[RP/MM] Turn 41: The Dark vs. FS Invasion Panpour 3936 *CONTESTED*

Started by LittleH13, July 21, 2010, 01:37:30 PM

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Outnumbered, but not 2:1, the Federates Suns forces put up the best defense they can as they're swarmed by the Dark. The five Dark Congresses converge on the FSS Kathil, and within minutes the ship is no more....

FS Roll 6 = 50%

No Crit

FS deal 80 * .5 = 40 FP to the Dark.

Dark Warships will need survival checks to see if the Kathil's defiant stand is heroic, or just buys time...

Current Salvage pool Naval is 120 RP.

Advise Dark actions for round 2 (For round 2, the MoC forces are told to scatter with the Fed Suns ground troops)


I hear what your saying FB, but I think we should wait until the Dark signals their intent (obviously via movement deeper into the system with whatever forces it desires) before we go down the scatter path.

PM sent.


Dark warship survival rolls

Tendency   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 5, total 7[/blockquote]

Trueborn                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 2, total 3[/blockquote]

Freeborn                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9[/blockquote]

Estragon                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]

Micer                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


Salvage roll

Trueborn                Congress (SLDF)
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5[/blockquote]


Damage from Op Round 1

Tendency   Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5
Trueborn                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5-0.5=11
Freeborn                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5-0.5=11
Estragon                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5 -11.5 =0  Ship Destroyed
Micer                Congress (SLDF)   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11.5-0.5=11

Shadow Galaxy   104 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical    14-5=9
Mist Galaxy   201 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11-3=8
Mist Galaxy   202 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      11-3=8
Mist Galaxy   203 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      4-4=0  (unit destroyed)
Mist Galaxy   204 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      17-8=9
Mist Galaxy   205 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      13-4=9


Op Round 2

The Dark ground forces and remaining support ASF (not from warships) burn toward the planet to engage the defending MoC/FS ground forces.

Shadow Galaxy   102 Assault Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      17
Shadow Galaxy   104 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical    9
Shadow Galaxy   101 Machinized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical      17.25
Mist Galaxy   Black Keshik                Mech cluster   Mobile   Elite   Fanatical                17.5
Mist Galaxy   201 Mechanized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical      18.25
Mist Galaxy   201 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      8
Mist Galaxy   202 Mechanized Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Veteran   Fanatical      20.75
Mist Galaxy   202 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      8
Mist Galaxy   201 Scout Cluster                Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      14.5
Mist Galaxy   201 Cavalry Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      14
Mist Galaxy   204 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      9
Mist Galaxy   202 Cavalry Cluster   Mech cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      13.5
Mist Galaxy   205 Aero detatchment   Aero Cluster   Mobile   Regular   Fanatical      9

Total FP is 175.75

[OOC-Fate please roll the salvage roll for the Fox.]


Salvage Roll for the FSS Kathil

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote]

% of unavailble units due to "Scatter" Orders on turn 2.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]

Dave Baughman

Thread locked pending a review of a possible orders issue.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Official Ruling

There was a question that was raised in PMs about the availability of certain forces at Panpour. After thorough review of all of the evidence provided, the GM team has come to the following determination:

1) At the time the Dark attack, the forces listed on the Turn 41 Federated Suns record sheet as being present at and/or moving to Panpour are the forces available. Any other forces, even if it was their factions' intentions to move them to Panpour and they were only accidentally left off the orders sheet, are not present.

2) Any defender FP levels that were accidentally overstated are grandfathered - it is not neccessary to transfer that damage to other units or recalculate combat results.

3) Any forces that were supposed to have been moved to Panpour but were not listed on the orders (as documented in the PMs sent to the GM team) may attempt unplanned reinforcement with a +2 bonus on their roll as long as they are otherwise eligible to reinforce.

Normally this would have been a very clear-cut situation to rule on, but the GM team is aware of both the special circumstances surrounding the mix-up and the fact that this battle is a player vs. NPC scenario and thus allows for some flexibility.

Please continue from where the thread left off.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"To Admiral Jeron." The group lifted the "We're gonna be outnumbered, but by the Unfinished Book, I say this day is not yet done. The Duke has sent the 2nd Davion Guard and some good Mercenaries and they'll be here soon. We have to hold out until they and the Space Sunners get here. If we fold, the second watchtower that guards the path to New Avalon will go dark. We MUST Hold! We WILL Hold! For God and Davion!" General Richards downed the liquid quickly and grimaced, his tongue tried to lick the bitter from his teeth but anyone who'd grown accustomed to the "Sour Cobra" knew once it bit you, you'ld feel it for a while. "Gentlemen, I will see you on the battlefield."

Federated Suns Defense Forces for Panpour w/ SLDF (MoC) support

8th Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, Regular / Reliable, 10.5 FP
Armor Brigade, Elite / Reliable, 19.25 FP VIP: General Entropy Richards

Warren CMM, Regular / Reliable, 11.25 FP
Armor Brigade, Regular / Reliable, 11 FP

Islamabad CrMM
Alpha Command, Green /  Reliable, 5.25 FP
Charlie Command, Green /  Reliable, 4.25 FP

Remagan CrMM
Bravo Command, Regular / Reliable, 6.75 FP
Charlie Command, Regular / Reliable, 6.75 FP

2nd Albion Training Cadre, Green / Fanatical, 10.75 FP
Combat Auxiliary, Green / Fanatical, 4.25 FP

Illician Lancers
21st Rangers, Regular / Fanatical, 9 FP
Armor Regiment, Regular / Reliable, 5 FP

4th Canopian Light Horse, Regular / Reliable, 9.25 FP VIP: Colonel Vahina Giocante

"Colonel Barnes, shouldn't we be moving to support the 8th? That is our position isn't it?"

"We're staying here!" The portly officer said as he nervously glances up at the sky. "Those bastards are just trying to lure us in. Like they did on ..... did you hear that? Do you smell the ozone? It's coming!"

"Sir your being paranoid."

"Paranoid!? .... ask General Grundy if I'm being paranoid. Oh wait, you can't because he'd DEAD!" He looked around the room. Plenty of others were spooked at the colonel. "We'll wait it out here. You'll see...when those ships start lasing the ground, you'll see...the assaults just a diversion, they'll do one pass and fly back up and those other poor bastards will be out in the open. If I were in command, I'd tell them all! Stay under cover!...like us. We'll be safe..."

The following unit is unavailable for combat due to scattering Rule.

Malagrotta CrMM
Bravo Command, Green / Questionable, 4.5 FP

The FP matched (4%) and it made sense to use the Questionable unit :P


The rotors of the 3 Battallions worth of the 8th Syrtis Fusiliers led the way dropping Infantry off all along the way as the battle line was drawn. The Air Cav then fell back and hovered with anticipation waiting for the fast movers to arrive ahead of the Dark Ground forces...

Fed Suns Combat Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 3, total 8[/blockquote]


Fed Suns Crit Chance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 2, total 4[/blockquote]


No Crit

Fed Suns Roll: 8 - 65%
Fed Suns deals 113.25 * .65 = 73.75 FP


Dark combat roll

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


Dark crit chance

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]