MM/RP ToP Blood Spirit/ Clan Wolf Circe HW 2042 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 02:13:59 AM

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For a few long moments, only silence came forth from the new Spirit enclave.  Then, a woman's voice came back in response.  "This is Star Colonel Regina Carmichael of Clan Blood Spirit.  You are aware that the ilKhan has made Trials of Possession in our Homeworlds illegal, quiaff?  If it is truly your wish to fight, we shall meet you as warriors, but we wish to ensure that you understand the full consequences of your actions, Star Colonel."


"Please explain to me the full consequences of our actions. I did not hear Star Colonel Joel Ban Chu complaining about the ilKhans ban when we accepted the Spirits Trial there. With my Garrison force and the watchful eyes of the ships above, Clan Snow Raven has plenty of forces with which to take what you have earned. But we are not the Abjured Wolves and if you choose to hide behind the office of the ilKhan, then so be it. I would of course prefer you extend the same courtesies to us as we have to you and allow us to prove in honorable trials who is most deserved of this land. I ask to keep the trial small for there is still more business to be done here on Circe."

CSR Forces: 49.25 FP

Waiting for CBS response. Force specifics in PM.


"The Trial on Tranquil was one in which you invited us, your supposed 'allies', to share in the bounty of that world, and it was accepted despite the fact that you chose to ignore our own Trial for the world out of sheer, naked greed.  So aff, we shall agree to keep the Trial 'small', as it is preferable to watching your honor erode even further by simply attacking us despite the outcome of our Trial here.  And as for explaining the full consequences of your actions... that you shall learn in time, 'ally'.  If nothing else, I do offer you our thanks for showing us the true colors of your soul.  Our bid is forthcoming."

OOC: Chaos is gonna post our bid.


Seyla, Warrior of the Ravens we of the Blood Spirits hereby grant you SafCon.

The warriors of the 158th Crimson Guards stand ready to meet you on the field of honor let all chalcas see how two clans true to the Founders will conduct themselves and let their shame grow because of it.

Blood Spirit bid 2 FP R/F


"The Ravens have been on Circe since Operation Klondike when we wretched contol from the disgraced at the Battle of Bitter Tears so your offer of Safcon has me questioning your sanity trothkin. You will find this land is not like Lum. We Ravens have battled Circe's harsh climate for over two centuries and been tested to our limits. Aff, we know this land well and feel it is an unfair advantage for us should we meet you with equal strengths, so make ready to meet the Unkindness."

CSR Bids 1.75 FP

Do we get to play again?


Blood Spirits win trial


Winner is: TEAM #1

BloodSpirit: 20891 BV remaining (from 38615 initially) 912 BV fled
Fatebringer: 11496 BV remaining (from 37159 initially) 1456 BV fled

Survivors are:
Turkina B (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 2

Savage Coyote A (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 3

Savage Coyote B (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 1

Kingfisher E (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Kingfisher D (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Kingfisher Prime (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 2

Gargoyle D (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 3

Dire Wolf C (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 2

Shadow Cat B (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Grendel B (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1

Vapor Eagle (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Timber Wolf A (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Nova Cat A (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Roc #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Roc 2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

The following units are in retreat:
Nova Prime (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [2/3]
Kills : 0

Satyr 2 #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Cougar B (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [2/3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Warhawk C (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 2

Graveyard contains:
Roc 3 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Gargoyle D (BloodSpirit)

Gorgon 3 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf C (BloodSpirit)

Roc (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Gargoyle D (BloodSpirit)

Roc 3 #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 4 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Savage Coyote B (BloodSpirit)

Siren 2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Warhawk C (BloodSpirit)

Gorgon 2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 5 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Savage Coyote A (BloodSpirit)

Gorgon 3 #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 3 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Turkina B (BloodSpirit)

Centaur 3 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 4 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Warhawk C (BloodSpirit)

Minotaur (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 4 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Dire Wolf C (BloodSpirit)

Minotaur #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 5 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Gargoyle D (BloodSpirit)

Satyr 2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Savage Coyote A (BloodSpirit)

Siren 2 #2 (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [4] ( 3 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Kingfisher Prime (BloodSpirit)

Stormcrow B (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [2/3] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Guillotine IIC (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Turkina B (BloodSpirit)

Executioner A (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Grendel B (Fatebringer)

Clan Medium BA (Volk) (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Savage Coyote A (BloodSpirit)

Sylph (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Kingfisher Prime (BloodSpirit)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


Having secured a victory over the forces of Clan Snow Raven, Star Colonel Regina Carmichael and the 158th Crimson Guards Cluster escorts Star Colonel Kelse Howe and the survivors of his Second Raven Garrison Cluster out of the Spirits' new enclave.  Once the Ravens have withdrawn back to their DropShips and departed the enclave, the Spirits enact their now-standing policy of closed borders and comm-silence, making their current disposition all too clear.


