[RP/MM] C41: ToP - MoC v's CSR, Timbuktu (hex 0619) (CSR win - Complete)

Started by Parmenion, July 24, 2010, 02:33:07 PM

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Timbuktu Zenith Point
Timbuktu System

Appearing without notice at the Timbukti Zenith Point, the small fleet immediately deployed a CAP from the HMS Concordia, whilst at the same time, a communique was sent to the planetary headquarters below.

"Attention Clan Snow Raven forces.  I am Colonel Ardie Germaine of the Magistracy Armed Forces.  I have been tasked with the mission of capturing Timbuktu from your Clan.  The 2nd Canopian Light Horse stand ready to carry out this undertaking.  With what forces do you defend against this batchall?"

ooc:  MoC forces
2nd CLH battlegroup
HMS Concordia and her airgroup (Winchester class)


"This is Star Captain Milos, I hereby acknowledge your challenge. This has been a relatively peaceful planet since our arrival. However, I must ask, do you seek Timbuktu for yourself or another. I am aware of what goes on off this planet and I have my doubts that the Magistracy would need a base this far away from their lands.

While he talks the following information is received by the MoC

CSR Bid: .075
Star Captain Milos
Hunchback (3/4)




"Well met, Star Captain.  The Magistracy does not see Clan Snow Raven as the rightful owners of this world.  Therefore it is my job to rectify your current possession of it.  And while this system is far from Magistracy space, my leaders see a Magistracy presence here, even if for a short term, as preferential to your governance."

"I can tell you though, that unless directed otherwise, that this will be a Magistracy world until this Lyran mess is cleared up as well as the Rim situation."

MoC bid:  0.075
Captain Adele Benecke
single mech


"Well then Captain Adele, If you wish to discuss Clan Philosophy after our match, then I would be happy to do so. Bargained well and done."

Will you be playing this one out?


Simres unfortunately.

MoC roll...

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 5, 6, total 11[/blockquote]


Bah! :P

Clan Snow Raven
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 6, 5, total 11[/blockquote]


What type of ride are you using? For the RP part, Would have loved to have known what's this awesome lil hunchback is trying to keep up with.

Star Captain Milos and the old Hunchback were shot up pretty good. Getting within range of his opponent was the first half of the battle. Miraculously, the old gal stayed together on the journey up the middle as he tossed slug after slug downrange. Double checking what he knew to be true, the ammo bin was nearly dry. "Two shots left Betsy, make it count!" Lunging thru the tree's he was using as cover, Milos advanced thru the smoke at his target.

Clan Snow Raven -  Roll 2
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 6, total 7[/blockquote]


Magistracy 2nd roll...

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 1, total 2[/blockquote]


With his instruments warning about an impending collision but still no visibility, Milos sidestepped his mech left and swung to cover his six. Still with no visual he cursed the fires he set himself with his lasers in the brush. "Come on. Come on." His eyes were wide not knowing if he was chasing or being the chased. Then he saw is, the silhouette of the domed mech landing beween him and the fire, it's shadow three times the size of the mech as it projected on the smoke in front of him.

Milos turned and held his reticle for two full seconds steadying the shot while bracing for any impacts that would throw off his aim...but they didn't come. His opponent didn't see him in his own shadow as lasers cut thru the air far away from him. With suprise on his side, he held down the trigger until the bin ran dry, the almost comical actions of the huge shadow dancing from the blows as the defiance made ammunition spun it about, ending abruptly as it crashed to the ground.

With an  unintended swagger, Milos manuevered the Hunchback to cover his prey but at this range he could see the truth of things. The gyro housing on the Wraith spilled open like gut wound sealing it's inevitable fate. The smoke blew away and he could see the woman inside lean back and look up at him and  wipe the hair from her face. "Do you yeild?"


OOC: Le'sigh. Looking at the Eden Post, I realized I skipped the Crit chance rolls for each of us. As this might have decide the outcome of the trial, let us roll them now. If the result effect would negated a need for Roll 2, then we will go with the new outcome. Sorry for the confusion.

Crit Chance - Clan Snow Raven - Roll 1
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6[/blockquote]


Forgot about that also.  Magistracy roll...

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 2, 1, total 3[/blockquote]


ROFLMAO... the way I'm going, on my next 2d6, I'll be rolling a 1.


CSR Crit chance from the MoC combat roll.

Crit Chance
[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5[/blockquote]
