MM/RP ToP CIH vs Clan Wolf Shadow HW 3927 (planetside) *COMPLETE*

Started by Marlin, July 21, 2010, 07:33:58 PM

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"Clan Wolf, listen and despair! I am Star Colonel Darill Schuetz of the 150th Attack Cluster, Zeta Galaxy, Clan Ice Hellion! We have come here to firstly deprive you of this land that the Jade Falcons gave to you for your pitiful engagement against the traitorous Mandrills and secondly we offer you the chance to stay honorable by joining our ranks. Traitors have taken over your Clan, traitors of the worst kind. We cannot allow this to fester. If you want to stay pure Clan and honorable, join our might. If you choose the path of the traitor then we will try to at least slow you down. Star Colonel Darill Schuetz out."


Star Colonel Schuetz, while we would be grateful for the opportunity to teach you the wisdom Kerensky showed in joining our clan.  However, your clan has supported the ilKhan's ban and trials and we would not want to have you be cowardly hypocrits by now ignoring the ilKhan.  Further, we have already accepted a trial for this world from Clan Blood Spirit.  You are welcome to take your claim to them and we will face whichever of you wins the right to challenge us.  Otherwise, we will honor their trial.  And,  the only traitors in our clan are those who abandoned Kerensky's ways and were cowards, like unto the Star Adders.  Our Warrior Council decided to determine whose path was correct and honorable via combat against the other half of our clan.  It was decided by Kerensky's Ways.  We now will continue to walk the honorable path.


OP Answer coming tomorrow (my time) going to sleep.


"It is sad that the proud Wolf of my childhood has sunk so low. I see neither a Blood Spirit here nor have I heard about a Trial between you and them. Rather I see a coward hiding behind words, refusing to take responsibility and trying to betray the Clans. Either take up the challenge now, or keep hiding and wait till we get to you! This is your last chance, dishonorable scum!"

(Edited it. :) )


OOC - Sorry, I did not create a name.  You would have received it.


"Never let it be said that the Wolves cower from a fight, behind the ilKhan's skirt or otherwise.  We shall accept your challenge and defeat you.  Just be aware, should you win, the Blood Spirits are fighting for possession of this world elsewhere and may take issue with you interfering in their trial.  When we defeat you, you will agree to no attacks against our clan by yours for a period of six months.  Bidding is commencing for the force that will show you the error of your ways."


"Star Colonel, the bidding was fierce and elements of the 1st Garrison Cluster will defend our claim to this world.  We are transmitting codices at this time.  Star Colonel Phillip looks forward to teaching you the errors of your ways."

OOC - 8.75 FP of V/R aero will defend.  Since I don't know if this force is already on the world or not, then, as an OOC note, if the force is NOT planet side, SafCon is not granted.  If they are, then it will be a straight up trial.  If you have already grounded ground forces, then we will simply face you on some map, if we don't do SimpRes.  I believe there may be some players who look forward to a MM vs Aero battle.


OOC: they are there.

"Darill shook his head. Such a waste. But the 150th would deal with it." If they could take the bases...

"Cluster, stay on alert. Aeros are nothing to underestimate."

Message to the Wolves: "Wolves, it seems you overvalue your possession. But we will deal with you appropriately. Three quarters of my Cluster will engage you. (9FP) May the proud Warriors of Clan Ice Hellion teach you your folly."

"The rest of you stays on reserve. I will call you up if needed. I will deal with the repercussions before the Khans."

The Cluster's forces storm into the Wolves' Territory.

OOC: I would prefer simres. I dont think the stuff would match too well.


OP: Lets finish this:

Roll for CIH: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote]


Wolf Roll -

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 2, total 3[/blockquote]


Critchance: [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7[/blockquote]


No crit.

Damage to CIH: 3 Fp = 6 FP left.
To Wolves: 5,5 FP = 3,25 FP left.



Wolf v CIH Round 2 -

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


OOC: Crap. Now they are serious.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3[/blockquote]