[RP/MM] Turn 41: CSC vs RWR Invasion- Florida 0723 *COMPLETE*

Started by Holt, July 21, 2010, 02:50:04 AM

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The silence of space echoed the invaders communications channels.

Yen Jahre   Kimagure   LFB Mobile   Regular   Reliable      20
Far Vision   Vincent (Mk. 42)   LFB Mobile   Veteran   Reliable      4.5
Aetos   Whirlwind (Clan)   LFB Mobile   Regular   Reliable      5.5

Lachesis Keshik      LFB Mobile   Elite   Fanatical   7.5
Nova Cat Lancers      Mobile   Elite   Fanatical   15
179th Striker Cluster      Mobile   Elite   Fanatical   15
246th Battle Cluster      Mobile   Veteran   Reliable   12.5
189th Striker Cluster      Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical   12.5


Colonel Saul Rosenberg, surrounded by the officers and cadets of the other units on-world, frowned as the incoming orbital tracks did not deviate off course.  "Well, gentlemen, it looks like the Clans are coming.  Execute Plan Charlie, and let's give 'em a fight."


Defenders are as follows:

Florida Home Guard 'Mech RGT (Reg/Rel/5.5 FP)
War College of Buena 'Mech Training Cadre (Reg/Rel/2.5 FP)
Florida Home Guard Aerospace Wing (Reg/Rel/6 FP -- Ground Support Orders)
War College of Buena Aerospace Training Wing (Reg/Rel/4 FP -- Ground Support Orders)
Caledonia Flight Academy Training Wing (Reg/Rel/1.5 FP -- Ground Support Orders)


A tightbeam transmission is sent to the defenders of Florida.

"Colonel Rosenberg, the 301st Minuteman Cluster wish to know the position of your government with regards to our forces.  Star Colonel Philipe, out."


"Star Colonel, consider that since we went over to the Rim, we've left you alone and let you keep your enclave and its factory in peace.  If actions speak louder than words, that should be proof enough that we don't consider you an enemy.  In point of fact, I'd say we could seriously use an ally right about now."


BUMP! -- There's been no forward movement on this for a while.


"Very well.  We will stay out of your way as we pack and prepare to depart.  We cannot afford to use our strength in this fight, when we are needed to protect Star League members elsewhere.  Good hunting."


"Clan Spirit Cat, I am Star Captain Miguel of Clan Wolf.  We have not heard your batchall for this planet.  We are preparing our departure and will not interfere in your trial against the government of this world.  Good hunting."


"You are clear to leave Wolf forces. Just make sure not to interfere with our dealings here."


Rosenberg gaped at the radio as he heard the Clanner's response.  . . . they were leaving.  Leaving his boys and girls to fight another Clan outnumbered and unaided.

The colonel snorted in derision.  "Malfing Clanners apparently don't give a shit about us," he muttered.  "So much for 'play nice.'  Major Lennox!"


"Put Operational Barbican into action.  Make sure the kids are deployed to cover the city and that everyone's ready to fight, because we're about to eat a shit-sandwich and everyone -- and I do mean everyone, Joe -- is going to have to take a bite."

The assorted elements of the Rim Republican Army, most of them trainees, began to disperse from their bases and take up defensive positions around New Miami-Dade, Florida's capital, and await the coming of the Spirit Cats.


"RWR forces. IF you surrender now and accept bondsmanship none of you will have to die today.
If you refuse to fight, we will be mercyless!"


Cat forces are landing and attacking ASAP, no batchall issued.
Can you fight theese days? and what is your timezone?

or do you prefer simres?


Colonel Rosenberg replies over an open channel so that all his troopers can hear his response:  "We've come to fight as free men, and free men we are.  You can sit and spin, and we'll see you in Hell!"

(( SimpRes.  All I have time for these days.  ))



Cats forces attack with everything avaiable

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7[/blockquote]


RWR defends with all available assets:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6[/blockquote]


Spirit Cats with 62.5 FP roll a 7 on the Outnumber Opponent 3:1 chart, dealing 70% damage or 43.75 FP to the RWR.  RWR forces are destroyed.

RWR with 19.5 FP roll a 6 on the Outnumbered by 3:1 chart, dealing 40% damage or 7.75 FP to the Spirit Cats.  Spirit Cats reduced to 54.75 FP.

Available salvage is 27.25 FP.  Salvage roll is:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 4, total 9[/blockquote]...


9+15 for Invasion = 24.  27.25*24% = 6.5 FP available for salvage.