Suggestions For Charlamagne's "Adder Commonwealth"

Started by GraeGor, July 11, 2010, 03:29:53 PM

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I've had several people, and a few of my personalities ;D, state that I should really come up with a better name for Charlie's "Adder Commonwealth"

So far though, only one person has suggested an alternative

After some thought, I decided I'm going to ask the rest of you, and please only serious suggestions, save the humorous/derogatory/weird names for the OCC Thread:

What are your ideas for names of Charlie's "Nation"?

With the GM's permission and indulgence, this, not sure what to call it, will last for the rest of this turn with a probably Poll being put up next turn for final judging

Oh, and blame Jeyar and his "Vote For Planet X's Future" from the last couple of turns for giving me the idea ;)


How about he maintain the official name of his state as the "Lyran Commonwealth" Since he is attempting to assume the Archonship thereof. All other names should be derision's, slights, and other such insulting things geared towards denying him a proper claim to the throne of Tharkad.

Other then that a combination of whatever the proto Alarion and Coventry states were initially called. :-)


Or maybe try to sound even BETTER...  ;D

If you're going for the self image molding - The Heroachy of Adder Commonwealth. Has the unfortunate shortened forms of ThoAC or HAC. Almost as accurate, the Hoplarchy of Adders.

Alternately the Addler Minarchy has a ping of zing....


Like I told you already, GG, my suggestion is a simple one: the Star Commonwealth.  I'll summarize the reasons I told you for those interested in why I suggested it.

- It gives the air of fusion and legitimacy just as well as Rasalhague Dominion.

- It is true to the fact that the Adders actually go out of their way NOT to emphasize their totem in canon, which also has the added effect of being somewhat soothing to the anti-Clanners under Charlie's aegis.

- It not only evokes the *Star* Adders, but the ideal of the *Star* League as well, which is what the Adders aspire to recreate (under their own guiding hand, of course).

- It's politically neutral enough to where it's not going to offend anyone.

- Calling it "Lyran Commonwealth" is all well and good, but the Adders are pragmatic enough to know not to just assume THAT mantle.  Also, they might be interested in creating something different altogether, because the LC has shown (in Clan terms, anyway) that it has failed... and why would the Adders want to waste time on something that's failed when they have the opportunity to create something new, something that works, something to show the Spheroids that the Clan way DOES work?

- "Adder Commonwealth" sounds absolutely stupid.

Just my two cents.

Iron Mongoose

"Team Awesome"?  "Clan Lyran" or "Clan Stiener"?  "Clan Mongoose pt2: This time, its ok to have socal generals"?  Either "Spain" or "Nederlands" depending on who wins later?


Wait two turns for me to get my nukes into position, and it won't matter >=)


Maybe the "Steiner Protectorate?" It establishes legitimacy via the Steiner name, and answers to the fact that the Commonwealth is a mess. As a plus (from my perspective), the Protectorate label has historically been used for quasi-legitimate states created by an outside power. It's not strong enough to make them a priori illegitimate, but maybe evokes some of the oddity of the claim asserted by Charlemagne.


That's not a bad idea, either, GG, and the reasoning is solid. :)


I'd vote "Lyran Commwealth ", for two reasos:

1. Legitimacy.  Charlemagne's entire claim is based on Salic Law, but it's for the Archonship of the Lyran Commonwealth.

2. Administrative simplicity: it's going to cost enough changing the million or so forms to say "Charlemagne Steiner, Archon" already.  The cost of changing the rest of the symbols to a new Letterhead would be astronomical.

Iron Mongoose

I think I've made that case as well, of course.  But what fun is that?


  Stiener Protectorate sounds like a winner it's way better than my suggestion (note humor) which was "Malignant tumor" ;D Then I had to stuff my inner Lyran back in the box and break out my inner Cobra ( Dammit the Adder's absorbed them) so that would be inner Adder right?


Look Charlie, How can I put this best....

The two people who want your job keep saying "WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T CALL IT THE LYRAN COMMONWEALTH!"

The one guy in Lyran space who doesn't want your job keeps saying "Yeah the best thing you can do is call it the Lyran Commonwealth."

Maybe you ought to cal it the Lyran Commonwealth...just saying.


You could always have it both ways - call it the Steiner Protectorate, Lyran Commonwealth. I just think that putting the "Steiner" at the front shows that you have what none of the other claimants to the government have: someone who signs his name thus without a hyphen. Assuming that Adam Steiner is presumably not placing a claim, that is.


You don't want to do that. Making it seem as if you're somehow separate from the established nobles of the Commonwealth, only emphasises the outsider issue that Charlie faces. He needs to simply call it the Lyran Commonwealth. Calling it anything else makes it seem as if the Clans are taking the Lyran worlds, and taking advantage of a chance surname, and making some new nation, as opposed to saving the Commonwealth from the depredations of the nobility thats trying to tear it appart through greed.

Just call it the Lyran Commonwealth. Eventually, Charlie will need to deal with the unlawful govornments on Donegal/Skye and Arc-Royal, and will most likly have the backing of atleast the Star Adders, and most likly the other Clans. That way, the Clans will be able to install a new Successor State, run the way it should've been according to Kerensky's Vision, instead of for the personal gain of the nobility that currently drives most of the Houses.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on July 11, 2010, 08:54:57 PM
That way, the Clans will be able to install a new Successor State, run the way it should've been according to Kerensky's Vision, instead of for the personal gain of the nobility that currently drives most of the Houses.

Not sure that logic holds - according to Kerensky's vision, there would have been no Successor States. :P