MM/RP ToP Blood Spirit/ Nueva Castille-Ummyadds DP 1407 Valencia Invasion

Started by chaosxtreme, July 22, 2010, 07:12:14 PM

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And with a bright flash of light an Armada of Blood Spirit Jumpships burst into existence at the Zenith of the Valencia System

Dave Baughman

After a long pause, radio transmissions from the surface reach the Blood Spirits' vessels:

Desconocida buque, su llegada no está prevista. Declare su identidad y las intenciones de inmediato o que se presuma su voluntad a ser hostil.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


A terse reply is sent from the flag JumpShip, though (unknown to the receiver) the response has been prerecorded.  It is beamcast directly to the world of Valencia on an open channel, so that it is received by the entire planet.

The holoimage of a woman appears, easily six feet tall, with long golden tresses framing a face of severe beauty that could have been carved from stone.  She is sheathed in a skintight blood-red bodysuit from banded collar to glossy, knee-high black boots, and a liquid-like red strip runs from the neck down her left side, with only a blood-red, marbleized Cameron Star worn on the left breast serving as the only decoration.  On the left side of the collar is worn a red daggerstar denoting her position as a MechWarrior, and on the right side is worn a red teardrop of enameled metal, inside of which is a marbelized white daggerstar denoting her rank as Khan.  On her right shoulder is worn the insignia of her Clan, and the insignia of the Blood Guard Keshik is worn on her left shoulder.  Finally, a reversible black and red half-cape is attached at her shoulders.

"People of the Castilian Principalities and the Umayyad Caliphate!  I am Adrianna Schmitt, Khan of Clan Blood Spirit.  Doubtless you are aware of the Clans of Kerensky, and know this: we are aware of you as well.  We have been watching you for months, studying you, to better understand you and your people, your way of life.  And as surely as you are aware of the Clans, you are aware that we can arrive at any time we please and conquer you by force.  If you do not know this truth already, you will quickly learn it once you turn your eyes to the skies and to the forces we bring to bear.  Know this, understand this, and suffer no illusions regarding your chances against us on the field of battle.

"But I do not come to you this day as conqueror.  When we were brought together and molded by the hand of our Founder, Nicholas Kerensky, he intended Clan Blood Spirit to stand for something greater than itself: he intended for us to stand for the brotherhood that unites *all* of us together, and to lead the way into a brighter future than any that we could have foreseen.  And while the other Clans of Kerensky have fallen into darkness and despair, our founders made a vow never to forget the trust, honor, and spirit that brought them together, and to always carry with us the fire of belonging to something so much greater than ourselves.

"We know that your people, both the Castillians and the Umayyads, have been engaging each other in conflict for so long that you remember nothing else.  But we would offer you a better way.  A way for you not only to recover from the wars that have kept you from growing and thriving, but a way to prosper and advance as never before.  A way for you to benefit from all that we have to offer, just as we would benefit from all that you have to offer to us.  And a way for you to exact justice upon those who have worked to keep you in perpetual conflict with each other for profit: the dishonorable merchants of the Hanseatic League.

"We know well how you have enjoyed the embrace of isolation, and how you have set yourselves apart from the madness and greed and constant warfare that has consumed the Inner Sphere.  And we know that you have tasted the treachery of those who only seek to profit from your misery.  Know that we, too, understand these things all too well.  We are beset by enemies in every corner, and in our efforts to find sanctuary away from their treachery and opportunism, our eyes fell upon you... and though it surprised me most of all to realize, we saw kindred spirits in your peoples.  We saw ourselves.

"I wish to meet with the
principes of the Castillian Principalities and the atabegs of the Umayyad Caliphate, as well as the Castillian King and the Umayyad Caliph, to discuss how we might embark on a new future together.  It is my wish that we can come to an arrangement that will satisfy all parties, and allow us to move forward without the need for wasteful and destructive warfare.  And I stand ready to make this vow to each and every one of you today: my Clan and I will pledge ourselves to your safety, your protection, and your prosperity.


With that, the Blood Spirit JumpShips took up station-keeping stances, waiting on baited breath for the inevitable response.

Dave Baughman

A message identical to the one transmitted at Aragorn is sent to the Blood Spirit forces in Valencia... but it is interrupted by a transmission very different in tone and content.

