MM/RP Turn 41: FWL/LC Independents 1526Loric Invasion *CONTESTED*

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 03:43:16 AM

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...PINEAPPLE. Oh yes and you will submit to military occupation by the 2nd Oriente Hussars, all planetary nobles are to appear in the central government building in full clown makeup with shiny red noses. All Judges are hereby ordered to declare for the next three days at the end of preceding's "that is what she said" All former Lyran Military personnel are to disarm and hand over armaments to lawful Free Worlds Authorities....All Lyran Officers ranked Hauptmann or higher shall then jump in the nearest lake in full dress uniform.

This is not a Joke. Those will come later.

2nd Oriente Hussars 16.25
2nd Oriente Hussars Aerospace 1

Dave Baughman

Virtually undefended, Loric might have surrendered to a more... sane attacker. Instead, a ragged force of armed police and ad-hoc civilian militias to put up a desperate defense.

Meanwhile, several communication bursts are detected from the HPG station and then...

"Oriente Hussars, this is Precentor Andreas Farrakhan. Your presence is a violation of the Lyran Commonwealth's territorial integrity. Cease your agression, or with Blake as my witness your infidel nation will feel the wrath of judgement for your crimes."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Lyran Commonwealth! See I said the jokes would be coming didn't I? Beautiful Farakhan! Beautiful thats a gasser! Seriously might want to lay off the bean pies. your a gasser...pu!

Look hookah it's impossible for us to violate that treaty, because the Lyrans already did.

We went to the Star League for arbitration and no one not even the Lyran Commonwealth disputed they had infact violated the treaty!

Further at this time there is no Lyran Commonwealth, you see the "Articles of Acceptance" that poor man's Articles of Incorporation that them Elsie's have been using since 2376 to impersonate a proper Parliament was abrogated. Because right now there is no recognized Estate's General, without a recognized Estate's General there is no Commonwealth even if you go and look at the Fiat imposed by the Marsden-Steiner line you still need a Estate's General and a Archon.

As there isn't one of eitheir even under that definition. There is no one we can negotiate with.

Hey me and my Second Hussar's may be crazy but ...we canna negotiate wit dem Precentor we dunna ha' dat power ta negoddiate wit beings who dun'na exist!

And if your thinking to interdict Iand I's, you bomencladde vibro worshiper let me remind you who got your boys off Coventry. Or what the Clan front would look like, IF'n the Free Worlds were to withdraw back de'ir behind our borders, again.

You be tink'in about that next time you and yours be feeling like a couple of R'eal Rude Boys!

OOC: 2nd Oriente Hussars begin landings. Also the above is Carribean pidgin


I was likewise holding off on this one. Because of the RP You did here Dave. Should we wait some more or can I begin La Liberation! COmeon who doesn't like Lyran nobles in clown makeup.

Oriente 2nd Hussars are known for two things. Recon, and utter insanity. ;-) So I made the commander a little bit Wade Wilson a little bit Mrs Cleo

Dave Baughman

You may roll it out, since it doesn't appear any further developments are forthcoming. Add 1 FP of Word of Blake Militia (the HPG security force) to the 1 FP of militia.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


OOC Add them in even if I do not attack the HPG facility? Or go anywhere near it?

Dave Baughman

Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 29, 2010, 01:23:23 PM
OOC Add them in even if I do not attack the HPG facility? Or go anywhere near it?

The WOB Militia forces have left their reservation and are actively defending alongside the local militia, with Precentor Farrakhan leading them from his White Flame.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Hmm, according to news posts it seems that their even arming ad-hoc citizen militia's and the Elsie Fyfe Patrol want to "get a piece of us Chickenhawk unpronounceables ....I think its about time we clearly demonstrated the difference between the best damn recon Brigade in the Free Worlds League and a bunch of vibro-sucking robe snugglers and the cast of Middle of Nowheresville Elsie Editition.

1st Bat Form up with the Ponti Geo-Synchronous Orbit of Capital & HPG compound. Every few hours make like your going in hard then pull up. Your job is to suck the best of the best back into the Capital. Make 'dem c the bomenclaude Toaster Tossers a'in dere friends, an' dem Ba'reen only cur fir hi'mself.

2nd Bat, by companies 1st and 2nd Company spread out into the country side, Stay close to your droppers out run any organized resistance  and I mean it, they can't catch us and I want it that way. They consolidate to defend some gomer's field write your messages and make your folk art on his neighbors field. 2nd Bat 3rd Company you got the shite job of watching 2nd Bat's Ride home along with with 2nd Squadron from the Aero. feel free to tear up the landing zones but that's it. I want you all back in the Black as soon as possible.

3rd Batt your on maneuver duty. While second gets to raise hell you will remain at full strength and "threaten" any major move on 2nd Batt's position.

Remember people the name of the game is to be everywhere they can't be because their force is so inferior to ours I could split us down to companies and it would be a cake walk.

But remember do not engage unless I order otherwise, you manage to get ambushed weapons are not free we can kill these boys whenever we want put the peddle to the metal and get out of there like you woke up next to one of them she-borg's after one to many at a Star League Meeting. They need us to run onto their guns to have a chance and while 1st Bat and the Ponti are forcing them to consolidate on the Capital and the HPG Compound the rest of you lucky bastards get to hit everythingelse.

Remember Humiliate them, spray paint their buildings, crop circles, rude note's burnt into local landmarks do I really need to tell you people how to cause trouble?

Their elsie's and their cowards without the stomach to face the Clans. Get in there and remind them the price of turning your back on the Free Worlds League in a war.

You see militia out distance them and get picked up Force Commanders coordinate from your drop zones remember we're running this like raider's Mili's or Pig's start getting close pull everyone in do a sub-orbital hop and pick the whole thing up again 5 or 6 hundred klicks away.

As for you fighter boys you've probably already picked up on part of your assignement 1st Squadron your baby sitting the 1st Batt and the Ponti.

2nd Squadron your with 2nd and 3rd Batt on overwatch your our eyes and ear's on any significant concentrations in the middle of nowhere. Keep it high and keep your eye in the skye.

3rd Squadron you get to have fun with these Loric boys up here. If a merchy Dship isn't bending its knee to the FWL, Skye, Capella or Terra feel free to enforce "customs" inspection. Ignore ground control. Run through their shipping lanes. I want them so backed up it will be months before this planets economy is back to normal in short make a real nuisance of yourself.

Rinse repeat until further notice all. Time to show the Loric Militia the meaning of a small knife for peeling battlemechs.

Mahan open me a new channel to the ground.

"To the Governor of Loric, we shall now commence tourist operations please let us know when you have ahem reconsidered your position. For the League, For the Captain-General and for PINNEEEAPPPLLLLE!!!!"

Dave Baughman

(OOC: To clarify the tactical situation, since neither side is actually engaging in combat, the planet simply becomes contested)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.