Suggestions For Charlamagne's "Adder Commonwealth"

Started by GraeGor, July 11, 2010, 03:29:53 PM

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Iron Mongoose


Quote from: Jeyar on July 11, 2010, 04:04:09 PM
Or maybe try to sound even BETTER...  ;D

If you're going for the self image molding - The Heroachy of Adder Commonwealth. Has the unfortunate shortened forms of ThoAC or HAC. Almost as accurate, the Hoplarchy of Adders.

Alternately the Addler Minarchy has a ping of zing....

Ooh - Star Heroachy! I wouldn't want to be on an intellegence team there, but still.... ;D


A few insights and comments on what I've read and my "vision" of the Adders:

While I can see the POV to retaining the Lyran Commonwealth, Charlie (and Stan) want to distance themselves from it for pretty much the reasons stated: the Lyran Commonwealth failed in the end, the inattentiveness and/or selfishness of many of its nobles over the last few turns, and Charlie's area is going to serve as a prototype for the Adder's variation of the RasDom/Palladine Protectorate/Horse Alliance, though he'll be working from the ground up with a group that really weren't all that threatened by the Clans due to their location and want something different other than "well, they took as over, may as well make the best of it" perspective that can be inferred from the others

Remember, these worlds chose Charlie to lead them after their last form of government failed them, that didn't really happen with the Bears/FRR, Horses/OWA and Scorpions/Exiles and Lyran ceded worlds

To an extent I'd like to retain Commonwealth as part of the name as an indication that Clan Star Adder strives to provide for/protect the Common Man

The Adders, Clans in general, have just gone through an Event that revealed that having additional subdivisions within a Clan: cloisters; kindraa; crusader; warden; hell, even the caste system, but not really viable to eliminate all as there will always be "haves" and have nots" in any society, though the Adders (from my concept of them) try to minimize the socio-economic gap between different society classes, aren't exactly productive.

On the whole, there aren't that many Clans that really "practice what they preach" when it comes to the espirit de corps; Adders, Spirits, Wolves (pre-Refusal War) and Bears embody it best in my mind, and that's what I've generally striven for when it comes to my RP with the Adders

Quote from: Jeyar on July 11, 2010, 04:04:09 PM
Or maybe try to sound even BETTER...  ;D

If you're going for the self image molding - The Heroachy of Adder Commonwealth. Has the unfortunate shortened forms of ThoAC or HAC. Almost as accurate, the Hoplarchy of Adders.

Alternately the Addler Minarchy has a ping of zing....

Quote from: Jeyar on July 12, 2010, 12:23:03 AM
Ooh - Star Heroachy! I wouldn't want to be on an intellegence team there, but still.... ;D

Not sure what a Heroarchy or Hoplarchy is?

I am liking Steiner Protectorate as a contender, even as a shortened version of a longer name (see the full name for the RasDom)

However, Protectorate is already in use by a Faction, even if it isn't used IC very's still a good possibility as I like the way it sounds


A heroarchy is exactly what it looks like. I laughed when I saw hoplarchy. The primary meaning 'οπλον is tool, but it can also mean weapon (hence hoplite). The only thing I could think of was "yeah, our rulers are a bunch of complete tools, but at least they're upfront about it."


IIRc, the Hoplon was a big shield.. so.. it has its beauty. :)


You're probably thinking of aegis. Hoplon covers everything from fishing wire to blacksmith's implements, to spears; thinking about it "implement" is probably the closest you can come in English.

edit: Hoplon can mean the shield too, but it's a pretty wide-ranging word.

Iron Mongoose

I wish I'd have thought of you when I was looking up that term a while back for my Hoplite mech of the week article.  I know I trust your knolage of ainciant languages better than the internets'.


lol - regardless of what it COULD have meant, a hoplarchy is a government of the soldiers.  ;D

Heroarchy is a government of heros (however the hero in question doesn't have to be military - just someone with the tagged attribute "hero", which could be a bit wider).


Quote from: Jeyar on July 12, 2010, 09:51:16 PM
lol - regardless of what it COULD have meant, a hoplarchy is a government of the soldiers.  ;D

I'm honestly curious though - where is this first attested? It's not in Classical Greek and most of the hopl- compounds make reference to the arms carried by the soldier rather than the soldier himself.  The OED's no good on it either - I assume that this is an invented Greek compound introduced in some modern language?


Quote from: Jeyar on July 12, 2010, 09:51:16 PM
a hoplarchy is a government of the soldiers

Does that mean that the Clans are a Hoplarchy? If thats the case, I would think that its not the correct direction for Charlie's new realm.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Iron Mongoose

I think they are one in August's definition, too.  They do tend to be tools...

You could also follow the modern rule that the less democratic you are, the more democratic terms you put in your name (Democratic People's Rebubic of Korea?) and be the "Free Democratic Electorial Republican Lyran People's Commonwealth" (since I assume Charlie intends to govern with an Iron fist, right?)

Or is that just Mongoose SMACH! comming out again?


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on July 13, 2010, 05:12:08 AM
Or is that just Mongoose SMACH! comming out again?

Never hurts to SMACH! every now and then

getting some good ideas/suggestions, keep them coming


Since the turn has been extended, I figure that doing the same for this may be a good idea

so far the suggestions are:

Steiner Protectorate
Star Commonwealth

and no offense to Jeyar on the Heroachy/Hoplarchy suggestions, which fit in a way, just don't seem to fit my raw concept, as there is the possibility that I may use the name to include all Adder territory in the IS

so, are there any other idea out there?


How about CSA - Commonwealth States of the Adders    ;D


Quote from: LittleH13 on August 03, 2010, 12:47:32 PM
How about CSA - Commonwealth States of the Adders    ;D

that isnt half bad...and leaves lots of room for expansion ;)