RP/MM Turn 41: FWL & Skiye Allied Opvs LC Independents Hesperus II[COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 03:23:56 AM

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Dave Baughman

Literally one a few meters away from escaping the attackers' lines (by way of a corporate VTOL hiding in a nearby canyon), Brewer's party is apprehended by Marik Militia infantry and is now in FWL custody
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


12th Atrean Position Attacking Defiance Industries

Watching the 5th Guards pass them and enter the facility.

"Up, up damn you. You going to let them lumbering skirt wearing Skye boys say THEY took Defiance while we sat on our hands! White Sabers on me! Last man in will turn in his blade!"


Hesperus II

Lyran medical staff swarmed in to tread the wounded as the remaining Lyran forces secured the complex. I want Brewer brought to me. Have the engneer and EoD units check for booby traps and safe the factory complex for the workers. Send to Marik Commander that we secured the planet casualties are heavy."


OOC: Just a clarification. Is this the Duke Brewer who ought to be out playing Mechwarrior with the GDL. Or did that never happen in FGC? I can't remember when that was in cannon. Or is this Duke Brewer whoever Katrina appointed to "oversee" his affairs while he was out playing common mechwarrior with the GDL?

Dave Baughman

Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 26, 2010, 04:49:04 AM
OOC: Just a clarification. Is this the Duke Brewer who ought to be out playing Mechwarrior with the GDL. Or did that never happen in FGC? I can't remember when that was in cannon. Or is this Duke Brewer whoever Katrina appointed to "oversee" his affairs while he was out playing common mechwarrior with the GDL?

As far as I know, Duke Brewer is not out driving a 'Mech with the GDL by this timeframe. The FedCom civil war neverhappened in the FGC parallel universe, so all of the events in "The Dying Time" (except for Grayson Carlisle dying of cancer) did not occur, and the Legion is still doing its own thing elsewhere in the Sphere.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


OOC: Gotcha dealing with Duke Brewer ought to be fun. He's gonna get a nice all expense paid trip to somewhere.


Hesperus II

  General Kurt Cotzee was feeling mixed emotions as he waited to hear the butcher bill so to speak. He looked at his Exec. "Colonel we won this one but the cost will be dire. Make sure all siurvivors of the defending units here are treated well. I will courts-martial anyone who violates field servce regulations. I want the senior FWLM offcer brought  here as soon as he arrives."


"Duke Brewer, Where is your Mech sir? Your Mech.. You know for your heroic last stand. The one you just ordered the 1st and 11th Lyran Guards to undertake. You'll be piloting a Fafnir of course..perhaps a Hauptmann? no no perhaps that runty little Defiance of yours then?"

"I had you pegged as a kraven little coward from the first time I heard your voice. I'd have you executed but I suspect your proper Liege Lord would take umbrage at not having the chance to ring your fat neck himself."

"Come along sir. I suspect the Good General is going wish to have a word or two with you. But before I hand you over to him...how does it feel to be the cause of the fall of ones noble line and be the man who will go down in history losing Hesperus II as a coward?"

"Nevermind I have no time for the likes of you."

OOC: He's all yours Deathrider6.


OOC: My pleasure..now how do we determine salvage so we can split it up for reapirs to our ground forces. That fight was ugly.

  Hesperus II, Field HQ 5th Lyran Regulars.

  "Colonel get the Aero units to assist with the fires near Maria's Elgey and then cut loose as much infantry andf armor to assist as well. Our beef was with Duke Brewer and his rebels not the people of Hesperus II." He streched his legs. " Duke Brewer will be here shortly so make yourself scarce the Chief of Staff and the Provost will be here to keep things honest."


"Greetings General Cotzee, Im Atrean Actual..well I guess we can dispense with radio discipline since we're in person and have so obviously won this fight, I am General Chris Cucullen of the 12th."

"Also I have taken over all command of Marik Forces on world, due to the unfortunate passing of my good friend from the 6th. You know General Cotzee I have to admit when I first heard you 5th Lyrans were calling yourself the Steadfast...it set my blood to boil." "The 7th Legion earned that designation in 3057 at the Battle of Cabots stand and paid for it in blood. But after fighting with you and yours against these Rebs here on Hesperus..I must admit you are some steadfast double tough hombres."

"Before we get down to brass tacks of divvying up the salvage let me say. The White Sabers and 6th Marik would be honored to fight by you and yours again anytime any place! And if General Marcus Caldwell were still alive I'm sure he would agree."

"That being said with Hesperus II secure we stand by to render humanitarian and disaster recovery assistance. I recommend coordinating any air mobile needs through Lord Admiral Regal. His Assault Drop ships weren't in the fight and they can shuttle disaster relief personnel pretty much anywhere on the planet via sub-orbital hops."


Hesperus II

  "I'm pleased to finally meet you face to face General. I would be honored to fight by your side in the future as well. As for salvage would sixty to you forty to me be acceptable I have a badly damaged command to rebuild. I have personnel prepeing for disaster relief as well so any co-operatiove efforts would be appreciated." He took a breath.

  "The 5th Lyrans have a long and proud history. My condolences on the loss of General Calwell. We can iron things out as far as salvage later though. I was just about to have a light meal before I deal with Duke Brewer. Would you care to join me?"


"Seems fair enough General. 60/40 it is."

FWL Forces BEFORE any Repair
6th marik Militia FP: 29.63 FP
6th Marik Militia Aerospace:2.25 FP

12 atrean Dragoons = 11.63FP
12 Atrea Air = .9 FP


For ease of computing Salvage can you give us the starting FP Of the 1st Lyran and the starting FP of the Defiance Security Force


Dave Baughman

Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 26, 2010, 05:45:12 AM

For ease of computing Salvage can you give us the starting FP Of the 1st Lyran and the starting FP of the Defiance Security Force

IIRC it was 22 and 10 respectively, but I can't access the spreadsheets from work so that is an estimate.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


OOC: Ok so assuming 22 and 10 for the 1st and Defiance forces.

I mark the combined salvage pool at 146.68 FP

Or 88 FP Salvage for me before rolling on the table and.

and 58.68 FP Salvage for the 5th Guards.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]