MM/RP ToP Blood Spirit/ Clan Wolf Circe HW 2042 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 02:13:59 AM

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Fear not Warriors of the Wolf, we have not come to Circe to violate the terms of the trial.

We stand ready to defend what our brothers on Eden shall win for us...but should any of you chafe under the restrictions of this trial and desire purely a test of honor in single combat Star Colonel Regina Carmichael stand ready to face you in single combat for honors sake.



Star Colonel Carmichael, I am Star Captain Haphaestus of the 2nd Garrison Cluster.  I shall be happy to test your mettle in single combat.  As the Gunslingers of the Star League Defense Force, let us battle.


(Note the arrival of Raven caws over the airwaves as the 2nd Raven Garrison Cluster approaches Wolf Territory)


Upon hearing of the challenge, Star Colonel Kelse Howe orders the Raven warriors to join the circle for the Circle of Equals.


Fate has my persmission to proxy this Gunslinger duel.


Wolf Bid is .22 FP

Star Colonel Carmichael
Timberwolf Prime (2/3)


(Chaos, do you want to bid and fight this Trial?  We should get this cleaned up so no one has to wait.)


Just so the Raven intentions are postes.

"We do not come to interfere with your Honor duel Trothkin, in fact we shall be happy to join your circle. However, when this is done, there is an important matter that must be addressed."

"Clan Snow Raven hereby Challenges the Wolves on Circe to possession of all the Warriors you posses and your land. The land, must be represented by the ideals of the Clan that possesses it, and although we respect the Wolf Warriors, your Khans have chosen ideals counter to our own. Your Warriors, we challenge for because we found that you host an insideous nest of Scorpions! Above us in the sky are Raven ships to ensure they do not run. However, the strength of my 2nd Raven Garrison Cluster alone can not stand up to a full Galaxy. I ask that if you accept, you bid small so that out strengths can be preserved for the battle ahead!"


'If you wish our strength to augment your own against this dispicable conspiracy, then ask us.  We desire to be part of no clan of the Grand Council.  The cancer in the Grand Council has begun to affect the individual members.  This does not mean we disrespect all of the clans or that we support the conspiracies that are happening.  The Blood Spirits have already claimed the right to Circe and our forces on Eden are defending against that claim.  When we are victorious there, we will accept your challenge here.  However, your harvest trial we will defend against fully.  Respect our choices and we will fight along side you to hunt these vermin before we leave.  Attempt to subvert us and we will fight with all the strength and tenacity the Wolves are known for.'


OOC: Hey :P It was you that told me this was just an honor duel :P

"I find it ludicrous that you would allow the challenge for the land beneath our feet to be determined in another system when both parties have representatives here. I Star Colonel Kelse Howe of Clan Snow Raven will challenge whoever wins the trial to solidify our possession of Circe based on this fact alone."

"In regards to your warriors. This is not some Harvest Trial. We would not have sought to add your strength to our own had we not needed it to achieve an objective in the timely manner, and considering it was your leadership that allowed the Roche Galaxy to set up station near your enclave, asking you to act against then did not seem like an option." The line went silent for a bit. "I have consulted with the warriors we have present but still have a conundrum. How are we supposed to know you will act against those that are your guest?"


"You can dress up that can any way you want to Spirit, but at the end of the day, the Timberwolf will hunt you down... I declare this issue between us settled! Let your codex show that we stand by our words!"

Honor Duel - CBS vs CW


Winner is: TEAM #2

BloodSpirit: 0 BV remaining (from 5052 initially) 0 BV fled
Fatebringer: 3891 BV remaining (from 4981 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Timber Wolf Prime (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Star Colonel Carmichael [2/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Graveyard contains:
Blood Kite (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Mechwarrior John Jones [2/3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Timber Wolf Prime (Fatebringer)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


OOC Blood Spirits Victorious on Eden. Circe Enclaves ceded under that victory.


Need Initiative by the CBS

Raven Initiative
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 2, total 8[/blockquote]


Blood Spirit init
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote]


Quote"I find it ludicrous that you would allow the challenge for the land beneath our feet to be determined in another system when both parties have representatives here. I Star Colonel Kelse Howe of Clan Snow Raven will challenge whoever wins the trial to solidify our possession of Circe based on this fact alone."

Need a response to this.