[RP/MM] Turn 41: FWL vs ACW vs RWR? 1417 Coventry [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 21, 2010, 04:15:01 AM

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[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


Regulan Hussars do 4.5 FP in damage to CAPMAB

Looks like you have a potential crit roll on me.


Poss Crit Roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]


Two Crits

Crit One:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9[/blockquote]

Crit Two:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


Taken from Critical Events: Ground Table (hoping that's the right one to use)

9 = Encircle and capture 20% of opponent, add that FP to salvage.

4 = Gain +1 on further rolls this combat (CO gains experience).


CAPMAB did 3.25 Damage + 20% encirclement.

.5 FP remains from original 5 FP

(ooc: CAPMAB yields...lucky once is one thing, lucky twice is near suicidal)


Regulan Hussars Headquarters, FWL Cantonment Coventry

Nearly two full companies of mechwarriors stood at stiff attention arm clenched in the Roman Style Salute of the FWLM.

"Mērē dōstōṁ, hama rājakumāra namaka lē liyā hai aura aba samaya ā gayā hai jahām̐ hama apanē sam'māna kē li'ē hamārē khūna bahā kē viśēṣādhikāra, hōgā. Calō Lyrans śō kaisē Regulus laṛā'ī kā ādamī.....Hussars...Mount up!"

Translation: My friends, we have taken the Prince's salt and now the time has come where we shall have the privilege, of shedding our blood for his honor. Come let us show the Lyrans how the men of Regulus fight...Hussars...Mount up!

With that they fell out by lance's and preceded to their Battlemech's to do their bit for Prince oh and the rest of the Free Worlds League too.

Circle of Equals, Coventry

"The little buggers are all over the place. Hiding in buildings, cave's, heavy forest. You never see them until they back shot you! Sir we should have brought scout VTOL's or at least light infantry to check dead zone's."

"Cease the conduct of a coward Hussar Bahroos or I will hustle you off to your mother at next opportunity. You'll not shame me before the Prince because of these Madar Chhod Lyrans! It is the Duty of your lance to hold the left flank and you shall do it or so help me. I will strip you of rank and send you home to your mothers house with your kukhri broken in two!"

Translation: think SHAFT shut your mouth!

"I am no coward sir I shall..."

"Hussar Bahroos? Hussar Bahroos? Hussar Sergei take your demi lance and hold the left flank, Hussar Bai take the rest of your lance and secure the Right."

Hussar Patel your lance shall form the strategic reserve, and fire support engage targets of opportunity. I shall take my Command Lance and support the 1st Company's Drive on their forward line. If we force this ridge we break their anvil, and we may deal we may deal with these flanking forces at our leisure.

Hussars for your Prince! For Regulus!

Open Transmission

You have fought well Hauptmann, but this is now at an end surrender or we shall press on and finish this battle. Think of your men Hauptmann enough of them have died this day."


"We accept the surrender of so skilled a foe. No one has come this close to humbling the 2nd Regulan in a long time Hauptmann you and your men should be proud."

"We shall escort you from this world along with your civilians further while it is above the standard of a Clan Trial we grant you salvage of your vehicles."

"To allied commands on planet we humbly request you not interfere with this debt of honor.

OOC More and better RP later today.


Pienaar's electronic warfare specialists had not spent the intervening time idly; they'd manage to slice (hack is such a brutish word) into Coventry's Keyhole Satellite Network.  It wasn't that hard; some of the codes that LIC defectors had provided were still good.  Access to the KH41 recon sats let him watch the trial in full motion video.  He had cringed when the CAPMAB had punched a hole and split off a lance of Hussar 'Mechs, but the Mariks kept pouring on the fire until that redneck of a commander had surrendered.

Logging off, he looked at Colonel Flaherty, his operations chief.  "Well James, looks like Coventry has been won for the SLDF.  Time to start packing up.  Compose a message to the Dracs and Eagles and let them know that we'll be boosting off-world without causing any more trouble just as soon as we can get everything on our DropShips."


FWL Salvage Roll As we are extending salvage of Lyran Equipment to the Adder Force.

