[RP/MM] Turn 41: FWL/ACW ToP Tsinan 1518 [COMPLETE]

Started by chaosxtreme, July 23, 2010, 09:44:48 PM

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"This is Colonel Lori Kalmar Carlyle commander of the Grey Death Legion, Scuttle but is ye lot be Clanners now. Well we challenge you to a trial of possession of this world with what forces do you bid to keep it? We'll match you warrior for warrior if your of a mind to fight in the Clan."

Grey Death Legion


"Colonel Carlyle," a youthful sounding voice responds, "Pleasure to meet you Ma'am. To be honest Ma'am, we're not entirely sure what we are. We still feel like we're Lyran, though I suppose by accepting a Clan Warrior and recognizing his claim to the Archonship could label us a Clanner too."

"Most here have decided a bit of both is probably closer to the truth. Anyways, about all we can put up against you is some Militia, though with your reputation for fair, if unorthodox, play, I suspect you'll do just as you said and match what we have."

"Oh, and one final thing Ma'am, once this is over, whichever way it goes, could I get your autograph?"

(ooc: 1 FP of "irregular" Militia will defend...open for Proxy or SimRes)


"....Governor , I don't know if an autograph is entirely appropriate especially with a mixed force soldiers on both our sides about to die. Fewer then might if we fought this with weaponry but still brave men and women...

"Heh, G'on lass give the wee lad an Autograph. Bad enough he'll be ha'ing ta salute that da'n sassanuch Eagle Flag win t'eres an end ta i'."

" Oh put a sock it in it McCall your just upset the Marik's are striking towards Caledonia."

"Ah an tat' Banshee's boys ha run dem off if th INN is to be trusted. Nerve of the sassenacuh CALEDONIA, the cheek!"

"Fine, Governor you shall have your autograph. And hopefully we can finish this without too much loss of life."

OOC: GDL 1FP Mixed force.
I prefer to MM. Anyone interested in proxying for the ACW?


"I aint the Governor, Ma'am, I'm just the soldier that was on monitor duty when you arrived. I was briefed on what to say and what we have to defend should any come seeking a Clan-like Trial. The appointed Governor took to her heels and Blue-er pastures when she heard rumors that the civilians wanted to back that Charlamagne fellow. Guess she didn't want to be on world when her dirty laundry was exposed on some of the deeds she'd done over the years in order to keep her position to reach the ears of the Adder Archon-Designate."

"Though I suppose to minimize casualties, or better yet negate them all together, there's a Dart Tournament comin' up in about a week. Would any of your Troops be interested in settling the fate of this world over a round of drinks and darts?"

(ooc: working out details on how to do a round of 301 using dice)


1 FP FWL Force since thats all the militia has on hand as always I reserve the right to call down up to my starting bid without violating Clan honor codes. :-)

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]


Tsinan Militia Roll
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 5, total 9[/blockquote]



GDL damage to Militia: 1 * 45% = .45 FP d
Militia damage to GDL 1 * 70% = .7 FP

Militia earns a crit chance:

Standings after Round 1 before Crit Roll
GDL: .3 FP
Militia: .55 FP

Above numbers do not reflect potential Militia Crit.


Forced Withdrawl Roll

Once a force suffers 50% total damage, a roll on 2D6 is made to determine if they break. To avoid a rout, the player must roll above 6. The following modifiers exist for this roll, and are stacked:

Elite: +2
Green: -1
Regular: 0
Veteran: +1
Clan Front Line: +1
Clan Second Line: 0
Militia: -1
Defending Regional Capital: +1
Defending National Capital: +2
Outnumbered by Opponent: -1
Outnumbering Opponent: +1
Out Tech Opponent: +1

So Lets see if the GDL break.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 3, total 5[/blockquote]

Ive got to beat a 6. I am Elite so I get +2 to my role, Also GDL Outtechs opponent so another +1.

So I need to beat a 3.


GDL does not withdraw.

RP goes here.

Adder Militia have been doing real well lately both here and on Coventry. ;-)


Militia Crit Roll[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 4, total 6[/blockquote]


6 = Valor saves the day: reduce damage done to you by 15%, increase damage done to your opponent by 10%.

actual damage inflicted:

GDL to Militia: 1 * 30% (45% - 15%) = .3
Miltia to GDL: 1 * 80% (70% +10%) = .8


Quote from: GraeGor on August 19, 2010, 02:44:31 AM
6 = Valor saves the day: reduce damage done to you by 15%, increase damage done to your opponent by 10%.

actual damage inflicted:

GDL to Militia: 1 * 30% (45% - 15%) = .3
Miltia to GDL: 1 * 80% (70% +10%) = .8

Grae. You had a Crit Chance roll but you failed with a 6.

7 or Below on the Crit Chance roll is a failure for the Crit. Damage stands as before.


Quote from: chaosxtreme on August 19, 2010, 02:46:45 AM

Grae. You had a Crit Chance roll but you failed with a 6.

7 or Below on the Crit Chance roll is a failure for the Crit. Damage stands as before.

oops my bad...guess I got carried away from the Eutin thread...lol

and let's go for round 2


Militia, round 2[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 6, total 10[/blockquote]