[RP/MM] Turn 41 - CSR vs. CW : Tamar (2514) Invasion? *CONTESTED*

Started by Fatebringer, July 24, 2010, 01:01:11 AM

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Once the Senior Star Admiral of the Clans arrived, he was less concerned about what he was facing in the skies above Tamar then ensuring all of his forces showed up. As he waited for the sector scan, saKhan Bryn Cooper already counted two dozen ships arrived with much more to come.


Well, Wolves may not be alone here.  Need to wait on another faction to weigh in.

Iron Mongoose

We also need to see if the Camels get held up responding to enemy movment at Anteres.


Thirty light-years away, Khan Athena Kabrinski waited patiently for the Snow Ravens' signal on the bridge of her Clan's surviving Leviathan-class super Battleship, KMS Leviathan. "Galaxy Admiral" assured her that both the vessel itself, its escorting Destroyers, and the task group transporting Alpha Galaxy were charged and ready to jump. The hyperspace signal to the Snow Raven flagship had already been sent and acknowledged, so waiting was really the only thing left to do. The Snow Ravens hopes to find a Terran Fleet in the system. If they did, Alpha Naval Galaxy would be waiting to close the door behind them.

Dave Baughman

We're definitely gonna need an initiative roll here

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


The journey from the Star Adder zone had been uninterrupted, and they had meet the Raven forces as planned.  Jumping in with the Ravens, Star Admiral Chester Dwelley nodded in approval as his Flag Captain reported the transit of the Horse fleet.

"Signal to the flagship, Star Commodore.  Report our successful transit."

"Aff, Star Admiral."


CSR and Friends Initiative

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6[/blockquote]

Dave Baughman

OOC: are the Bears coordinating with the other Clans or are they on a separate initiative?
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

In that case, the Clan forces arrive just as the TH force jumps out.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


So the ships from the intel report aren't there anymore?  Go CSA watch  ;D


(Well, at least the Watch had them as preparing to jump out. Apparently we just didn't get here in time.)

Responding to the Snow Ravens "all clear" signal, the Ghost Bear fleet jumped in and took up blockading positions.


The transmission from the planet was short.

"Clan forces, this is Khan Craig Fetladral.  State your purpose for being here.  State your batchall if you think you have a claim."

OOC - Just an IC bump.  Also, since this is a coordinated effort, can I please get the force listing and information.  I do request individual information on capital ships.


"Greetings Wolves. We saw your ... 'Friends' leaving as we arrived. We had hoped to work on our unfinished business with them, but no matter. While we are here, we wish to discuss the repercussions of your decision to abandon the clans thru self abjurement. Now, there is much that can be said about the Wolves, depending on who you ask about. What is certain is that although your holdings have waned, your strength has remained strong. It is the strength of a Clan. The honor of Kerensky. Tamar represents your successes on behalf of the Grand Councils decision to return to the Inner Sphere.

It was a shame to hear that Clan Wolf could not overtake their abjured trothkin. Your absorption completes your disgrace. However, this is a good day for those who wish to be remain warriors! It became blatently clear that your willingness to accept trials of absorption outside of the will of the Grand Council might just allow a way to settle things honorably. I, saKhan Bryn Cooper of Clan Snow Raven offer the exiled a chance to defend their prized bone with honor. We offer honorable combat.

A trail, with no more then one trinary for every Galaxy you have for possession of Tamar. For every loss, you forfiet that Galaxy to the winner, at the end of the trial if you are victorious, we leave. If we are victorious, whatever Galaxies that remain in your Touman, are granted Safcon to go rejoin the tainted league you serve willingly. Frankly, as you are abjured many of the Khans here feel that we should not treat with you in such an honorable manner. However, we Ravens have made a promise to restrain our admiralty and stop pouring down fire from the heavans. If we did, there would not be much left here worth trialing for."

The following Fleet is ready for Naval Engagement (Details PM'd to NVA)

Hell's Horse Fleet: 100 FP

Star Adder Fleet: 211.75 FP

Clan Snow Raven Fleet: 1155 FP
Fleet Command Star
Bearclaw Battle Star
Brim Naval Assault Star
Circe Battle Star
Dominion Naval Support Star
Hellgate Assault Star
Snow Raven Naval Assault Star
Star League Militia Fleet
Storm Crow Naval Pursuit Star

The following is on Offensive Blockade orders

Alpha Naval Galaxy: 85.25 FP
KMS Leviathan         (Leviathan II)
KMS Battle of Alshain   (York)
KMS Ragnar Ghost Bear   (Lola III)

Camel Fleet: 50 FP (Texas, Liberator, Naga x4)

Edit: Further Details


"saKhan Cooper, I understand you command the arrayed forces against us.  I am Khan Craig Fetladral.  You seem to misunderstand what has happened here.  Our clan decided it was time to reunite.  A trial was fought to determine which of the two paths we had tested was right.  In this, my force was victorious.  There has truly only ever been one Clan Wolf.  Simply, two halves, not much different in some ways to the Mandrill's kindraas or the Cobra's cloisters.  However, it appears that we will have to prove our way to you.  The specific terms still have to be considered by the warrior council, as it was the warriors of Clan Wolf who decided we would reunite.  It was they who elected the new leadership.  It was the will of the Warrior Council that we take this path.  I cannot dictate to them a new course, as you suggest.  However, as I have always been, I am confident in our ability.  We are Clan Wolf, descendents of Kerensky himself.  The clan he chose to carry his dream and gifttake forward.  I can speak that the counsel will not accept your terms as presented.  You will have to risk more to try to gain a galaxy of Clan Wolf forces.  And, believe me, we are aware that you could descend upon us like barbarian lords.  However, we expect that your sense of honor and desire for a challenge will prevent that.  What terms would determine 'victory' for the larger battle?  What forces do you have to face us on the ground?"