[RP] Arc Royal - 1817 *COMPLETE*

Started by NVA, July 26, 2010, 03:25:10 PM

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Other SLDF factions do not know IC from Marco yet.

Marco cursed when he saw the video.  He remembered what had happened on Arc Royal previously.  For now, his hands were tied. He turned to the dropship captain.

"Begin your decent, slowly.  Open communications with all SLDF commands."

"Attention all SLDF commands, please make ready for inspection and stand by in your cantonments.  Command Actual should make planetfall in roughly 36 hours.  Wolf forces, slow decent.  SLDF Naval forces, take up defensive positions.  The relief force is to have priority protection.  Actual out."

Then, nodding to the commtech, the channel was switched back to the tight beam.

"We will play your game.  Wolf forces have slowed their decent.  I should arrive in approximately 36 hours.  Hall out."


Marco Hall hated the waiting game.  He reviewed the assembled 'staff' in front of him.  Many held positions he found wasteful.  Yet, they were supposed to be the best at what they did.  His relations officer was currently speaking.

"I believe we can use this to our advantage.  We cannot leak to the public that Morgan is being mistreated, etc.  Or the threat.  However, we can assure the people of the world that Morgan is in the care of the government.  We use some tight clips of the shots, to take the thugs out of the picture.  Then, we'll post text with the images of some of his statements.  It will make it harder for them to kill him, if people know he is alive."


As soon as the last member of the general staff left the room, he appeared, almost like a ghost.  Marco still had not figured out how he managed it.  But, he knew there was a reason.

"So, I take it you have seen the video?"

"Aff Marco.  And, it begins to explain a lot.  We have a new hypothesis to work from.  Perhaps it was not the Magistracy that fed the intelligence and commited the attack.  There is a strong possibility that all of the events leading up to this, at least on Arc Royal, may have been Mulcahy.  However, that does not address the rest of the Lyran state.  If this is correct, if Mulcahy is behind it, her hatred of Rowe and Adam would seem to indicate that maybe someone is pulling everyone's strings."

Turning around, the robed figure looked directly at Marco.  The non descript robe was meant to not draw attention.  There was only a single adornment.  A pair of sunglasses, having seen many lightyears, hung from the neck.

"I will be hitching a ride to the surface Marco.  I feel a need for some doughnuts."


While the Arc-Royal delegation waited for the SLDF dropship to arrive, Agnes' pager buzzed softly. She drew it from her suit pocket - she had been given to wearing masculine clothing since her assignment to Mulcahy's staff - and gave it a wry smile.

"Joshua, I need you to inform the Landsgrafin and the delegates that they should find their way to their assigned safety sites."

"Ms. Eszterhazi, shall I give a reason? We're not going to tell the delegates about our gambit, are we?"

"No. Just tell them that Tanuyama's security people recommend it; if there are any dissident fools who think that the SLDF is on their side running around, this could be their moment."

"Understood. Message sent."


"Ms. Eszterhazi, a transmission incoming from the Landsgrafin."

Agnes threw a glance around the spaceport's command center, pausing briefly to individually appraise each of the nine men and women gathered therein. In a voice gauged to reach no farther than the walls of the room, she called out, "I tended Archon Peter's garden."

Together, with an almost liturgical character, the others responded in unison, "His blood brought life again to the trees."

Agnes nodded and placed her hand upon Jacob's shoulder. "Go ahead, put her through."

It would take a sight seriously impaired to describe Sharon Mulcahy's visage as one embodying kindness, but her transmitted image seemed to take on a new harshness. "Agnes, I need to know what is going on. The Association has cut my direct feed, and I have red jackets moving all over the estate. I don't know who Tanuyama thinks he is, but I'm of a mind to give him a cell next to our most honored guest!"

"Your grace, everything is under control and going as planned. As you know, the SLDF has been less than tractable in our negotiations. We've been forced to go ahead with one of the Association's contingency scenarios - nothing is out of order, but we need you to have plausible deniability if anything should go wrong. It is for your own safety and that of the Duchy that Tanu-"

"Agnes, this is unacceptable! I've half a mind to consider this treason on both your parts! Nothing that the Wolves have demanded warrants one of Tanuyama's blighted 'scenarios,' and they were never to be enacted without my express permission!"

