[RP/MM] CIH v. LC and Friends Sargasso 1615 (Recon Raid/Invasion) [complete]

Started by Marlin, July 22, 2010, 05:57:45 PM

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Pirate point, Sargasso: Will those bold people make it unmolested to the ground?

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4



I have troops here, but they're leaving.  Even if you show up first, they're still going to try to run for it. . . so is it even worth rolling initiative?


I wont hold them up right now, although the Init thing for Raids is always problematic to me. Better wait what the raid brings, cuz.. there could be more.. And THEN could be the time to roll init. Its a call for GMs, really.


The Adders are planning on joining in the party here, but with no blockade, it's not necessary from our side if you're just planning on leaving.  In cause the IHs are looking to invade though:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 2, total 7[/blockquote]


OP: I appreciate your eagerness, but it seems last turn the Raid preceeded any normal movement. Thus, I would refrain from Inits unless a GM says otherwise, of course. :) First the raid, then the Invasion and Init.

Thats my perspective on it. But good to know we have other peeps here that can party hard. :D

Dave Baughman

Just to clarify:

There is nothing in the rules that exempt raids from initiative. It is possible for raiders to arrive after some of the initial movement/etc orders have been executed. (one of the hazards of uncoordinated operations)

1. Initiative: all involved factions roll 2d6 to determine the order they will declare orders in.

2. Declare Orders: each faction announces its actions.

3. Special Scenarios: any unique rules or conditions should be disclosed at this point (if they have not already).

4. Resolution: play MegaMek or roll for simple resolution.

5. Damage Control: any force that took damage but survived the combat regains 10% of the lost FP (round to the nearest 0.25).

6. Conclusion: in Raid and Battle type scenarios, the attacker withdraws to an adjacent friendly hex (if applicable). In Invasions, repeat steps 1-5 as neccessary until the Invasion has been completed.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


In which case, RWR initiative roll:

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


Since the RWR looks to be gone, whenever it comes around to my initiative:

Along the Lyran Front the war continues with the Arrival of an Adder TF at it's newest battlefront.

2 Warships and various fighters lead the way in system ~15 FP.


Not even going to bother writing an RP post on this one. More militia. Whee.


Before the Attack at least there must be a Recon raid...

care to roll on your chart?

I mean.. I now know whats here, so perhaps we can call this one off completely, as the raid force is bigger than your militia anyway. :P

It is your call, though. Raid, and dead Militia, Raid without Militia involved, or no Raid and just invasion?


Raid Defense roll:

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5

Raid Defense Force Table

5 90% of Attacker

(Apparently, modifying the post with the result set off that flag - sorry. No cheating involved - I promise - if I did I might have given myself more than a five)


I guess the Militia is going down then. It is an MM opportunity, however.

2 vs 1 odds, though. Able to schedule with me? August?


I was in error - it pays to check the order sheet. The Royal New Capetown Militia is here, 3.5 FP.


Its 1.5 FP vs 90 % of it.

Should be doable for the Hellions, however, it wont matter anyway. Although, August, its a chance for MM. How is the weekend for you? Or Friday?