RP/MM Turn 41: FWL & Skiye Allied Opvs LC Independents Hesperus II[COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 03:23:56 AM

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This is Admiral Steven W. Regal of the Free Worlds League 3rd Fleet to Duke Brewer of Hesperus II.

By order of the Captain-General in accord with the will of Parliament you shall immediately bring yourself back into accord with your lawful liege Lord Duke Robert Kelswa-Steiner.

Or I warn you sir I shall use the full power of this Fleet to thrash you back into Accord with the will of your Liege Lord

Orders Naval Engagement
146 FP Naval


OOC: As per arrangement with the FWL

  To: Admiral Steven Regal,FWL

  From :CO 5th Lyran Guards RCT

  Ready to head planetside on your word.

5th Lyran Guards (Invasion/Occupation)(45FP)


Duly noted 5th Guards Actual, we'll cut you a path the Brewer's are yours if they don't yield. Taskforce Gemini will hold at the Zenith unless/and until you need their help on the Ground.

Alright men the Captain-General expects a Victory, I expect to give it to him lets be about it and see the Captain-Generals new favorite Elsies get to Hesperus without too many bumps and bruises.

Sensor's report all space born contacts. I don't want a Mjolnir sneaking up on this Fleet.

Dave Baughman

"Well, well, Admiral Regal," Duke Brewer's voice dripped with sarcasm, "it seems that Bobby Kelswa has friends in the most unlikely of places. Your very presence is proof that Kelswa has no right to claim the Lyran throne, and so we will hold Defiance Industries in trust for a true Archon."

"I do not have the resources to impede your navigation through this system, but if you attempt to make landings, we will have no choice but to oppose you with force."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"I wouldn't say its unlikely, we've been fighting you Elsies for going on six or seven hundred years, lord knows the boys from Skye are the only ones of you lot worth a damn in a fight. Or capable of honoring a legitimate business arrangement. Further, tell me Mr. Brewer as Duke obviously won't be accurate much longer...what part of Admiral is unclear to you? I know Hesperus has never been a player in the Elsie Space Warfare market but I assumed you were not this ...uneducated,  we don't actually land Battleships on planets anymore..its simply not done."

Transmission to planet closed.

Tight laserbeam transmission to to 5th Lyran Guards Command Vessel

"This is Eagle Actual to Lyre Actual, I hereby declare the Zenith, and Nadir Jump Points secure, I hereby declare close planetary orbit of Hesperus II secure.  You may commence offensive operations against the rebels at your leisure. Good luck and good hunting should you find yourself in a spot of bother down there be sure to give us a ring. We are here...for our friends."




 Hesperus II.

  "Duke Brewer this is Leutnant-General Kurt Cotzee of the 5th Lyran Guards. Stand down your forces and submit to the authority of the LCAF High Command. Failure to comply will result in your destruction."

(5th Lyran Guards RCT (45total FP (42.5 ground 3 Air (ground support)).

Dave Baughman

"Leutnant-General Cotzee, I don't like the idea of shooting at fellow Lyrans, but you are leaving me little choice. Your superiors' transparent collaboration with the Free Worlds League makes their true intentions clear. Stay away from Hesperus II and preserve the lives of your soldiers."

11th Lyran Regulars (54 FP including 3 aero on ground support) prepare to repel any landing attempts.

1st Lyran Guards RCT bunkers down in the Defiance Industries complex.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Hesperus II

"How unfortunate. You do have a choice. You could have welcomed us with open arms. If it is a fight you want a fight you get. I serve the Commonwealth. Duke Brewer's actions are not going to look good in court of public opinion. Denying the factories to the Commonwealth is WRONG. I will be suprised if Duke Brewer does not hang."

OOC: Holding position in orbit,but ready to drop. This fight is affected by the Tharkad thread.


"This is Marik Actual to Lyre Actual, Marik Group and Atrean Group are holding position at the Zenith. Do you need our assistance with the Rebels?" 


Hesperus II.

  "Marik Actual, looks like they are not going to listen to reason. Support will be required. Two to one odds and they are dug in.


Tightbeam laser transmission to Lyre Actuals jumpship
"Lyre Actual, Marik Group and Atrean Group  are moving in system to support your move on Hesperus II... Lyre Actual you may not want to hear this but I recommend you request Corine Marik Actual to go weapons free against the 11th Guards prior to our drops, The 11th are in the open and vulnerable with them taken out Lyre Group, Atrean Group and Marik Group can execute combat drops against the Hesperus complex. This would give us the recommended 3 to 1 ratio recommended to prevent massive friendly casualties and on their side and ours. That being said Lyre Actual this is your world and its your call."

6th Marik Militia 46.25
6th Marik Aerospace 2.5

12th Atrean Dragoons 26.25
12th Atrean Aerospace 1


Hesperus II.

  "Duke Brewer, this is your last warning stand down or be fired upon by orbital support forces. We will use all assets to secure the the planet and no quarter will be given." He opened a channel to the Marik Fleet. "Corinth Actual, unmask batteries and stand by for fire commands." He did not mute the channel to Duke Brewer.

Dave Baughman

"Kelswa-Steiner is a traitor, and you're one for following him Cotzee. I'll no sooner turn over Hesperus II to the Free Worlds League than I would to the Jade Falcoms; don't think the Sphere won't find out either if you violate the Ares conventions - I'm feeding the tracking telemetry on those warships live to the Word of Blake HPG station."

"If you're set on spilling Lyran blood today, you know where to find me."

(OOC: just so this doesn't come as a surprise after everyone has committed, Defiance Industrie's almost Castle Brian-like defenses will give the 1st Lyran Guards RCT and the Defiance Industries corporate forces a significant bonus during combat)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Hesperus II.

   "You are in revolt your grace. Prepare to reap the whirlwind... Corinth you may open fire at will."
He lowered his head as in preayer. "May God have mercy on your soul Daniel Brewer."