Metafaction private boards

Started by Dave Baughman, July 18, 2010, 03:08:35 PM

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Quote from: Daemonknight on July 18, 2010, 08:23:53 PM
You are emphasizing the whole Light Infantry thing a bit much: its FP, meaning you recieved a force of light infantry equal in combat ability to the Clanners, which would most likly be large outnumbering. So, I think you are attempting to make more of it than it truly was...if that light infantry had been assault mechs of the same FP, it wouldn't have changed anything: the Adders would still have told you that despite your valiant efforts to stop them, the world was just too important to relinquish.

Assault 'mechs wouldn't have been interesting. Infantry was.  Don't get wrapped too deep in the rules, an infantry company is 128 men.  For story purposes, I expected them to lose, the dice-roll results made that loss interesting to write and flesh out.  Grae and Dis were kind enough to indulge me as players, but a half-point force of 'mechs up against a roflstomp? that's boring...this way, the loss had something to it besides repeated scenes of hitting the heat alarm override button and overblown descriptions of coloured beams shearing armour.


128 men, knowing full well the terrain will be fighting in, would be able to defeat a significantly larger force if properly commanded, I'd think. Image what a progressive commander who reads his GDL tactics could do with that situation: the Clanns would have more knee-capped mechs than Free Skye did trying to take Glengarry! Mechs vs Infantry is not always a foregone conclusion, despite what BT taciticans are known to think. There is no such thing as "sure victory" in war.

I doubt the Adders would be embarrassed: I know the Falcons arn't going to patronize their ally for no reason; and I doubt the Blood Spirits would even know it happened considering they've broken off comms with the Clans they consider anathema.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


If I were still an Ice Hellion, the Adders wouldn't hear the end of it until... well, probably a week or two, since we have short attention spans.

But in those two weeks they'd hear alot of it!


From the outcome and the Adders' conduct in the aftermath, I'd say they're not embarassed in the slightest-impressed maybe, but not embarassed.  Kind of a "Dem's GOOD troops!" impressed, not a "Ten Feet tall, with one red eye that shoots lightning and an ass that immolates with fire" impressed.

The stones it takes to even suggest taking on Clan forces with a fixed number of light infantry, in an open bid, after sending them an accurate geosurvey plot of the proposed battle ground?  Chutzpah.  Not engaging in "Dishonorable" tactics while doing it, and forcing the Clanner to break his bid? yeah.  That's a moral victory and a psychological advantage-it's the kind of thing that gives an outfit a rep that's hard to live up to...even if they DID lose the Planet.


Adders won the Battle, but lost the War kind of thing.....we wanted the world, and were hell bent on getting it, regardless of the cost

Just glad we didnt have to deal with a variation of the Vietnam or Afghan-Russian theme

Besides, we're all here to have fun in that spirit of good sportsmanship, we let CS write up the outcome pretty much any way he wanted..and admit it, he wrote it up pretty good

So yeah, the Adders had to break their bid to take the planet, and was effectively beat by light infantry, but considering they got about 1/4 of the Lyran Commonwealth as part of the bargain, I think they'll let everyone think what they want...


Or did you? That is a question that reamins to be answered...


Quote from: Deathrider6 on July 19, 2010, 02:12:13 AM
Or did you? That is a question that reamins to be answered...

Ssshh...we dont ask that question here

*puts fingers in ears*

La La La La La


Hopefully these new metafaction boards don't make everything kinda...silent.


Quote from: NVA on July 18, 2010, 08:35:04 PM
Quote from: Daemonknight on July 18, 2010, 08:23:53 PM
You are emphasizing the whole Light Infantry thing a bit much: its FP, meaning you recieved a force of light infantry equal in combat ability to the Clanners, which would most likly be large outnumbering. So, I think you are attempting to make more of it than it truly was...if that light infantry had been assault mechs of the same FP, it wouldn't have changed anything: the Adders would still have told you that despite your valiant efforts to stop them, the world was just too important to relinquish.

Clan Mechwarriors of the Star Udders were beat by mere foot soldiers.  Man, the Blood Spirits should be LOVING that.  The Adders should be embarrassed.  The haughty Falcons should be cawwing racously at the hilarity of the embarassment.  Mere...Periphery...Infantry.  The embarassment...

Just makes us even more comfortable about the defenses of York after all....our entire planetary population becomes light infantry if that happens. :-)


Quote from: Cannonshop on July 19, 2010, 02:19:40 AM
Hopefully these new metafaction boards don't make everything kinda...silent.
I assure you with the GM's as my witness...I shan't let that happen.

I shall kill MORE player charachters in the SL Council and boast in my faction thread!

I shall start YET MORE wars of Leaguer Aggression against all who question the justness of my cause!

I shall have more BLOOD and yet MORE spirit in my dealings with the chalca Khans!

Ever shall my attacks stir the heads of mine neighbors, friends, allies and enemies i.e. those who are next....interpret how ye will.



And I want technology parity before you stab me in the back.

. . . . trade ya Fenrir for Longinus?