[RP/MM] Turn 41: FWL vs ACW vs RWR? 1417 Coventry [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 04:15:01 AM

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I am General Vasilly Singh, by the will of the Prince of Regulus in accords with the requests of the Captain-General and with the direction of Parliament in Mind, I am prepared to issue several Challenges to the Adder Commonwealth.

Whom here has the power to accept my challenges. Whom among you dares to fight the best of Reguls.


Oh yes and several of our fine friends from the Free Worlds League.

However, I warn you bid all you have and I shall bid all I have. That is a battle whom the outcome is well and truly forgone.

OOC: Where Im coming from is Coventry we have been here in force for awhile. I figure since Im on planet (and in orbit) we can handle the RP before we figure out the Combat.


"All depends on what y'all is lookin' fer dere Gen'ral."

"On the ground here, I s'pose I has authurity to accept. Though I be a tad reluc'ant ta do so. I aint all dat familiar wit' how dem Clans do dem Trials, and I really don' wan' ta be pissin' off da new 'rchon afore he gets settled in."

"Wouldja be all dat adverse to mehbe postponin' this fer a spell? Least a'wise 'til Kernal Steiner kin pass word ovuh dis way an' issue me som' rightful erders," the man's drawl progressively worsens the longer he talks.


Without preamble or public address, elements of the 432nd Commonwealth Guards RCT sallied from their bases across Coventry, moving to seize control of Coventry Metal Works and the planetary capital.  Any opposition that didn't throw up its hands or display a Skye banner was attacked.


RWR is moving to take control of Coventry with troops already stationed on-world.  They will withdraw only if ordered to by Skye-flagged LCAF commands.

432nd Commonwealth Guards RCT (Vet/Rel/totalling ground 44.75 FP)
432nd Commonwealth Guards RCT Aerospace Wing (Vet/Rel/air 3.75 FP)


This is General Vasilly Singh to Rim Worlds Forces we are currently engaged in a Trial of Possession for Coventry Mech Works,

Now Star Hauptmann or whatever your new rank structure is my orders are to challenge your force here to Combat in space or ground warfare persuant to Clan Honor Practices, this may be a limited engagement. However sir should you bid all that you have I will not dishonor you by failing to do the same.

We come here to engage in a trial or trails at your discretion for:

Coventry Mech Works

a Mjolnir Class Battlecruiser,

Trial of Possession for a Overlord A3 Dropship and the design specifications there of.

Oh and we wish to declare a Trial of Possession for ..lets see yes this Planet shall do nicely.

Now gentlemen we have all been on this planet for several months at least coordinating to stop the march of the Clan's lets try to keep things cordial shall we?

OOC: DXM should we roll for init or what? Like yours my force is already on Planet.


"Ways I sees it, while we was all here, the civ'lin guv'nment done decided to back Charlie. And that includes dah Corp'rations dat run all dese luv'ly Fact'ries. In their minds, we're all part o' the Adder Comm'nwealth, and seein' hows possession is nine-tenths o' the Law, I guess I kin makes a few comments. 'Specially seein' as hows I be sittin' where y'all wants to be...inside Cov'try Metal Werks."

"First off, I dunno knows whos y'all be backin' 423rd, but it aint dah will of dah people of Coventry, and it be right bad manners to show ups uninvited to a party wit'out at least sayin' Hallo and inter'ducin' oneself."

"Now I dun' know all the niceties about Clan Trials, but I figger dat it be first come, first fight. And since dah Gen'ral Singh did contact first, den by rights, he gets dah priv'lege of first Trial. Unless dah twos of yous feels like bumpin' uglies, den we of dah Carlisle-Alarion Province Militia Armor Brigade can conclude what bizness dat remains wit dah winner."

"For frankly I has no luv fer Clanners, but dey been mostly aimed at dah Terran Hem'rige, and I has even less luv fer dem, so dat puts dah Adders a step or two above y'all. Only dah Rim Worms rank lower on me scale, and all right thinkin' mens and wimens should be stompin' new mud holes in dere asses as a mutual pas'time."


"This is Major-General Augustus Pienaar of the Rim Republican Army.  I don't give a whit about Clan-style combat; I was born on Somerset, and look what the Clans did to my homeworld -- every man, woman, and child shipped off to God knows where, never to be seen again.  My orders from Adam Steiner are to secure this world for the Rim so that it can be handed over to the legal government of the Lyran Commonwealth.  I have no fight with the Free Worlds League -- quite the opposite, or so I'm told -- but I will not allow Coventry to remain in the hands of Clan-loving traitors to the Inner Sphere."