"السفن غير معروف ، لدينا لكم على أجهزة استشعار لدينا. أعمالنا هنا مع القوات القشتالية على هذا الكوكب أدناه -- لا تزال عند نقطة القفز وسنحترم الحياد الخاص. الله أكبر!"

Sensors quickly identify the source of the transmission: six JumpShips have arrived at the opposite jump point and disgorged a large force of dropships, burning in towards the planet.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


After a hurried (and somewhat inaccurate) translation was conducted, the Naval Captain in charge of the flag Spirit JumpShip at Valencia, Red Thirst, sent a terse response... and on an open channel, so that it was received not only by the inbound Umayyad JumpShips and DropShips, but by the Castillians on Valencia as well.

"Inbound Caliphate forces, use the information given to you by your eyes, and by your sensors, and stand down.  You will not be permitted to engage the Castillians in yet another round of senseless combat until all of us have a chance to sit down as equals and discuss this matter with honor!  We have a chance here to bring an end to the cycle of death and violence that has plagued Nueva Castile for centuries, and you will not be permitted to throw that chance away because you cannot control yourselves!

"To the principe of Valencia, relay this message to your King, Joseph Noye: the Caliphate will have its voice heard in this matter as well, for we are not here to choose sides and enrich one at the expense of the other.  This conflict must end, and Clan Blood Spirit stands ready to elevate both the Principalities and the Caliphate, that we might walk the True Path together... but we will do so together!  Do not make the mistake of acting like unruly children, for we will surely react accordingly.

"I am Star Colonel Rory Vargras, envoy to Nueva Castile, and I shall meet with the Castillian king on Asturias... but I will do so with the Umayyad Caliphate in attendance as well.  Caliph Lise Burrill, you are formally invited to this summit, and it is my sincere wish that we can move past the petty conflicts that have sundered your peoples for so long.  Seyla!"

Dave Baughman

"As-salaam alei'qum, Star Colonel Rory Vargas. I am Atabeg Wallace Donovan, and I have come to reconquer this world in the name of God and the Caliph. I did not believe it to be the way of your people to interfere in honorable battle between third parties, and I must ask you this: if your goal is truly to benefit both peoples of this region, why do you take the Castillian side in all but name by attempting to stop our enterprise here?"

"We will pass word to the Caliph of your invitation, but I must ask that you interfere no further in our business here: I do not doubt your honor or integrity, but long experience has taught us that we cannot extend the same trust to our Castillian neighbors. If we stop now, our only choice is to retreat, since any truce to hear out your ambassade would surely end in a suprise attack on our spacecraft by Castillian reinforcements."

"In short, I ask you this: what guarantee do we have that should your mission fail we will not suffer from your endeavor? If you cannot offer us such a guarantee, permit us to take this world from the kuffār now and speak of mutual elevation after."
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


"Atabeg Wallace Donovan, you honor us with your words and with your candor, and I will extend to you the same honor.  It is not our wish to see your people and the Castillians enter into yet another round of warfare that will only add to the hatred and resentment that has built such thick walls between your peoples over the centuries.  Believe me when I say that we know well the twists and turns of walking this path, and we know how unpleasant that path can be."

"But if you are insistent on pressing your claim to Valencia, we shall not impede you in your mission.  For it is the Way of the Clans to grow and to prosper, and we shall not prevent you from determining your own fate.  We know that the Caliphate holds to the concepts of honor as closely as we ourselves do, and we know as well that you will conduct yourselves honorably as a consequence.

"However, I would ask of you a boon, Atabeg: if you truly wish to move forward with this course of action, then I must ask of your Caliph the right to observe your Trial and ensure that it is conducted fairly and honorably, by both sides.  We do not wish to see your already-fragile peace torn asunder by dishonor and hatred.  That is not the Way of the Clans, and we know that both of your peoples are capable of so much more than these things.

"I await your answer, Atabeg Wallace Donovan."

Dave Baughman

"A most intriguing proposition you make, Star Colonel. As the Caliph's representative in this star system, I grant your request: you and any soldiers you command will have safe-conduct to observe how the Caliphate wages battle against our adversaries. Stand by for an encrypted transmission of our initial attack vector and landing sites."

