[RP/MM] C41- Strana Mechty 2538- ToP CSA v. CDS *COMPLETE*

Started by DisGruntled, July 23, 2010, 12:05:35 AM

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"Clan Diamond Shark, you have shown yourselves to be less then honorable in your interference in the Absorption of Clan Cloud Cobra and subsequent invasion of Homer.  As such you have proven yourselves to be unworthy caretakers of the Adder's HW IC networks.  My khan has tasked me, with reclaiming these rights for Clan Star Adder.  With what forces do you defend your claim?"

Appropriate Codices attached:
Star Colonel Gregory Beckett, 214th Cobra Fangs (Black Sheep) 18.75 E/Q


[Not sure what you want here, to my knowledge the DS do not control anyone's IC facilities.]


The GMs under olive/ash  trialed for the rights to manage the Adders HW ICs for them way back when (Ie 4 RP a turn for managing the Adder's HW ICs which every clan has).   

This trial is to regain the management of the Adder portion of the Clan HW and those 4 service provider RPs a turn.


bump.   I just realized we had something waiting on your IC reply from this that would impact an RP / tact and we've only got a few days till the monthly posting deadline.  Even an OOC reply would be greatly appreciated.

Dave Baughman

FYI guys I have not seen Holt for a while so he may be busy with work/real life/etc so please bear with him. Any derivative posts that are held up by unavoidable delays like this are not going to be penalized.

Shoot the GM team a PM if this is still pending by Friday, in which case we will assist to ensure smooth gameflow.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Bump now that Holt's back, PM sent to the whole crew as well.


CDS defends with the following

The Sapphire Skate   Transported Aero   Transported   Elite   Fanatical   18


CSA commits 18.75 FP
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 5, total 10[/blockquote]

CDS commits 18 FP
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]


CSA crit check
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]


CSA crit roll #1
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]

CSA crit roll #2
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 6, total 12[/blockquote]


CSA does 105% of 18.75 FP which is enough to destroy the CDS force.
5 Opponent receives -1 on all future rolls this combat (CO killed).
12 Force enemy to retreat, increase damage dealt by 30%.

CDS does 45% of 18 FP which is 8 FP.

CDS force is destroyed.

18.75-8=10.75+0.75(10%BFR)=11.5 FP

Salvage is 12.75 FP after rounding.