"Though we cannot be sure of who is the legal government on Tharkard, we do agree that Coventry is too important to be fall into the Clans hands or the Rim Worlds hands. My Ryuken was placed on this world by the Coordinator to keep happening, we will also not allow combat operations to occur that will weaken this worlds defenses against the Clans."

[The Ryoken-go Brigade working under the JCA are on world.]


"....been on this world nearly half a year. None of these idiots can be bothered to coordinate a defense NOW everyone has an opinion on what should be done about the Addlled Elsies."

"Coreman open a frequency."

"But sir..."

"I said open it."
Major-General Pienaar,...let me be blunt sir a thrice damned Lyran talking about atrocities would be funny if it weren't for all the graves your kind has dug on Regulus for so many good men and women in and out of uniform going back to the Age of War\. I don't care about Summerset, I dont care about Adam Steiner hell I really don't care much for the Captain-General, But the Prince says I take my orders for him as long as that stands I do.

There is NO legal Lyran Commonwealth Government at the moment, There is no Archon while the Captain-Generals government has ....

STatic sound...im not good at making static sound. More Static sound as the transmission is taken over by a more powerful one from space.

Major-General Pienaar, this is Admiral Tier Cucullen of the Thera Class Carrier Corinth. You may notice on your screens Task Force 72 of this fleet moving into Geo-synchronous orbit. By no means should you consider this a threat. However I would be forced to intervene with close air support should you interfere with the trial...and given that General Singh is a Regulan and how they can be ever so contrary, I rather doubt he will content himself with that and will be screaming at me for directed orbital support fire. Now I'm sure neither of us wants that to happen."

"Or...you could wait to see the outcome of the trials General Singh and I intend to carry out against the Adder Commonwealth representative, if you find their ending not to your liking...you could of course then operate in any manner you deem reasonable, towards Adder Commonwealth forces without our interference."

" Tai-sa this  operation is in accordance with SLDF protocols and planning. You are thus hereby requested to remain in your cantonment. If you have not heard about this planning or were not involved init ...how are you surprised? Its hardly your first day in the SLDF, its unfortunate but thats how security protocols currently work. Should you interfere in this matter forces on planet are authorized to defend themselves up to and including taking actions that would result unfortunately in removing Ryuken-Go from the active honor roll's of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery."

" General Singh I know this is a new concept to you but sometimes...you actually can end some disagreements without shooting people in the face. Hard concept for a Regulan to grasp I know."

"Finally. Colonel? Hauptmann? Commander of the Adder forces on world...given how many people seem to be lining up to shoot you and yours I am going to pass along some free advice that is against my best interests. I am recommending that you on behalf of the Adder Commonwealth accept Hegira from me. I know your not up on Clan speak yet but thats where you admit your beat and you and yours get to withdraw with honor intact to fight on another day."

"While the General and I are all fine with giving you a fair fight these folks here seem dead set on fitting you with a 7ft long, 3ft wide, and 6ft deep patch of land and don't seem to much care how they go aobut arranging it for you son."

"I suggest you take Hegira, get your boys to where you can do Charles some good and I guarantee you safe passage off this world. Infact let me be clear anyone interfering with such would find themselves on the wrong side of my full broadside."

"Or we can continue with our planned trials either or, but I just don't see how that helps you get out of here. We got some of the slickest mech jocks in the Sphere on Coventry right now boyo, and quite frankly without giving offense your not."


Quote from: DXM on July 21, 2010, 07:06:02 PM
"This is Major-General Augustus Pienaar of the Rim Republican Army.  I don't give a whit about Clan-style combat; I was born on Somerset, and look what the Clans did to my homeworld -- every man, woman, and child shipped off to God knows where, never to be seen again.  My orders from Adam Steiner are to secure this world for the Rim so that it can be handed over to the legal government of the Lyran Commonwealth.  I have no fight with the Free Worlds League -- quite the opposite, or so I'm told -- but I will not allow Coventry to remain in the hands of Clan-loving traitors to the Inner Sphere."

"See now, dat wasn' so hahd now was it. Now dat ev'ryone has purdy much inter'duc'd demselves. I am Haup'man Leroy Jethro Clampett."

"Now Majuh-Gen'ral Pienaar, I pose yous look a mite closer at wha' happen'd. 'Twas dem Green Pidjins dat done took your home 'nitially, and twasn't until dat dingbat Kat'rine riles dem up dat dah Adders came to have Somerset."