"Commanders of the Blood Spirit, Wolf. We have all fought over this land. Put aside your issues with each other for now and listen to my words. We all know that the Goliath Scorpions have claimed to not be involved in the Scientist Conspiracy. They claim only their trothkin they left behind are degraza. They refuse to name those that they have abjured. This will be dealt with in the Grand Council. However, our watch when checking on what forces the Wolves had available to defend their enclave came across the Scorpion's Roche Galaxy. Judging by the advanced equipment they were fielding there is no doubt in our mind that they what the watch says they are, Pawns of the rebelious Scientist cells. Now, why is there a Galaxy of this scum on Circe? We can only assume that they were here at the behest of Khan Ivan Kerensky. We have only two clusters available to engage these degraza rebels and our air support. I have no doubts that we can prevent their departure with the Alexander Davion and Intrepid ovehead, but on the ground, we shall need assistance to smash their forces and find out what they are hoarding here. They may be watching over a cache of new resource material, experimental equipment or...well let us face facts, there are still Giftakes missing. I would not get my hopes up that they might have stored them here, but for that reason alone I would storm their camp unaugmented to find out! Either way." Kelse Howe looked that others having laid it all on the line. "What say you?"


"We accept trials from the Spirits, expecting honorable and even fights, expecting that they would not ever user the ilKhan's cowardly ban on trials to their favor, and then they take their actions.  Then, you accuse us of hiding or being part of these forces that are hiding and ask for our help.  On Tamar, forces under your clans command are tossing aside any semblence of honor, simply to try and destroy us.  Why should we care of your difficulties?  We have done nothing but treat your clans honorably.  Our issue is with specific clans and the Grand Council as a whole and you treat us like vermin.  But, we ARE Clan Wolf.  We have our honor and we will fight beside you to destroy these forces.  But, remember that in your sleep, when you try to wrestle with how such actions by your clans are honorable only in a truly hypocritcal society.  We can only hope that some of the clans will see the error of their ways and find honor once again.  Let us know where you plan your assault and we will be there and show you how true warriors fight."


The only answer that came back from the Blood Spirits was a deafening silence.


"Our Khan views your whole Clan as Abjured and as Abjured the requirement of trials is no longer required, but offered by us because we believe although your Clan has chosen to this path, that you warriors still have some assemblence of honor. You wish to debate Tamar here? Fine, your Khan stands beside the Not-Named, would dishonor all of your trothkin by associating them with those marked for death. We do as we must, as warriors. I have heard on the chatterweb your Khan's continued insults to those that offered honorable combat, and safcon for your fleet. What happens there will be of great portence to the Clans in general as is what happens here.

I asked you to put your quarrel with the spirits to the side and you test that boundry. You ask me about why you should aid us, perhaps you are unaware that there is a possibility that if there guard a genetics cache that the Great Father's Giftake may be amongst them. For you, even as abjured, you would get a place in the rememberance if we retrieve it from the Chalcas. Who knows what they could be planning on mixing the sacred giftake of the Founder with. The thought sickens me! And if you hold any ioto of warrior blood in you, it should sicken you too!"


"Our Khan, our clan, stands against those who would indiscriminantly annihilate populations based on their relation to a people they likely know nothing about.  We stand against those who refuse to at least accept the possibility that the story we were told was a lie.  Blind adherence to traditions does not make them right.  And, I have stated we would stand by you.  Now, were is it that you would have us meet our foe?"


"I like that you stick to your arguement. I think the key to your arguement revolves around the word indiscriminanatly perhaps we can debate that later, but as you have pledged your support so I accept it. First we will make for the spaceport to meet up with the Valryvn Keshik and see what's keeping the Blood Spirits from answering our call."

Clan Snow Raven has 51 FP on Offensive Interdiction to prevent Roche Galaxy from leaving the planet.

QuoteThe only answer that came back from the Blood Spirits was a deafening silence.

The Ravens invited the Spirits to a face to face, did they decline the Ravens invitation?


Quote from: Fatebringer on August 24, 2010, 05:24:17 PM
The Ravens invited the Spirits to a face to face, did they decline the Ravens invitation?

OOC: Yes.  After the Trial between the Ravens and the Spirits, the Spirits escorted the surviving Ravens out of their enclave, and have given nothing but silence since.  So this face-to-face between the Ravens and the Wolves isn't happening in our territory.