MM/RP ToP Blood Spirit/ Clan Wolf Eden HW 2042(3605-3606,3703-3706 ) COMPLETE

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 02:11:26 AM

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OOC: Well, I think the question the Horses asked is also relevant, were you here at the beginning of the turn, or did you move here? I myself asked because the Spirits showed up on Circe, where they had no presense, to make a challenge only to find out that the spirit challenge for Circe was not beind decided on Circe and that the fight there was just an honor duel...yeah, :P I was confused. So I just gave up worrying about init and declared I'd challenge the winner.



I guess that is CIH:

Same FP.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]

Any other problem should go GM, I say. :P


OOC: Wouldn't say a GM is needed here.  The Ravens are going to challenge the winner, and the Spirits will certainly be doing the same thing.


OOC: I'm trying to figure out why the Hellions are rolling ... As stated their trial was rejected. Either they try to invade or the Trial should be vs the Blood Spirits ... or am I reading this wrong?


OOC: I won the Init. That fight of word was just that. No meaning for init, I say. If NVA wants to really not meet the CIH, then he should say so. But I think then still would come my attack first, no?

When this is done, the Spirits pick up the pieces. *shrug* At least I guess so.


Wolf v CIH Roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7[/blockquote]


ITs a Tie. :P

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3[/blockquote]


CIH: 2.75 FP
CW: 2.75 FP

CIH Roll: 7 - 60%
CW Roll: 7 - 60%

CIH Deals: 2.75 * .6 = 1.75 FP
CW Deals: 2.75 * .6 = 1.75 FP

CIH: 1 FP remaining
CW: 1 FP remaini


Wolf v CIH Round 2 -

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6[/blockquote]


Wolf Crit Chance 1

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 6, total 8[/blockquote]


Wolf Crit Roll 1 -

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 4, total 10[/blockquote]


You receive another .25 Damage while the Hellions limp home with .5 FP.

The Ice Hellions concede victory. Grumpily and because there are only few Mechs that can actually walk.


OOC: Now the Spirit Challenge. Wolf please bid defensive to speed this up :P


CW: 1 FP

CIH Roll: 3 - 35%
CW Roll: 6 - 50%

CW Reduce damage received by 5%.

CIH Roll: 35 - 5% = 30%

CIH Deals: 1 * .3 = .25 FP
CW Deals: 1 * .5 = .5 FP

CIH gains .25 FP thru Battlefield Repair
CW gains .25 FP thru Battlfield repair.

CIH: .75 FP remaining
CW: 1 FP remaining

CW gains Salvage 4.25 *.5 = 2.25 RP in salvage of wich only .75 can be applied back to the unit the rest must be banked.