Disaster Relief (Invasion) Tharkad (1619). Now with RP.(Combat Complete)

Started by Deathrider6, July 21, 2010, 02:32:45 AM

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Flag Officer's "suite", 4th Royal Guards Cantonment, Tharkad.

  Kommandant General Russell gave Kaptain von Schrackenberg a shake of his head. "I cannot say I'm glad to see you under these circumstances. You being here means something is very wrong." Colonel Lowell coughed softly.
  "Pardon the interruption, Danny, but did you brief Maria about Operation Gauntlet?" Daniel looked at Lowell.
  "No Craig I did not. Maria did not have need to know. On my authority brief her in the next room. I will deal with Maddy here." Craig led Maria into the next room as Daniel turned back to Madaline. "Got burned didn't you?"

  She hung her head. "Yes sir, it was plain bad luck. The XO just happened to need me for something and over heard me trying to get info on the UIW defectors. He did what he needed to do. How the hell am I gonna get out of this mess?"

Daniel nooded. "You'll still have to go to trial. I will have to deal with Nondi. She might be able to quash it. In the meantime stay here I'm posting a guards Lowell and Maria will explain what will happen next. I got to go meet the flock of guests arriving."


4th Royal Guards Cantonment.

  "Attention all incoming air and ground traffic. Communicate withthis headquarters for landing instructions once you enter the Heidelberg Air Defense Idenifacation Zone, failure to do so will result in interception by local air defense forces." The Broadcast repeats evry thirty seconds.


"Heidelberg Control, this is SLDF Relief Shuttle Tangent on inbound vector 34 by 87.  Carrying VIP for meeting with General Steiner and advanced medical personel for radiation facilities.  Request clearance."


Heidelberg, Tharkad.

  "Tangent, you are cleared for a straight in approach. Land and wait for a follow me."


The aerodyne shuttle landed at the runway and then followed the follow me to its parking spot.  The popping and cooling could still be heard when the hatch opened.  Stepping out was a man, clearly an elemental.  He confidently strode down to the end of the ramp and watched the medical staff begin their work while waiting for instructions on where they would be able to set up their buildings and get ready for the advanced work they were trained in.



  A Lyran Kommandant walked up and got the head Wolf medic's attention. "You set up next to the 4th Royals MASH units. Have your supply point next to it. We distirbite from a central point but we want your supplies kept with your people. Colonel Reis will meet with you later she has some issues to deal with."


Scientist Paul nodded to the Kommandant.  He turned to his team and called the lead technician over.

"Follow the Kommandant's directions and get the facilities set up quickly.  I am sure there are many people in need of our services.  I am going to use the shuttles communication system and request that our tranports come down next.  We will need those medical vtols quickly."

With that, the technicians started moving the pre fab facilities and getting them setup.  Like a well oiled machine, the buildings were set up in a matter of hours and by the end of the day, most of the equipment was where it belonged.


Heidelberg, 4th Royal Guards Cantonment.

  "General, message from the Fifth Lyran Guards. They are ready to drop on Hesperus II. Duke Brewer told General Cotzee to stay way. Cotzee says he's ready to drop and smash them." 
  Daniel sighed. "I'll mention it to Nondi if she does not already know. Maybe she can break the stand off."


4th Royal Guards Cantonment,Heidelberg, Tharkad.

  General Russell looked at the new "decorations" in the makeshift meeting room the Colors of the 20th Arcturan Guards, Saravan CTM and Guadavita FTM joind the 4th Royal's colors. Thet were behind the colors and his Personal Flag. He also had the 5th Lyran Guards Colors displayed to honor their sucess on Hesperus. On bothsides of the cluster of flags were plaques honoring all of the units in LCAF regardless of current nationality. Now we wait for Nodi's arrival.


Loremaster Tutuola was still waiting, when his pager went off.  He listened intentaly as the dropship captain explained the situation.  Quickly, and with agility that was scary in an elemental, he made his way to the communications station of the dropship.

"Khan H...Commanding General Hall, what can I do for you?"

"Dick, I need you to get Nondi on the horn immediately.  Arc Royal is a bigger mess than we thought.  And, please make sure the doctor is there.  If her condition is as bad as I have heard...Just make sure he is there."

With that, Dick Tutuola ran through the cantonment to the headquarters.  He insisted on speaking to whoever was in charge immediately.


Hiedelberg, Tharkad.

   General Russell saw the loremaster running towards his HQ "complex". He waited for the Loremaster to arrive and catch his breath. "You look concerned Loremaster. What would get you to run the three kilometers from your dropship to here?"

OOC: The Cantonment is BIG..


The massive physique of the elemental phenotype was well tuned.  But, a 3 kilometer sprint, at time outrunning those who were in motorized vehicles, would still wind a person.  However, Dick was in good shape.  He recovered faster than most.

"General Russell.  General Hall needs to speak with General Steiner immediately.  It appears there is a serious situation at Arc Royal.  A threat that can not be ignored.  There is an HPG uplink to the General's dropship now aboard mine."



  Genral Russell looked over at his Commo Staff. "You all heard the man. Get General Steiner on comms." He looked back  at Loremaster Tutuola. "We'll see if she picks up then you can arrange a link. It may take a moment or two. So what is this threat? I know things are chaotic in the Arc-Royal region in needed I'll wait for the brief you give Nondi."


"I was not given full details.  However, it appears that the leadership on Arc Royal is playing a game of chicken with the Commanding General."



  Daniel chuckled softly. "So that is Sharon's game eh? I'm sure Nondi would appreciate me listening in on her 'meeting with' GC Hall. I will probably be the one who gets to deal with Arc-Royal directly."