[RP/MM] Turn 41: CSC vs LC'ish Invasion- Ciampino 1119 *COMPLETE*

Started by Holt, July 21, 2010, 03:05:27 AM

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"We are here for your world Lyrans, who dares stand in our way?"

Vision Escort 3   Independent Wing   LFB Mobile   Regular   Reliable      10.25

7th Nova Cat Cavalry      Mobile   Elite   Questionable   15


Not long after the challenge is made, a reply is heard, "Whoever you are, presuming you're Clan, then you're late. By proxy, in the form of Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner of Clan Star Adder, Ciampino has effectively joined your side as it were."

"You're welcome to recharge your drives and move along to a more hostile target. Groundside, R&R is offered to your Warriors. Though if it's a fight you're wanting, then we'll give you one, perhaps not a significant one, but one nonetheless."

"Personally, the Rim Worlds Republic would be a more logical target from what little I know of the Clans. Alternately, the Lyran Commonwealth operating run by Arc-Royal, or based off Skye, would be more challenging and worthy targets."

"Whatever you decide, I'll be here waiting to hear it."

(ooc: presuming that the Cats follow through with their Invasion, 1 FP of militia (that's about standard right?) will defend.)


"Loyalty cannot be given by proxy, you have not be properly absorbed by any clan; therefor you cannot claim anything. But do not worry, you soon will be properly absorbed."


"You mean there's a specific method to being accepted as Clan? Is that out of the Handbook Of Clans? Do you have an extra copy you could spare so we can get caught up on all the idiosyncrasies of what it takes and means to be Clan?"

"Charlamagne Steiner, a Star something of Clan Star Adder challenged us, challenged our minds and hearts over our bodies, and he won. I'll admit I may not be fond of calling myself an Adder, but it's a damn sight better than being Lyran right now."

"Ciampino is no longer Lyran, it is Clan Star Adder....there, I said it, you feel better now. And I'd say the same if you were from the Star League Defense Whores."

"You want to fight someone, then you'll have to go somewhere else, only thing you'll get here is a lot of ill will and other concepts you probably aren't equipped to deal with."

(ooc: Ciampino will offer no open resistance to CSC should they follow through...this supersedes the initial defensive bid)


ooc: hi - overtaking the cats - I request 2 days to get back on track everywhere :)


(ooc: good to have you back....hope two days is enough

you'll have to let us know what you think of all the happenings since you were here last)


"Without any further comment the ships prepared for a jump out of system and did not say anything further..."


"Holy crap, you mean to tell me that actually worked?"

"Apparently so, what do we do now?"

"How about a celebration? We just dodged the bullet big time, and I feel like getting totally shitfaced with some lean, mean and willing piece of man meat."

"Is that an order Sir?"

"Fuck yeah it is."

"Consider it done then."

Invasion considered Complete then