[RP] Arc Royal - 1817 *COMPLETE*

Started by NVA, July 26, 2010, 03:25:10 PM

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"If they have not been briefed, I respectfully request that they leave the room. This meeting is being recorded by cameras that are part of the standard security apparatus of the spaceport. If there is a need for review of your actions, I assure you that they will be sent a full record of our meeting. By bringing them here, you are already pushing the envelope of our patience."


"General Hall simply ignored the assistant as he waited for an answer from the others."


Agnes tilted her head so as to peer at the Star League's Commanding General without the intervention of her glasses.

"Clearly, General Hall, you refuse to take us seriously and it behooves us to compel you otherwise." Agnes made a slight hand gesture, not immediately noticeable, save to those on the other side of the spaceport's cameras who were waiting for it. "The ante must be upped. We have taken the precaution of setting a nuclear device underneath the building in which we now sit. Nuclear projectiles are also aimed at the fleet with which you arrived. My life, and the those of the agents of the Lyran Commonwealth gathered here are not so important when weighed against the lives of all of those who you would senselessly throw to the clans. Morgan Kell's life clearly means nothing to you, and it is now forfeit. The question is now the well-being of those who have entrusted their lives to your good judgment, to say nothing of your own life. Are you prepared to comply with our reasonable requests, or shall we be exchanging words in hell an hour hence?"


"Forgive me Agnes, I did not have an opportunity to introduce my staff.  This is Arden Sortek, of the Federated Suns.  He is the over all commander of the large contingent of AFFS forces here at Arc Royal and in the region, as well as serving on my command staff.  Hopefully, his name is known to you.  This is Tai Sho Isoroku <sp> Kurita.  He is cousin to the leader of the Draconis Combine and Warlord of the Dieron District, as well as commander of the large contingent of Draconis troops that have been protecting Arc Royal."


"Ms Eszterhazi" Ardek said bowing his head to the delegate. He was obviously deep in thought as he eyes continuosly looked around the room, never actually landing on Agnes. One watching him might think he'd never seen any of the things in the room and that he was amazed and astounded by them.


"My dear Marco, I didn't know that we were on a first name basis. How soon we become familiar! But in any case, Tai-Sho Kurita, General Sortek (substitute correct title here if in error). Under better circumstances I would say that I was charmed, but I don't think the present circumstances lend much to any sort of charm."

"In any case, gentlemen, esteemed officers of the SLDF, are you prepared to deal with us?"


OOC - Posted after discussing with Holt.  This is the TaiSho.  If I get the Japanese references wrong, take it OOC, not IC.

"Ms Eszterhazi, it appears that you have an agenda.  Let me explain the consequences of that agenda, based on the Honor that dictates our Ways.  We recognize Morgan Kell as a hero for his actions against the Clans on Luthien.  Should any harm befall him, there will be no holding back the Dragon from falling upon Arc Royal to complete our giri to satisfy our ninjo.  Further, should some dishonorable act take me out, the clans will be the least of the worries of your organization.  The Dragon is quite adept at dealing with black organizations.  Now, if you truly wish to have the support of the Star League and the Defense Force, perhaps you should reconsider your position and the weakness you are showing with such desperate actions.  I can guarantee the people of Arc Royal will be free of your rule should either action you have threatened occur.  The forces of the Dragon are sufficient to do this.  Yet, I am sure we will find the help of the Suns, the Wolves, and the Star League as a whole.  So, if you are prepared to make an enemy of the entire Star League, then by all means, continue with your threats and have that device set off.  I expect they will find that it is associated with the devices on Tharkad even."


Agnes shifted her glasses before responding to the DCMS officer.

"Tai-Sho, you misunderstand our position. The Draconis Combine has been an ally of Arc-Royal, as demonstrated by the aid provided on Pandora. We have no grudge with you. The rest of the SLDF, however, has been uncooperative to the point where the government no longer wishes that they be present. That is all. Our government was contacted by your own some months ago about wishing to withdraw DCMS forces from Lyran space in order to shore up your own threatened borders; here is your opportunity."

"The SLDF forces have been keen on reminding us that they do not consider the Estates General the legitimate body of the Lyran Commonwealth, nor do they consider Arc-Royal a member-state of the Star League at the present time. That would seem to eliminate your license to operate here besides."

"We will stand on our own against the clans. We ask that you do us the honor of allowing us the attempt - we will not stand for this patronizing hubris any longer."


"You seem to miss my point.  You have threatened a hero to the Combine.  If reports are accurate, it would almost appear that the charges were trumped up, which helped lead to the fracturing that has occurred.  So, if you wish us to depart, then, we will take Morgan Kell with us.  He will be off your hands and the Dragon can be certain that your organization will not do anything that would require our return and earn our ire."


"I will see that his body is delivered to you upon your withdrawal?"


(OOC: Maybe there was some miscommunication - Kell is already dead, as of reply #32)


"I am sorry if I my Star League English is sometimes hard to follow, Tai-Sho. It is not my first language, and I know that it is not yours as well. My dear friend your SLDF commanding officer did not dismiss those parties whom we wished not to involve, and now you yourselves, as well as I must serve the role recently vacated by Morgan Kell. I expect he was shot, as was promised."

"Take it up with me, if you must, but I would advise you to first speak with your Commanding General, whose refusal to take us seriously cost the life of the former Duke and continues to place your own in jeopardy."


"If what you say is true, then you are no ally of the Federated Suns and I wish you all the luck being the Adder's lapdog, or worse yet, the Hellions." Arden Sortek turned around. "General Hall, we exercise our option to move under our own accord. I will be taking the 1st Davion Guards along with the rest of our Divisions and our Fleet. Perhaps, we can still meet up with the Free Worlds League Fleet in time to take the fight to the Clans. This, isn't worth our time. They'll stay here, wait for the clans to come, and when they do, they'll make the same veiled threats only instead of leaving the Clans will reign down fire upon them until they are ash."


Looking at all the parties involved, Marco Hall shook his head.

"Then, it appears we are at an impasse.  Your threats have already been passed along.  The Star League Council will soon be aware of your terrorist actions against Star League members.  Tai Sho, General, I believe it is time for us to depart.  The people of Arc Royal should be receiving word of what has transpired here.  They will decide what to do with these..."

With that, Marco Hall turned and began to exit the room.  Stopping to speak to one of his guards, he had a simple command.

"Alex, please notify all commands to prepare to leave.  Let General DeSouza know he is free to take whatever action he believes is necessary.  If he is prepared to depart with us, then I would ask the Suns and Draconis troops to assist in assuring that the Arc Royal organization not interfere in our departure."


"Generals, Tai-Sho, it has been a pleasure. I will see that all SLDF forces are granted clearance to depart the Arc-Royal region without interference. I wish you well in your endeavors, and trust that you will leave us to our own."