[MM/RP] Turn 41: "ACW" v WiE - ToP (Invasion?) - Amminadav (818) *CONTESTED*

Started by GraeGor, July 21, 2010, 07:29:07 AM

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"Am I to understand that you are declaring yourself to be an enemy to the Star League and to the Lyran state, which this world rightly belongs to?  That they claim Elvis in the Archon is unimportant.  All Lyran troops are under the command of General of the Armies Nondi Steiner.  Any who take action against us will be in violation of their oaths of service and enemy combatants.  Clan Star Adder is a declared enemy of the Star League Defense Force and we are to destroy all of their forces when the opportunity arises.  I certainly hope that you have mistakenly informed us that you have claimed them as your leader and defied your oaths of service.  Otherwise, you are hereby ordered to stand down as enemies of the Star League and prepare to be boarded.  You will be treated with the dignity due to all combatants captured by the Star League."

Quote from: GraeGor on August 21, 2010, 05:14:00 PM
"Well Commadner Mitchell, you'd better get your facts straight. With the disintegration of the Lyan Commonwealth, the Amminadav Civilian Goverment, elected freely by the citizens of Amminadav, has chosen to follow Star Colonel Charlamagne Steiner and Clan Star Adder."

"I have in my possession a formal, and verigraphed, declaration by all the Cantons of Amminadav of their pledge and intent. BY this decree, Amminadav is now part of the Clan Star Adder Commonwealth under the leadership of Archon-Designate Charlamagne Steiner, Star Colonel of Clan Star Adder."

"The Rim Jobbers are not welcome here, and any statements they make are contrary to that recorded fact, nor are the Exiles wanted here any longer. A valid Trial was issued against the Exiles for their manufacting complex, prior to the Rim Jobbers interfering."

"An offer was made to the Exile Commander to pool our resources with their in an attempt to drive Rimmers off, yet we recieved no response for some time. I can only guess that they stalled for time, hoping that someone would arrive to save their sorry asses."

"Your vaunted Star League failed us, failed the Commonwealth, and failed the rest of the Inner Sphere by hiding the presence of Clan Wolverine within itself. If you really want to do something positive for a change, you can assist the Exiles in leaving and remove the interlopers of the Florida VPM RCT from this Clan Star Adder World."

"Anything less that and we will fight to the bitter end, heedless of the cost to ourselves. The people of this world will fight as well, disregarding their own welfare, their sole intent being to hold you all here until our Clan comes to remove your presence by force, using any means necessary and available."

"The people of this world would rather see it laid waste than allow it to fall into the hands of Traitors, cowards and failures. You have 24 hours to decide your course of actions Mitchell, after that we will do what is necessary in order to remove the infections from this Clan Star Adder World."


"Colonel Kidd, the only troops I have recognized on this planet are Lyran troops.  I do not know where you raised your force.  However, reports from Tharkad indicate that it may be from deserters of the LCAF.  As Amminidav is a Lyran planet, member of the Star League, we will protect it from all non members.  We will work with all Lyran and Star League troops to ensure the safety of this world, if needed."

Quote from: DXM on August 21, 2010, 09:01:35 PM
"Attention Clan Wolf forces, attention Clan Wolf forces.  This is Colonel Ambrose Kidd of the Rim Republican Army.  The government of this planet has turned traitor to the entire Inner Sphere and has sided with Clan Star Adder against their own people.  The RRA's purpose now is to remove the occupying forces that claim to Clan-ship from Amminadav and secure it for the Lyran Commonwealth.  The Rim may not be a Star League member, but we can all find common cause in throwing back Clan invaders, right?  Err, ummmm, key-aff?  Any assistance you're willing to lend my troops in removing the Adder presence from this world would be appreciated."


"Then I implore you: allow us to help you cleanse the Adder taint from the system.  Once that goal is accomplished and this system is returned to true Lyran control, my troops will voluntarily withdraw back to Republic space.  You have my word on that."


Quote from: DXM on August 21, 2010, 11:51:55 PM
"Then I implore you: allow us to help you cleanse the Adder taint from the system.  Once that goal is accomplished and this system is returned to true Lyran control, my troops will voluntarily withdraw back to Republic space.  You have my word on that."

"The only taint in this system are those that follow Adam Steiner, the man who initiated the downfall of the Lyran Commonwealth with his assinine invasion of Addergrad. Had he remained faithful then the LCAF would not have been decimated."

Quote from: NVA on August 21, 2010, 11:40:59 PM
"Am I to understand that you are declaring yourself to be an enemy to the Star League and to the Lyran state, which this world rightly belongs to?  That they claim Elvis in the Archon is unimportant.  All Lyran troops are under the command of General of the Armies Nondi Steiner.  Any who take action against us will be in violation of their oaths of service and enemy combatants.  Clan Star Adder is a declared enemy of the Star League Defense Force and we are to destroy all of their forces when the opportunity arises.  I certainly hope that you have mistakenly informed us that you have claimed them as your leader and defied your oaths of service.  Otherwise, you are hereby ordered to stand down as enemies of the Star League and prepare to be boarded.  You will be treated with the dignity due to all combatants captured by the Star League."

"You are dense aren't you. The Lyran Commonwealth died in a blazing nuclear fireball, and the only ones that have been interested in lending assistance for months now has been Clan Star Adder."

"Where was the high and mighty Star League when the Arluna Flu was released by Daphne Rowe, a known and declared enemy of the former Lyran State, now married to Adam Steiner by the way? Where was the Star League Defense Force when the Free Worlds League first invaded the Lyran Commonwealth just a few short years ago? Where was the Star League when the economy of the Lyran Commonwealth collapsed?"

"You had no interest in helping us then, and come only now, when you perceive a threat to you. You come only when, in your warped minds, things don't go the way you want or like."

"Well guess what, the Star League hasn't helped anyone since it wiped out the Smoke Jaguars, so you can all bite it."

"Amminadav wants no part of the current Star League, and certainly has no desire to be party to Adam Steiner's treacherous and abominable leadership. Clan Star Adder asked, that's right asked to be our patron. It didn't come in guns blazing. It didn't come with WarShips. It didn't make threats. It didn't promise a future of hardship and want. It used words, simple words asking for the chance to prove that things could be different. It offered the people of Amminadav hope."

"Hope, the one thing that the Star League and Rim Worlds Republic has failed to deliver time and time again. So while you may take our lives, and you may take our world, you will never take our free will! Now get the hell out of our corner of the galaxy!"


(( Uh, Grae?  That's not over an open channel and I certainly wasn't talking to you.  ))


Quote from: DXM on August 22, 2010, 12:40:14 PM
(( Uh, Grae?  That's not over an open channel and I certainly wasn't talking to you.  ))

(ooc: sorry, I generally take anything written that isnt before or following a quote as a "public" statement

one of the hazards of an IC multi-player thread)


I am declaring this a stale mate for turn 41.........this means that it will carry over to turn 42. Please feel free to do RP in this thread but DO NOT roll ANY combat. Thank you all. Have fun RPing.



[due to the result here (finally) - http://intelser.org/forums/index.php?topic=586.msg12020#msg12020

and from my understanding that a defeated opponent is allowed/forced to move, free of charge, one hex so long as the destination is friendly...that's what I was told...resulting in someone new joining the gathering here]

"Amminadav Control, this is Major Vex of the 1st Alarion Jaegers, I see you have guests. Can we be of assistance?"