Turn 41 [RP/MM] ToP:Resources; CSV vs. CIH Dagda [HW 2042] *COMPLETE*

Started by GreyJaeger, July 25, 2010, 01:19:22 PM

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"Clan Steel Viper has come to challenge Clan Ice Hellion to [4RP] of resources. Who shall defend?"

*OOC- 61st Striker- V/R: 12 FP


"This is Star Colonel Dwight of the 176th Attack Cluster, Zeta Prime Galaxy. What is your name? The resources you ask for are a huge amount and while I will accept it, I will have to counterbid. If you should lose, your Clan will provide us with the equal of those resources in your heaviest Mechs and/or fighter craft. This is to be chosen by you. In our struggle against multiple threats we cannot just provide other Clans with resources freely. Should you accept this, we will start bidding to limit the damage of our fighting as our founder in his wisdom has teached us."


"Nothing would be given, hence why we challenged your Clan. Although I fail to see relevance, this is Star Colonel Sally Bukannon. Your counter-proposal is accepted Hellion."



Regular. (Higher losing bid possible)

Care to play it out?



Viper's cut-down to .8125 (2 Heavies, 2 Mediums)

Roll- [blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 4, 3, total 7[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6[/blockquote]

Dwight took the field in his Guillotine IIC. The Vipers always were a formidable foe with their love of heavier units, this time however, the field was quite leveled.


And the Vipers gave a bit better than they got. Of course they were veterans, but still.

OP: Do you want to do the math?


Vipers- .8125*.6= .4875 Damage  .8125-.4125= .4 FP remaining
Ice Hellions- .825*.5= .4125 Damage   .825-.4875= .3375 FP remaining

Both forces suffer over 50%.. I think a Forced Withdrawal check is in order.

Roll- Vipers get a +2, 1 for being Vets, and one for Clan Front-line.  [blockquote]Rolled 2d6+2 : 6, 3 + 2, total 11[/blockquote]


Wanting to make sure Vipers don't break before offering Hegira.


I need an unmodified roll.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d6 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]


OK, grumble.. you offer Hegira then? CIH obviously take it. :(

Despite being fanatical and stuff. grumblegrumble.

Write yourself 4 RP to the trade column then..

(I hate those withdrawl rolls.  >:( )