[RP/MM] C41- Miquleon 1315 - CSA v. WiE? (Invasion) [Complete CSA "Win"]

Started by DisGruntled, July 22, 2010, 11:33:26 PM

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With the Monsoon battleship still in control of the orbitals, the following message goes out to the planet below as the invasion begins once again.

"Civillians of Miquelon, we have arrived to once more take possession of this world.  We beseech you to take shelter and to make what preparations for the safety of you and your families as possible. The wolf bandits often cower in urban areas and we shall do our best to limit collateral damage in removing them As for the bandits themselves, it is enough that they know we come for them. "


Waiting on a chance to do RP.  Please stand by


From the civilian government HQ, a message is returned.

"Those who identify themselves as Clan Star Adder.  We are led to understand that you are honorable and follow the ways of Kerensky.  We seek to know these ways better.  We request permission to send a small delegation to watch the process, I believe you call it bidding, where you bring your force down to close to the size that you face, that you may gain honor.  Such is foreign to our ways and we would learn a new way."


"We would be more then happy to accept your request and look forward to doing so in the future.  Unfortunately against bandits, the normal pre-trial bidding does not occur.  The only honor to be gained is in elimintating their threat with as little loss as possible.  Have no fear of your own status, as there shall be no reprisals against civillians,  hostilities will be commencing shortly, and I would suggest you take shelter promptly."

OOC: Sorry NVA, we're not going to be talked down on this one.  No blockade would be in place, only the offensive interdiction from last cycle.
R1 Init roll:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 6, total 9[/blockquote]


From the government, came another response.

"Understood.  The Wolves have taught us how a clan warrior will always bid down when they believe themselves to be superior to their opponent.  As you clearly do not believe yourself to be superior to the Wolves, we demand that you leave.  The Wolves saved this world from the last cancer that befell upon it.  We want the Wolves here.  You are hereby ordered to depart this system immediately and never return.  Clan Star Adder will never be welcome in Miquelon, for they fear those they face.  Please know, every man and woman who has the ability to resist you will do so.  Miquelon will never accept Clan Star Adder rule.  It would appear that we have been misinformed of your honor or your prowress.  Instead, the news reports of your cowardice and impotence are now proven true.  We do thank you for the opportunity to see your weakness in action personally..."

Before the transmission ended, in the background could be heard..

"This is a public service announcement.  Cowardly pirates are falling upon our planet.  They fear the Wolves and us.  They beg us, like weaklings, to stay out of their way, while they attempt to eradicate our defenders.  The government calls on every able bodied person and partisan to take up arms and report to your nearest station.  To those with expertise in explosives, military equiptment, and mass weapons, please report to your government office for assignment to special detail."


Wolf Round 1 Init

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


CSA init roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


WiE wins round 1 orders and gets to execute there orders first.

As in the other threads, if there's an Defensive Interdiction, CSAN assets intend to break it.

Otherwise we're ready to invade.



This was the one were we were in orbit from last cycle.

Orion Monsoon LFB V/R 44.5

2nd Citizen's ASF Cluster R/R   15
6th Citizen's ASF Cluster   R/R      18.75
10th Citizen's ASF Cluster   R/R      13


Invasion: 55.35 FP
1st Armor Regiment, Old Ironsides   R/F   8.5
2nd Citizen's ASF Cluster R/R   15
6th Citizen's ASF Cluster   R/R      18.75
10th Citizen's ASF Cluster   R/R      13

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 5, total 8[/blockquote]


possible crit:
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 1, total 4[/blockquote]