Salvage stands at 4.65 FP

Clan style Trial means salvage is at 50%

2.325 round to 2.5

2nd Regulan Hussars repairs to all but 2.25 FP of full Strength.


OOC: Don't forget the 20% is taken out before damage on either side is calculated.


OOC: I didn't know that Gra Gor ill figure out the revised damage and post it here.

Let me know if you want to continue to resist after I do.

FWL Damage changes accordingly.

7.5*20%= 1.5 so FWL Force before roll is 6FP

6 * 60%= 3.6 Thus

Adder Com Force stands at 1.4 FP
FWL Force stands at 6-3.25 = 2.75 FP

Hmm the reduction in damage is huge, we can go again but the situation isn't all that changed. Ive still got near 2 to 1 on you here. So while you did more damage your still at worse odds then the first time. But hey you did really good that time too. :)


actually, he isn't at worse odds. You have nearly 2:1, but not 2:1. You have to achieve or exceed 2:1 odds to get the better table.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Daemon I realize I don't have 2 to 1 odds. Thats why I said near two to one odds.

You will also note that Im not talking about the Simple Res table for 2 to 1.

I am talking about the odds.

He needs to roll straight 12's to beat me.

I can roll anything that has a result better then 50% and whipe his force completely out.

Now Disgruntled is an Adder. HE has a reason to post here, you do not. Please comment via PM I assure you I will read them and respond. All respect but the GM's get upset when these threads turn into OOC Gab fests.

Oh and if the Adders tell you you can do IC RP for them thats fine too other then that please don't post. It annoys the GM's.


(ooc: I'll stick with what has happened. The increase in damage inflicted, and damage suffered, will make for better RP.....a bunch of tankers and hover crews reduced a larger Mech force to like one third what they started with...that's gotta hurt the ol' Leecher Ego...hehehe

though wouldnt the Adder force be rounded to the nearest .25, thus 1.4 becomes 1.5?...still new at this being active in Combat resolution

Now on with the RP heckling of the Hussars ;))

The bar is of the literal hole-in-the-wall variety, in fact that's the name of this particular one Hole-In-The-Wall, it used to be called Hole-In-The-Wallet, but someone placed several rounds of buckshot in the sign, removing the et, and the new name has stuck ever since.

This evening, elements of the CAPMAB were present raising numerous toasts to their lost comrades, with frequent outbursts of their all to familiar rebel yells, course what else could a person expect from a unit comprised of hillbillies, rednecks and related types.

In a few short days their gear, tanks and hovers, along with several tons of supplies, spare parts and other sundry items would be finally loaded onto DropShips, where upon they would lift off and link up with a few FWL JumpShips, bound for some other Adder Commonwealth world.

Most have already sworn to return, in their own unique way...spitting on their table before making a small cut on their palms, allowing the blood to drip onto the saliva before slamming their palms onto the mixture as they shout " 'Til nuxt tehme!", followed by that rebel yell.

Business was rarely dull when the CAPMAB paid a visit, and was always profitable, even after damages were calculated for the night's raucous activities. This night was exceptionally packed as the men and women mingled with friends, lovers, strangers and anyone else that was present.

They were all making this a night to remember, one of what would be many as the days passed, with other members making their way here to let loose and relieve a little stress. The noise, music and racket was easily audible some ten to twenty meters beyond the door, often attracting other patrons, though more often chasing most away.

The owner and staff did their best to keep up with the CAPMAB and their ability to consume assorted beverages, a task easier said than done, as they had no choice bu tto hear their recounting of the day's past events.

And even though they lost, they still crowed about their accomplishments as if they had defeated ten times their number. The only moments of silence coming when one called out the name of a fallen comrade, though those lasted only a brief moment before the stillness was shattered by near two score "YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAW's!" bellowed near simultaneously at the top of their lungs.

Tonight was going to be a long night, being highly unlikely that they Unit would even allow the place to close. The owner taking the precaution of having all his wait and tending staff on call and/or working in rotating shifts. Suppliers were set up to deliver on a moments notice, with alternatives set up just in case.

Things were going good, almost to good, the owner had that itchy feeling that told him something was about to happen.....