Disaster Relief (Invasion) Tharkad (1619). Now with RP.(Combat Complete)

Started by Deathrider6, July 21, 2010, 02:32:45 AM

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 "As far as my relationship with Colonel Taks is concerned...I think he lost his head. I could be wrong but he appears to be a capable officer based on what I read in his service record. I'm sure I could work with him. I do understand your condition is terminal General but you need to speak directly to Arc-Royal. Skye/Donegal will forllow your lead. Robert is en-route and should arrive the early next month. He stated to me via message that he will back any actions you wish to take. I explained to him that he needs to avoid antagonizing the FWL,DC, and RasDom as well as the reformed RWR. He stated that he would discuss issues with you upon his arrival."


"General Russel, I thank you. We've all, I think, been effected by the scenes of horror on this world that we've had to confront, and having our worlds fall under the thumb of the clans has just made it worse. A cowardly, roundabout accusation of treason was too much, given my mental state. My people wouldn't have been sent here if we didn't care for the Commonwealth. For what it may be worth after the fact, I apologize. As for that woman, let's just say that this confirmed the rumors when I was teaching her at academy. Rituals to the many faces of the one moon god all along."

"As I referred to earlier, I am not employed in any governmental or diplomatic capacity. What the Estates General decrees, I get at the same time as the rest of you. That being said, I treat the FWL invasion and our declaration of war with utmost seriousness. The RWR as well - there's a bounty on Daphne Rowe's head and while I won't be the man to collect it, I'd love to see that money delivered. The RWR are traitors and secessionists, and deserve to be hanged, the lot of them. The only way I'd avoid antagonizing them would be to shoot the lot of their political and military class in the back all at once."

"Respectfully, I'd like to say that if there is anything that we'd like to avoid, it's civil war. And if Hesperus doesn't qualify, I'm not sure what does, unless the LCAF forces there were FWL dupes through and through. If Robert Kelswa is indeed en route here, I will inform you that I am under obligation to arrest the man."


 "Colonel, that is the within General Steiner's purview. I would strongly advise against it. At minimum Skye could and probably would tell all of us to go to hell and join the Terrans or the FWL as a semi-autonomus region. I'm sure the Terries would love to get their hands on Hesperus as well as the FWL. At minimum I do recommned the Robert give an accounting for his actions. Declaring war on the FWL in my opininion is  unsound the LCAF at this point cannot even hold the line on a single front. Period. I will not lose what troops we have left fighting a member of the Star League with the entire weight of the clans bearing down on the remains of the Commonwealth. I will not condone a two front war it's suicide."

He looked at Nondi. "What we have is a crisis that is my worst nightmare. Colonel Taks and I are agreed on the point of no civil war. That is a starting point. Now it for better or worse is up to you to get the rulers of Skye,Donegal and Arc-Royal to agree to work together. I know that the LCAF units will follow orders. I have ensured that. I have units refitting and ready for movement should the Clans make further inroads. Other units are being repositioned to secure the current border between the Commonwealth and both of our neighbors on the Combine border."


  He turned back to Colonel Taks. "Apology accepted Colonel. Do you have any current information that might allow me to send even a token force to assist you in Arc-Royal's defense? You may have issues with the Duke of Skye but he only commands the Skye Rangers and the Skye Jagers the rest of the LCAF units are effectively mine save for the 5th Lyran Guards."


Waiting out of the meeting while they discussed their business, the Loremaster fumed.  An elemental, it had taken all he had not to snap the surat Taks in multiple pieces.  His communicator chirped with an urgent message.  He reviewed it and his anger only increased.  The terrorists on Arc Royal had not only killed Morgan Kell, they had threatened to set off a nuclear device is the SLDF did not give in to their demands.


Quote from: Deathrider6 on August 26, 2010, 07:38:02 AM
  He turned back to Colonel Taks. "Apology accepted Colonel. Do you have any current information that might allow me to send even a token force to assist you in Arc-Royal's defense? You may have issues with the Duke of Skye but he only commands the Skye Rangers and the Skye Jagers the rest of the LCAF units are effectively mine save for the 5th Lyran Guards."

Taks PDA buzzed softly. "Forgive me if I check this - the only messages that should be coming through are from A-R command." His brow furrowed as he read, and his expression had taken on a grim aspect as he returned his gaze to the other officers. "What I've received is... irregular, to say the least. The Tharkad Martyrs have taken to giving orders now - apparently there's an emergency on Arc Royal that has demanded that the Estates General be moved to safety. Still, it's beyond my why Delegate Rosice, the proper liason isn't conveying commands according to established channels."

"General Russel, I don't know that this means right now, but I would advise against sending any units into Arc-Royal right now. I've seen too much in my days to believe that these so-called "Martyrs" worthy of any trust. I'd like to find the Delegate responsible for suggesting that we needed a paramilitary auxiliary independent of LCAF organization and show him what I think of him."

"In any case, my unit has been recalled home. After this meeting concludes, we'll be packing up and heading out. General Steiner, most of the aid supplies that Arc-Royal has provided has been distributed; may we leave what remains with your people?"


 "Yes you may Colonel. Please meet with my aide de camp to make any needed arrangements."