[RP/MM] Turn 41: FWL/ACW ToP Vorzel 1519 [complete]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 23, 2010, 09:32:08 PM

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Suddenly a huge armada burst into existence at the Zenith Jump Point of the Vorzel system

"I am General Sir De Sousa by the will of parliament and my Liege Lord the esteemed Captain-General Thomas Marik I hereby claim this world in the name of the Free Worlds League and challenge you to a Trial of Possession of this world, its space and all its contents."

"With what force shall you meet this challenge sir. I will match you warrior for warrior on the field of battle and you shall learn the honor of the Free Worlds Military. "


"General De Sousa," the reply begins, "it figures, since your Captain-General couldn't take any Lyran worlds when the Commonwealth was united, he'd try to take it piecemeal. That right there speaks volumes about his and FWL honor."

"You want a defense, I'll give you a defense. A mixed Company comprised of elements from the 1st Donegal Jaegers Regiment will be waiting for you."

(ooc: The Commanding Officer would have also included his name, but I didn't feel like looking it up.

In my mind what the Jaegers will field will be 1 Lance, or the closest approximation, from each of the 3 Brigades

Open for Proxy or SimRes)


" You have a poor memory. We took many worlds from Regent Yvonne, we merely choose to give them back.. I think shall have you perform... What is it they call it? Surkhai yes Surkhai after my Knights are done thrashing you."

"1st Company of Silver Knights shall teach you proper respect for your Captain-General."

OOC Company on company? Im good with that.

Iron Mongoose

Proxy nothing, if there's some one who can do a weekday morning, and a quick fight around a walking Mongosling.


Whats your timezone? :-) We can most def. Egads...in my defense guys I have been up for a while. I will fix my RP later and it shall be readable uperclass jerk english.


(ooc: IM, you shouldnt need any details regarding the 1st Donegal Jaegers as far as what they're comprised of as I believe I sent you a copy of the Orders, but if you do just shoot me PM or email)

Iron Mongoose


OOC: 1.5 FP FWL Company

i.E. 1FP of Mechs * 1.5 for Elite = 1.5 FP.

Sim Res Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 2, total 5[/blockquote]


1.5 FP of the 1st Donegal Jaegers Regiment
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]


Jagers Crit Themselves

Crit Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]


2 Crits earned

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 6, total 8[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6[/blockquote]


QuoteSimple Resolution
In Simple Resolution, each faction rolls 2d6 and consults the Simple Resolution table to determine what percentage of their FP they inflict as damage to the enemy.

There are several different simple resolution charts; the chart closest to the actual difference in opposing forces should be used.

On a roll of 8 or higher, the player rolling needs to roll for a chance of critical event.
On a roll of 3 or lower, the opposing player rolls on a chance of critical event.

Nope opposing player rolls it.


Critical Events
6 Valor saves the day: reduce damage done to you by 15%, increase damage done to your opponent by 10%.
8 Encircle and capture 10% of opponent, add that FP to salvage.

As such

2nd KoIS damage to Donegal Jaeger forces was 45% now is 55%.
Donegal Jaegers damage to 2nd KoIS was 30% now is 20%

10% of Donegal Jaegers force is captured and added to salvage  .15 FP.

1.5 *55% = .825
(1.5-.15) * 20% = .27

Force Strength of Both Sides at the end of Round 1
2nd Knights of the Inner Sphere 1.23 FP
1st Donegal Jaegers .675 FP

Odds are still at 1:1 at end of round 1. Another Round of Combat?