[RP/MM] Turn 41: CSC vs LC'ish Invasion- Qarahta 1117 *COMPLETE*

Started by Holt, July 21, 2010, 02:54:36 AM

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"Tremble in fear Lyrans, for the Spirits Cats have come to claim this world."

Truth Keshik      LFB Mobile   Elite   Questionable   7.5
5th Nova Cat Cavalry      Mobile   Elite   Questionable   15


"Well I suppose we're still Lyrans of a sort," a female voice replies, "though not sure if you've heard, but Qarahta has decided to accept the leadership of Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder, and Archon-Designate for the Lyran Commonwealth."

"This world, and many others, have adopted the name of Adder Commonwealth. And while i know we don't have much in the way to offer as resistance, we'll do our damnedest to do just that."

"For Charlamagne, For Hope and For the Future."

(ooc: presuming that the Cats follow through with their Invasion, 1 FP of militia (that's about standard right?) will defend.)


"Pledging support is not the same as becoming part of Clan Star Adder, you can adopt any name you wish; it will look nice of your tombstones."


Quote from: Holt on July 22, 2010, 05:53:15 AM
"Pledging support is not the same as becoming part of Clan Star Adder, you can adopt any name you wish; it will look nice of your tombstones."

"You wanna nit pick, that's fine. And you're one to talk about adopting new names, Clan former-Nova Cat. Yeah, we know a bit about you too. Adder Commonwealth, Lyran Star Adders, Kerensky Commonwealth, whatever you wanna call us, our leader is ultimately the same. That being Khan Stanislav N'Buta of Clan Star Adder, you should know him, I hear your Clan owes him and the Adders."

"You will very likely take this world, but I'd be willing to bet that the Khan, the Archon-Designate, and our Clan will return for what is theirs."

"The Qarahta Planetary Militia Brigade [1 FP] will defend our decision, and even should you succeed initially, you'll ultimately fail."

(ooc: 1 FP Militia will defend; unless Proxy comes forward this will go to SimRes)


ooc: hi - overtaking the cats - I request 2 days to get back on track everywhere :)


Quote from: Hugin on August 18, 2010, 06:27:06 AM
ooc: hi - overtaking the cats - I request 2 days to get back on track everywhere :)

(ooc: good to have you back....hope two days is enough)


"The comms came back to life and a new voice was to be heard.
Disregard the Tech sending you this unjust provocation. We are only passing through and all we request is a save parking position for the next ten days..."


What caused this sudden change of intent, the Militia Commander asked himself with a deep sigh of relief.

"Sir, reply?"

"Yes," he responds to the tech, a few seconds later a message is sent to the Spirit Cat contingent hanging high overhead, "Request granted."

"Keep the Milita prepped though, just in case."