(OOC: Anyone up for playing the Castillians? If so, I'd be up for doing this fight in MegaMek)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Let me know when is a good time for you and Tassa, and we can get together for the battle.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

Tassa Kay and Daemonknight will give us a roleplaying treatment tomorrow :)



Winner is: TEAM #1

Umayyad Caliphate: 5885 BV remaining (from 8503 initially) 0 BV fled
Daemonknight: 7604 BV remaining (from 18600 initially) 0 BV fled
Holy Schmitt: 14685 BV remaining (from 14929 initially) 0 BV fled
august: 0 BV remaining (from 0 initially) 0 BV fled
Hugin(yes it's really me): 0 BV remaining (from 0 initially) 0 BV fled

Survivors are:
Marauder MAD-5L (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Ostroc OSR-4L (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Crusader CRD-7L (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0

Zeus ZEU-9S (Umayyad Caliphate)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5] ( 4 hit(s)   )
Kills : 3

Quickdraw QKD-4G (Umayyad Caliphate)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Griffin GRF-1N (Umayyad Caliphate)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

Centurion CN9-A (Umayyad Caliphate)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Condor Heavy Hover Tank (Umayyad Caliphate)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Falcon Hover Tank (Umayyad Caliphate)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 1

Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (Umayyad Caliphate)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 1

J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (Umayyad Caliphate)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) (Umayyad Caliphate)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4]
Kills : 0

Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #2 (Umayyad Caliphate)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4]
Kills : 1

Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #3 (Umayyad Caliphate)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4]
Kills : 1

Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #4 (Umayyad Caliphate)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4]
Kills : 2

Blood Kite (Holy Schmitt)
Pilot : Star Colonel Rory Vargras [2/1]
Kills : 0

Crimson Langur Prime (Holy Schmitt)
Pilot :  MechWarrior Javier [3/2]
Kills : 1

Stooping Hawk C (Holy Schmitt)
Pilot : MechWarrior Veronica [3/2]
Kills : 0

Crimson Hawk 3 (Holy Schmitt)
Pilot : MechWarrior Jasper [3/2]
Kills : 1

MechWarrior Unnamed (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [3]
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Unnamed (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

MechWarrior Unnamed (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0

The following units never entered the field of battle:
Light Strike Fighter Owl II (Umayyad Caliphate)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Light Strike Fighter Owl II #2 (Umayyad Caliphate)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0

Graveyard contains:
Myrmidon Medium Tank (Daemonknight)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Falcon Hover Tank (Umayyad Caliphate)

Vedette Medium Tank (Daemonknight)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Zeus ZEU-9S (Umayyad Caliphate)

Mechanized Tracked Platoon (Rifle) #3 (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #2 (Umayyad Caliphate)

Hunter Light Support Tank (Daemonknight)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Drillson Heavy Hover Tank (Umayyad Caliphate)

Mechanized Tracked Platoon (Rifle) (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #4 (Umayyad Caliphate)

Mechanized Tracked Platoon (Rifle) #2 (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #3 (Umayyad Caliphate)

Mechanized Tracked Platoon (Rifle) #4 (Daemonknight)
Gunnery Skill : Unnamed [4] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Zeus ZEU-9S (Umayyad Caliphate)

Vedette Medium Tank #2 (Daemonknight)
Driver : Unnamed [4/5] ( 6 hit(s)   )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Crimson Langur Prime (Holy Schmitt)

Warhammer WHM-4L (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Crab CRB-20 (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Mechanized Hover Platoon (Laser) #4 (Umayyad Caliphate)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Marauder MAD-3R (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [3/4]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Zeus ZEU-9S (Umayyad Caliphate)

Shadow Hawk SHD-2H (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by pilot error.

Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 (Daemonknight)
Pilot : Unnamed [4/5] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Crimson Hawk 3 (Holy Schmitt)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Espana Valley
Valencia, Castilian Principalities
Nueva Castile, Deep Periphery

Star Colonel Rory Vargras, seated in the cockpit of his Blood Kite, stood at the top of a ridge overlooking the battlefield, in which the Castilian and Umayyad forces clashed in what was surely just the latest of hundreds of such battles.

The only difference being, this day, the two ancient foes did so according to the precepts of Clan honor: zellbrigen, such as these Castilians and Umayyads could understand, was being enforced, though not as strictly as would be done during a Trial between Clans.  They were Peripherants, after all, and thus could not be held to the same lofty standards.