"Your grace, that is precisely the point. Our behavior is clearly treasonous. If negotiations fail, and the SLDF invades, it will be our necks on their self-righteous chopping block. You may and in fact should denounce us. I would expect no less and would consider it a personal betrayal if you were to do otherwise. For my own part, I have no interest in that happening - my measures are extreme, but I have not been shaken in my commitment to meeting the objectives that you set out. When the SLDF has withdrawn, I will submit fully to your judgment."

Mulcahy stared hard at Eszterhazi's likeness. "Very well, Agnes. I place my trust in you. You may not care for your own person, but I still know what others I need reach in order to shake you. Do not fail the Duchy."


(OOC: Any chance that we could move ahead with this?)




Quote from: NVA on August 09, 2010, 03:39:11 AM
Waiting on Tharkad...

OOC: And I'm waiting on him cause he's bringing my NPC to the meeting :P


The group finished reviewing the message from General Steiner aboard the dropship, as they neared insertion.

"Yes General Hall, it appears she does give you permission to deal with the situation as needed.  Arc Royal is unstable and appears to be a threat to the Star League."

"Thank you Bob.  The JAGs opinion is always welcome.  You are dismissed."

Turning to the rest, Marco Hall wondered if this weight was what caused Victor to be so short.

"Alright, the Arc Royal theatre is crumbling.  Arc Royal is led by what can only be seen as a hostile force.  Our presence appears to no longer be welcome and acts of terrorism are being sanctioned by the government.  This is a damnable situation.  We can not win and hold the world.  We can not make peace and hold the world.  Arc Royal will fall, as the rest of the Star League is leaving us out to hang.  Thoughts?"

"General, I know it goes against your way of thinking and upbringing, but, we cannot save what has already destroyed itself.  Most of the senior staff believe that we should pull all Star League Defense Forces back to the Hegemony and deal with the clans there.  It is a smaller area to deal with, so the clans will have to collapse together.  Also, then the Terrans will have reason to cooperate with us.  The UIW situation suggests it may be possible for those remaining Lyran worlds to reach a similar agreement with the clans, though your own experience is greater than ours."

"No.  If presented right, the Grand Council may accept such an arrangement.  They know they will lose forces trying to fight through the remaining worlds.  Very well, I have to prepare to meet with the secretary of a  terrorist.  I want alpha and omega team on stand by.  Others may not see his worth, but...."

With that, the dropship landed and Marco Hall prepared to disembark.


A delegation of LCAF military officers escorted Marco Hall and his delegation to a spaceport lounge that had been cleared for the meeting. In attendance on the Arc-Royal side were a number of men wearing the red jackets of the Association of the Tharkad Martyrs, as well as a youngish woman, attractive, through dressed in a professional manner that sought to downplay her femininity. She rose as General Hall entered the room.

"Greetings, Commanding General Hall. I am Agnes Eszterhazi, appointed delegate of the Duchy of Arc-Royal and the Lyran Commonwealth for this occasion. Forgive the unconventional nature of this meeting - Clan Wolf has backed us into something of a corner by refusing to acknowledge our local sovereignty and so measures have been taken to assure compliance. In the interests of not deluding ourselves, I hope you will allow me to dispense with the usual formalities of a diplomatic visit from a Star League official and allow me to stake out our position in full from the outset."

"It is the opinion of the government of Arc-Royal that the SLDF is not invested in our defense. A number of our worlds have suffered clan attack in preceding days, and rather than come to our defense, the SLDF chooses instead to offer us 'evacuation' of our assets. Simply put, it is our perception that the Star League is not only not interested in defending Arc-Royal, but moreover that they would seek to take the facilities that would enable us to take on the task ourselves without compensation. Cooperation of the local garrisons under the SLDF flag has been minimal at best, with neither the Marik nor Davion forces providing any acknowledgement of local authority. You offer to likewise remove some of the populace, but you could not remove all who are threatened by the Clan Invaders - our responsibility is to all the people of the Duchy and the Commonwealth as a whole and we cannot accept a single Lyran citizen becoming enslaved by the Clans. It appears to us that the esteemed Lords of the Star League intend to use our worlds as a buffer against the invaders, sacrificing our people in order to buy time for their own interests. You will understand that we find this profoundly unacceptable."