David laughs hard, "Oh my, I haven't laughed dat hard in months. Yous willin'ly follows dah orders of dah man dat turned his back and trew 'way his mor'ls and hon'r for a bit of dah beard'd clam. Adam Steiner, dah tru' Adam Steiner, would nevah hav' led thousands into a needless slaughtah. Now if'n he had, he'd have duh comm'n sense dat dah Creator gave tah a dawg, dah true Adam Steiner would've died, and stay'd dead, 'longside his soljuhs, which includ'd mah son, a nephew, two bruthas and a sista-in-law!"

"And if i' twernt for dat Khan Nubutah fellow, many thousands more woulda been made bondsmens. Nah, he dint want none o' dat, Nubuta sent dem all home, while Adam played dead an' cowered on some dark, bloodsoaked matress wit' his Mistress, he be dah bitch slave boy tah dat Witch, Rowe."

"Nah, yous be followin' dah orders o' a murder'r and dah true trait'r to dah ol' Lyran Comm'nwealth. Mayhaps had he spen' a bit more time in a ho'house dippin' his wick, he'd not been bedded and turned by Witch Rowe into dah very thing he been fightin' 'ginst. Daht is your leader Majuh-Gen'ral, concubine to a Succ'bus, and now he be no bettah than she, 'cept dat he be wearin' a leash an' collah now, 'stead of dem shiny spurs."

Quote from: Holt on July 21, 2010, 07:15:44 PM
"Though we cannot be sure of who is the legal government on Tharkard, we do agree that Coventry is too important to be fall into the Clans hands or the Rim Worlds hands. My Ryuken was placed on this world by the Coordinator to keep happening, we will also not allow combat operations to occur that will weaken this worlds defenses against the Clans."

[The Ryoken-go Brigade working under the JCA are on world.]

"Ways I see it, when dah Nation'l Gov'nment falls, Provinshal has dah legal rights to takes ovuh. So wit' no Nation'l Lyran Cap'tal no mo's, Coventry, as one o' dem Provinshal Cap'tals, itself became 'sponsible to dah citizens by all dem legalities an' such yous menshuned. Dey's had dah legal right to do as dey done, an' dey chos'n to follow dat Charlie Steiner."

"Charlie an' dah Adders hav' done more for dah Lyran Comm'nwealth den Peter done, more dan 'Vonne, not dat she be all day hards to outdo, an' I heah dat she be easy to do in othuh 'spects," the Hauptman chuckles, "and Satan hisself would be bettah Archon dan Kat'rine evah was."

"So, legally, Tai-sa, yous and dah Majuh-Gen'ral be dah onlies ones breakin' all sorts o' laws by 'vadin' the sov'rin territory o' dah Adder Comm'nwealth. And Charlie be havin' some mite powerful friends, who'd take unkinely to yous dumpin' on his p'rade an' all."

"Yous wants tah do som'thin' productive an' all, then turns dam fancy schmancy 'Mechs o' yours to dah Majuh-Gen'ral, den yous be all rahts in muh book. And I be more 'clined to be a mite more civil t'wards y'all."

Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 21, 2010, 08:27:29 PM
"Finally. Colonel? Hauptmann? Commander of the Adder forces on world...given how many people seem to be lining up to shoot you and yours I am going to pass along some free advice that is against my best interests. I am recommending that you on behalf of the Adder Commonwealth accept Hegira from me. I know your not up on Clan speak yet but thats where you admit your beat and you and yours get to withdraw with honor intact to fight on another day."

"While the General and I are all fine with giving you a fair fight these folks here seem dead set on fitting you with a 7ft long, 3ft wide, and 6ft deep patch of land and don't seem to much care how they go aobut arranging it for you son."

"I suggest you take Hegira, get your boys to where you can do Charles some good and I guarantee you safe passage off this world. Infact let me be clear anyone interfering with such would find themselves on the wrong side of my full broadside."

"Or we can continue with our planned trials either or, but I just don't see how that helps you get out of here. We got some of the slickest mech jocks in the Sphere on Coventry right now boyo, and quite frankly without giving offense your not."

"Much 'preciat' yous candor Adm'ral, least yous Lea'gers are raht mann'r'd. I kin tell yous momma raised yous raht and propah. Ands raht now I be 'siderin' to 'cept yous Trial, just to spite dah Majuh-Gen'ral and his Trait'r Lord Adam Schweiner."

"Regardin' dat offuh o' Hegeerah, it be raht temptin'. I needs to bring yous offuh to dah legal civ'lin gov'nment. It be dere call an' all on somethin' such as lettin' us leave an' all."