At Rory's side stood a trio of handpicked warriors: the stout and resolute Javier in his Crimson Langur, the acidic and cynical Veronica in her Stooping Hawk, and the young and brash Jasper in his Crimson Hawk.  Each of them had requested permission to join the Star Colonel in this outing... and, fittingly, none had challenged them for the right.  Rory suspected that his troops were quite uncomfortable with the entire scenario, and he certainly did not blame them for that.

At this moment, the battle seemed to be progressing well.  The Castilians and Umayyads had more or less held to the strictures that the Spirits had imposed upon the battle, challenging each other to duels, and though Rory was not as versed in the Castilian mindset, he knew that this actually suited the Umayyads quite well, from his studies of their military doctrines. 

The Umayyad atabeg himself, piloting a Zeus, had managed to bring down a Castilian Marauder in one such duel.  Though at great cost to his own 'Mech.  The Star Colonel's estimation of the atabeg rose considerably because of this; the Spirits found such self-sacrificing courage to be laudable.

However, there were also tactics that, despite their dishonorable nature, quite suited the Spirits' own military doctrines as well.  Mechanized infantry and vehicles from both sides had blissfully ignored zellbrigen, savaging both their own equivalents and even some of the 'Mechs in their fervor to bring their enemies low.  This has culminated in the atabeg's own 'Mech being aggressively attacked by Castilian infantry, hampering its already-depleted battlefield viability and even causing the atabeg pause in his efforts to secure victory.

And then... everything changed, in the blink of an eye.

A quartet of stealth-equipped, high-technology 'Mechs, obviously foreign in source despite declaring themselves to be Castilian in origin, had decloaked as the battle swung in the Umayyads' favor: a Warhammer, an Ostroc, a Crusader, and a Marauder

With that, Rory snarled in anger as the new arrivals broke the informal Circle of Equals, seeking to offer their fellow Castilians succor and utterly destroy the Umayyads.  With that, he ordered his own warriors into the fray.


Espana Valley
Valencia, Castilian Principalities
Nueva Castile, Deep Periphery

Prelate Gustav Sanchez piloted his Warhammer through the rocky terrain of the valley's southern reaches when Desmond's MAD suite started singing. They had finally made it, and none to soon: it seemed the filthy Ummayadd atabeg had sucessfully brought Christianson's Maurader down, the smoking hulk radiating intense heat from ruptured containment shields, the ammo still cooking off from the ravaging damage.

The rest of the situation was such: the atabeg's Zues was heavily damaged, Christianson having done his best to bring down the behemoth. Christianson was actually CHASING the Zues, it having been knocked down by one of Deacon Samuel's mechanized infantry squads(Sanchez thought the atabeg must have been knocked out by the fall, for the mech didn't stir for some time). Maria's Shadow Hawk seemed to have gaping holes in her armor(infact, there were severe radiation and heat leakages from her torso), but she stood undeterred in raining fire down upon the Ummayadd Griffin. Daniel was pirouetting his Phenoix Hawk on it's jump jets, chasing the Zues down to finish it off. Jacob's Crab was facing off against the Ummayadd Quickdraw, and giving a solid account of himself.

However, with their appearance, the Blood Spirits intended to intervene. Apparently tactical stealth was not on the menu for Clan honor.

"Incoming mechs, identify yourselves or you will be treated as hostile forces." The Blood Spirit officer sounded harsh, but Sanchez had dealt with worse.

"Prelate Gustav Sanchez, Castillan Honor Guard. We have come to even the scales." A flurry of chatter followed, but the course was already set the moment they decloaked: the Spirits were not allowing the Castillans the chance to defeat the Ummayadds in combat.

Gustav moved north, he and his lance blistering fire at the Ummayadds and Blood Spirits both, determined to push these invaders from their home. It would be one of the bloodiest battles the Castillans had ever fought.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade

Dave Baughman

(OOC summary of the strategic situation - the Umayyads made impressive early gains despite 'fighting with one hand behind their back' as part of their bargain with the Blood Spirits, but the appearance of several previously-unknown Castillian 'mech units equipped with cutting edge equipment halted their advance. At the end of the turn, the planet is contested, with both sides controlling large areas of territory and neither able to eject the other without unacceptable losses)
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.