"Further, at every turn, the Star League and Clan Wolf have attempted to dictate to us their policy, without bothering to consider the legitimacy of the Estates General of the Lyran Commonwealth or the Duchy of Arc Royal. We would be flexible, if the SLDF seemed interested in working with us to any extent. At present, it is our opinion that the Star League has shown us no more respect than is worthy of a subordinate. I realize that you have, to a certain degree, accepted Nondi's claims to the regency, in violation of Lyran Commonwealth law as they may be. Our position on this matter has already been explained to you, and I have no interest in further debating it. Suffice it to say, even if her position were legally secure, she has shown absolutely no leadership whatsoever, whether as General of the Armies or Head of State. Even if Archon Peter yet lived, God rest his soul, we would be reconsidering our loyalties if he fiddled on Tharkad while the Commonwealth lost worlds to the Free Worlds League, Clans, and separatist movements alike. Tragic attack on Tharkad or no, the capital is not the Commonwealth, and the General of the Armies has allowed an attack on one world to cripple the entire nation via military inaction. This is nothing short of pathetic."

"What we ask of the Star League, in order to secure the safety of our prisoner, is simple. We ask complete withdrawal of the SLDF from the worlds of Arc-Royal - including Morges - and until the Star League acknowledges the Estates General as the representative of a member-state, no movements within our territory will be welcome. Further, we want acknowledgement of the Duchy of Arc-Royal as a sovereign territory. The SLDF will promise no support for the FWL in operations of military action against the FWL and its troops, whose invasion of Commonwealth worlds has lead the Lyran state to declare war. Given that Marik has decided to prosecute this war instead of providing for the mutual interest of the Inner Sphere against the Clans, we consider all Marik troops in Commonwealth space to be hostile, even if they allegedly operate under the banner of the SLDF. Further, we ask that you personally sign a statement to be published condemning the unconscionable war crimes committed by forces loyal to Skye-Donegal on Heperus II call upon the Star League to call a tribunal to try the commanders involved, as well as Robert Kelswa."

"Finally, let it not be said that the Lyran Commonwealth does not appeciate the aid given by the SLDF against the so-called "Rim Worlds separatists. We ask that you declare forces loyal to these criminals to be hostile under the guidelines of the SLDF."


"Oh, and you may rest assured, if you are indeed so concerned with our military facilities falling into the hands of the clans, that we will indeed destroy them before we see them become the property of any foreign power."


Marco Hall turned to Arden Sortek and the DCMS Tai Shu he had just met and asked a question.

"General, what is the position of the previous leadership of the Star League Defense Force when a non member state threatens to commit terrorist acts against a hostage to try to twist the Defense Force into specific actions?  Further, what is the official position of the the Star League Defense Force when dealing with a government with ties to known terrorist organizations?"

Behind Marco, his protection details, SLDF and Clan alike, tensed.  Clearly, both were ready for trouble.  The Elementals looked excited.


"Ahem, General, if I may interrupt just for one moment. While I am pleased to see that the DCMS and the finally the AFFS have taken an interest in the affairs of our worlds, I am unsure why they are at this meeting. I imagine that you have briefed them on our little situation?"


"Well, you are dealing with the Star League Defense Force.  While I may be Commanding General, I am not the only person with a vested interest in these matters.  The actions of any functionary of the Star League, which I am, can be overviewed by the member states.  So, while I may be here in standing, I am representing the Star League.  These individuals represent part of my command staff, but also they are responsible for monitoring my action in reprenting the interest of the members of the STar League when dealing with a non Star League member government, such as yours.  And, they have not been fully briefed on the details.  There was not time."

Quote from: august on August 23, 2010, 12:29:48 AM
"Ahem, General, if I may interrupt just for one moment. While I am pleased to see that the DCMS and the finally the AFFS have taken an interest in the affairs of our worlds, I am unsure why they are at this meeting. I imagine that you have briefed them on our little situation?"