"Nows while we's all waits on dat, I be tellin' yous all now. I have dah means and methids to prevent dah Metal Works from fallin' into hostile hands. Any advance tah wit'in ten kilometuhs o' dah fac'try compounds and I'll have evruh piece of man'fact'rin' machine blown tah smithereens. Evruh soljuh I have will piss demselves dry on all dem flashy 'puters and datahbanks, includin' dah dawgs."

"And dats all for startuhs. Dere be a few surprises up dis ol' warhorse's sleeves, an' I done been given dah auth'rizashun tah use 'em."

"One final ting," Leroy says, " 'member Dah Titans!"

(ooc: waiting on some advice from a couple of people, so proceed IC at own risk until I get it)


General Pienaar frowned, then looked over at Captain Joshua Ruis, the on-duty battle captain.  "Josh. . . did you understand a damn thing that man just said?"

Ruis shook his head.  "I've heard yokel accents before, sir, but that one takes the cake.  I'm pretty sure he ended with something about titans, though."

Both men shared a smile; the 432nd's symbol was a white-bearded, barrel-chested, triton-wielding image from Greek myth -- a Titan.  The irony was almost laughable.

"Well, the Mariks want us to sit tight and the Dracs are willing to fight us.  So long as the Mariks win their Trial, we'll call a Jackpoint on Coventry and move the Task Force's time table up a few months."

Ruis rubbed his jaw.  "And if they lose?"

Pienaar's lips thinned out into the barest ghost of a grimace.  "Things get messy."


After several days of thinking, well actually raising a ruckus with the men and women under his command, Hauptman Leroy Clampett had finally come to a decision. The time spent with those that have come to call rely upon him, drinking, telling stories, in general acting like soldiers who would most likely die regardless of what was decided.

He now stood in the CommCenter, eyes covered with a pair of dark glasses, and making the occasional wince from loud and sudden noises, he orders the commtech, rather quietly, "Opun muh a gen'rul channul ta ou's guests, all o' dem," his drawl thicker than normal this morning.

"Ad'mral, Uh hopes dis mornun fin's yous in bettuh shapes den Uh is in, bu' Uh has com' ta make ups me mind, tho' Uh thin's dah othuhs ain' gonna likes it none."

"Sincit was y'alls dat challun'd we heah firs', it be ah only raght ta conclu's dat bisnis firs'. An' as Uh un'erstan's it, it be all'w'd ta inclus' a countah challun'."

"Yous win, Cuvuntruh an' alls yous ask'd foh in yo challun is yo's, wit' me and min' tak'n dat heegruh. Now ons dah off chanc' dat me an' muh boyos beats y'all, we's gets dah borruh all'n your boyos tah keep dah Wurms an' Dracs oc'upuhed 'tils dah Arkun-Desugnet is abuhl tah sen's dah reunfo'c'munts."

"If'n dats no' 'cept'ble ta y'all, den tings is ginna git ah mite messah an' uncumfit'buhl dowuhn heah reah a'quick like."


Well Star Hauptmann, seems you and I have a trial to carry out.

You verigraph that and I'll forward it on to every Adder Commonwealth world with in 30 Light years by Jumpship and HPG transmission on the offchance that some of your adder counterparts have gotten their's working.

You have not yet declared how large a force you will be defending with. We will meet you with the traditional Adder response bid.

And Hauptmann, you have my word as a Soldier of Regulus. Not only for your men but any member of the planetary government or population who fears persecution shall be granted the same safe passage we bestowed upon the Blakist personnel of this world so recently.

Please communicate this to the Planetary Government so those who feel threatened may begin making orderly preperations to get their planetary affairs in order and book passage.

We stand ready to respond with our force commitment after you have given yours is given.

OOC: Note Adders tend to consider 1.5 times the force still "honorable" Expect the same here. Unlike in other threads equal numbers were never promised by the Regulan. He's a Regulan after all.


"Nahw dats raht kin' o' yous Ad'mral," Leroy says, "Ey's be ah gettun yous dat vuragraph'd , an' it'll be ah waitin' ins me pocket, as Uh 'spect y'all beah doin' da same."

"Dah Groun'hogs, Roahdrunnahs an' Ahmadillos o' dah Car'isle Alari'n Prahvince M'litia Ahmour Brehgad' wills meet y'all heah <coordinates for an area that would favor Armor over 'Mechs (ooc: not that'll make a diff in SimRes)>."

(ooc: total of 5 FP of mixed Armor will be fielded by the CAPMAB, I really didnt feel like typing out the full name, will be waiting for the Leaugers)


"Good enough by me. Hussars on me!"

2nd Regulan Hussars 7.5 FP From 3rd Battalion

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 1, total 7[/blockquote]