for, and I'll do some rock-flipping to see what I can broker-we might be able to score some new-production gear that fits your needs, or dig up some stuff on the Market that's 'gently used' enough for your clients.

And you still owe me a beer for the Ennesby Nestor case-I told you that guy was guilty.



FWL Embassy, Embassy Row Grantsberg

Ambassador Morena Enara Baccarin was a native of Eleusis a world of largely Canopian heritage taken and kept by the Free Worlds League during the Reunification War. Despite their long unification and pacified status they had clung to the Magistracy culture and the New Hedonist philosophy of their forebearer's. As such she was currently sun bathing on the roof of the FWL Embassy enjoing the contrast of the contrast between the cool winter air and the powerful array of sun lamps strategically positioned about her dais, while reading the latest series of reports from Atrues.

"Of course, Atreus has finally managed to shake out some instructions for me in-regards to matters with the Union? They finally accord me with Parliaments 'will" and they provide me with these? *sigh* thankfully I have had some time to ingratiate myself with some of the people of the Union government. Hopefully they shan't be offended by Atreus's presumption."

"Malcolm if you would be so good as to bring the Car around."

"Lady Baccarin, might you consider waiting on the car a while."

"To what end?"


"Lady Baccarin, I mean no disrespect to you, your noble family, or your judgment as an Ambassador but the people of Arluna rarely go about clad so...lightly.

"Be at ease Malcolm, your insight into such matters are why I maintain you on my staff. Please have Lady Diana pick something appropriate and then bring it to the master bath."

With that Morena shrugged the robe to the ground and proceeded inside the Embassy.

"Oh and Malcolm please have Mr. Jayne request a audience for me with the Duchess, or her designated representative at their governments earliest convenience.