[RP/MM] Clan Wolf vs. Horses/Spirits - HW2838 Tranquil *COMPLETE*

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 02:21:34 AM

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CSR ToP Roll - 1 Crit
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


Clan Wolf Combat Roll -

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 2, total 4[/blockquote]


Wolf does 40% damage

2.625*.4 = 1.05 FP in damage dealt

Forced Withdrawl Roll - Front Line Formation

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6+1 : 1, 2 + 1, total 4[/blockquote]


Ravens win.  Wolf forced to withdrawl from battle.


CSR: 2.625 FP
CW: 2.625 FP

CSR Roll: 9 - 70%
CW Roll: 4 - 40%

CSR Crit - Reduce damage received by 5%.

CSR 2.6.25 * .7 = 1.75 FP
CW 2.625 * .35 = 1 FP

CSR does not take enough damage to benefit from Battlefield Recovery.
CW regains .25 thru Battlefield Recovery.

Salvage Pool is 2.75 FP half of wich (1.5 FP) goes to Clan Snow Raven because of Trial where Zell was followed.

Avalance Minhinate is at full and will bank the remaining .5 RP.
We don't know what the Total Wolf presense was, but they are down a total of 1.5 FP and are granted Safcon by the Ravens.

"Make preperations to receive the Spirits and Horses. I have a proposal for them."


OOC - Are any of the other clans going to prevent us from leaving?


(Yeah, it's the Horses up there with the Nightlord)


Since the Wolf forces fought the trial v's CSR under Clan honour rules and abided by them, then the Horses will conform to the Raven offer of safcon.


And the Ravens grant the Horses and Spirits Safcon to join us for a meeting.


"The trail against Clan Wolf was a success Trothkin. The power of our new Raven Proto Galaxy took the defenders by suprise. How will you fare? In regards to the planet itself the Ravens are prepared to accept both of your claims to enclaves here with the following stipulations, you must prove yourselves worthy. We are Clan and the following offer is simple, and straight-forward." Galaxy Commander Crow motioned to a map. "The areas to the east and west both have useful mining resources and vegetation." These areas, he pointed to Clan Snow Raven sucede to you. "The area's here have other values. The natural gas reserves of the Katyusha quadrant, and the isles here with a premier fishing lane. There are plenty of medicinal purposes here instead of just food."

Game Terms: Clan Snow Raven offers you each 4 Hexes for arriving like us to force the disgraced from our territory. In addition, we offer to accept a Trial of possession from each of you for 2 more hexes. After that, all boundries shall be respected by the ilKhan's decrees.

OOC: I have no idea what's on tranquil. I'm making this all up :P


After three hours, the representatives returned. "The Horses challenge you for this extra territory. Our bid is a reinforced  Binary of Hell's Horses finest!" Star Colonel Joel Ban Chu quickly spoke up. "We of the Blood Spirits also Challenge! The Snow Raven once again shows honor and we shall not forget this. However, since our finest have proven themselves of greater worth then those Horses, we shall only require a single Nova to take our claim!" The smug glare at the Horse representative didn't phase him at all. Tristen enjoyed seeing that his opponents had spirit and enjoyed revealing his bid even more. " The Ravens have anticipated these bids and bid aggressively for the honor of facing you in the battlefield." He handed them each datapad consisting of the warriors they would be facing. "The Spirits will be facing Star Captain Herod and his Nova of 1st Raven Regulars. Their deeds are the closest we have to your Crimson Guards and should prove quite a challenge. The Horses, will have to prove themselves against a tough opponent that is very familiar with your tactics. Although you do not have the pleasure of facing Star Colonel Hakimi herself, a combined arms Binary of the 12th Raven Garrison Cluster stand ready to hold this land from you, but in reduced numbers. Each of you have one advantage, size for the spirits, numbers for the horses, but you face some of the finest Ravens in our Touman. Bargained well and done."

Trail #1 - CBS gains Hexes (3939 - 3942) and will trial for Hexes: 4039 & 4040
Clan Blood Spirit Bid: 2 FP - 42nd Crimson Guards, Elite / Reliable (.375) 1.625

Trail#2 - CHH gains Hexes (4339 - 4342) and will trail for Hexes: 4239 & 4240
Clan Hells Horse Bid: 2 FP

Clan Snow Raven defensive Bids

Trial#1 - 1st Raven Regulars, Elite / Reliable, 1.5 FP (Light / Medium Nova)
Trial#2 - 12 Raven Garrison, Veteran / Reliable, 1.75 FP (Mixed Binary - Mechs, Vees, BA, and Protos)


Trial#1 set for Thursday 1830 hrs CT - "Chicago Time"?

OOC: Real Life stuff is preventing this from happening. Is thursday Good?


OOC: Blood Spirits win. RP to be posted here Tomorrow 8/13/2010 :-)


Winner is: TEAM #1

BloodSpirit: 1789 BV remaining (from 20625 initially) 0 BV fled
Fatebringer: 165 BV remaining (from 15791 initially) 2439 BV fled

Survivors are:
Gnome (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [1]
Kills : 2

Black Lanner C (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : John Jones [1/2]
Kills : 1

Corona #2 (BloodSpirit)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [1]
Kills : 1

The following units are in retreat:
Adder Prime (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [1/2]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Summoner G (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Jim Church [1/2] ( 5 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Corona (BloodSpirit)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [1]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Gnome (Fatebringer)

Hellion B (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [1/2]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Timber Wolf A (BloodSpirit)

Sylph (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [1]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Elemental (ER Laser) (BloodSpirit)

Timber Wolf A (BloodSpirit)
Pilot : Gil Jones [1/2]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Stormcrow B (Fatebringer)

Elemental (ER Laser) (BloodSpirit)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [1]
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Gnome (Fatebringer)

Clan Medium BA 0 (Fatebringer)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [1]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Corona #2 (BloodSpirit)

Stormcrow B (Fatebringer)
Pilot : Unnamed [1/2] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Black Lanner C (BloodSpirit)


Star Colonel Charles Dwelley had hoped that the Ravens would put up a aerospace unit so that his own fighters would be given an opportunity to show their worth.  And while they could still do so against the Raven ground force, the Horses traditional love of combined arms would serve to claim the day.

108th Mechanized Cavalry (Veteran/Reliable)  2FP of combined arms

ooc;  btw, I don't recall trading with the Ravens for the Gnome BA.  Did you get the spec somewhere else?