[RP] Arc Royal - 1817 *COMPLETE*

Started by NVA, July 26, 2010, 03:25:10 PM

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As the foreign officers left the spaceport lounge, Agnes rose to her feet and walked over to the emergency phone. She lifted the receiver, and spoke quietly into it.

"Jó istenem, ez az küfoldi emberek. Nekünk semmit kinálnak, és mégis csodálatos lenni színleltek. De tökéletes van. Folytatjatek 4-A."


After departing, a broadcast was sent from the high power transmitters on the SLDF vessels.  THe entire world would receive it.  If any listened to it and acted upon it, would remain to be seen.

"Citizens of Arc Royal, this notice is to make you aware of the departure of the Star League Defense Force and allied troops from your world and those controlled by the organization who claims to be in charge here.  Your leaders have requested that we depart.  After they threatened to kill Morgan Kell to try to get us to acquiese to their commands and the apparently carried that out, they also threatened to detonate a nuclear device on Arc Royal to kill myself and the other allied leaders.  Rather than risk them carrying out there threat, we agreed to depart this world.  I was in contact with General Nondi Steiner prior to my arrival on planet.  I will advise her of the current situation.  As Supreme Commander of Lyran Armed Forces, hopefully she can bring some quiet to this situation.  I will not lie to you.  This act by the organization who leads you has put your planet at peril.  The Star League Defense Force has extra lift capacity we brought with us to try to provide for the protection of the people of Arc Royal and its assets.  Any who wish to depart with us can contact your local Star League office.  Any businesses who wish to see their infrastructure and assets protected from the clans and terrorist organizations on this world can do the same.  I cannot promise that we can help everyone.  But, we will do what we can, as we always have.  Either way, we wish the people of Arc Royal well and hope that the clan who finally removes this organization from power on Arc Royal is one of the more tempered ones.  When we can, we will return with the Lyran government's blessings and help on the planet once more."

With that, the transmission from General Hall was set to loop and continually broadcast.


Commited to a landing, at least, the Clan Wolf dropships altered vector slightly to land at the Free World Leagues cantonment.  Once grounded, patrols were sent out to ensure the security of the area while technicians prepared for a departure again and logistics crew set about restocking the ships.


A scant ten minutes after the Wolf signal began broadcasting, all radio and holo signals on the world cut silent. Local transmitters began likewise sending out their own signal, designed to interfere with the Wolf signal A horrible cacophony of sounds akin to those that might come from a diseased electronic trumpet were softened every three minutes only for the duration of the following message to be heard.

"Citizens of Arc-Royal, for your safety, your government has enacted Emergency Anti-Sedition protocols. Until further notice, the broadcasting or rebroadcasting of any signal is disallowed until the protection of our worlds can be ensured. Remain calm, remain vigilant, your government salutes your cooperation and understanding."



My brothers,

As you may have heard the SLDF is yet again trying to help itself to our resources, vital and otherwise. You are hereby ordered to block all road access to SLDF and Clan Wolf landing sites, maintaining a 3 kilometer distance from said locations. None but identifiable foreign military personnel and assets are to be allowed past. Any suspicious transports may be searched, but you are not to provoke conflict with departing foreign military forces. Use of force against SLDF forces is authorized only in self-defense: any others who attempt to push their way past our blockades are under suspicion of treason and are to be stopped by any available means.


Quote from: NVA on August 27, 2010, 11:56:21 AM
Commited to a landing, at least, the Clan Wolf dropships altered vector slightly to land at the Free World Leagues cantonment.  Once grounded, patrols were sent out to ensure the security of the area while technicians prepared for a departure again and logistics crew set about restocking the ships.

I take it from your recent transmission and this fine Vuvenzeula's orchestra they are broadcasting on every channel.

Shame about Morgan one of the few thrice damned elises worth anything in a fight.

That being said General the 9th Regulan Hussars are here on your orders. We remain under your command until such time as directed otherwise by the Prince or possibly the Captain-General.

Where to next?


Quote from: chaosxtreme on August 27, 2010, 03:36:21 PM

I take it from your recent transmission and this fine Vuvenzeula's orchestra they are broadcasting on every channel.

OOC: Yeah. Text should still be able to get through, at least, or I'm assuming it can. If Clan Wolf deploys its email-spammer stars, it should be able to bypass.


OOC: He landed in the FWL cantonnment.

And you started jamming him with the really annoying horns (hence Vuvunzeula's) after he started transmitting. Since we weren't invited to the big meeting the General in command of the 9th Regulan Hussars has limited information and making an assumption. :-)

Actual talk is his words to General Hall once the dropships land in the FWL Cantonnment.


A message was received by all SLDF and allied commands at Arc Royal.

RE: Deployment

Given the deployment of Arc Royal assets to stop those who wish to depart the system, all SLDF and allied commands are requested/ordered to take up a position of safe keeping within range of the Arc Royal forces.  Do not engage, unless Arc Royal forces engage either us or Lyran citizens by force of arms.  All citizens of Arc Royal are Lyran citizens and under Star League and SLDF protection.  The military forces of Arc Royal are refusing to recognize General Steiner as Commander of the Armies, so are to be considered rogue.  Escalation should be avoided, if possible, as government leadership has threatened and commited terrorist acts already.

Report all hostilities or situations immediately.




Citizens of the Arc-Royal territories and other Lyran Territories,

As all are doubtless aware, the Emergency Laws were put into place in order to defend the integrity of the Lyran Commonwealth in August 3069. Under the terms of these Laws, the Articles of Acceptance may be modified or suspended in order to ensure the protection of the State and its people. Lyran citizens across the Commonwealth have patriotically complied with the edicts of the Estates General, in order that our citizenry as a whole may continue to enjoy their high standard of living and fundamental freedoms. Unfortunately, the extent of the crisis was not fully known at the time; between the bickering of the great nobility that provides us with a host of Archon-Pretenders and the failure of our allies to rally to our defense as the Clans continue to advance, the Articles of Acceptance have proven more a hinderance than a guide in these dark times. It is only the gravity of our circumstances that the Estates General has been forced to issue an edict that fills us with regret towards our forebears, but which provides us greatest hopes for the future.

Effectively immediately, the Articles of Acceptance and the Lyran Commonwealth with it is dissolved. The esteemed Delegates of the Estates General are now meeting in order to craft a new constitution that will allow for our worlds to move forward before they are swallowed whole by the tides of darkness. The rights of all are guaranteed in for the interim period, and the document now being determined is being tailored to better serve the people, to provide them representation, protection, and the promise of happiness.

As always, our patriotic citizenry remains vigilant and aware of the threat of subversives who even now work to undermine the state.



Upon receiving the request from SLDF HQ, the Clan Wolf forces at the FWL cantonment unloaded quickly and made ready, in case of escalation.  Aerospace forces took up CAP and VTOLs took up monitoring positions on the roads.  With over three galaxies of troops now present, the cantonment was busy.  A number of the units moved out to take up various strategic positions, not the least of which was directly along the access roads where they could monitor the treasonous forces of Arc Royal.  It saddened some to see those that once served the Lyran state proudly, so ignore their duty.


Quote from: NVA on August 27, 2010, 08:14:10 PM
A message was received by all SLDF and allied commands at Arc Royal.

RE: Deployment

Given the deployment of Arc Royal assets to stop those who wish to depart the system, all SLDF and allied commands are requested/ordered to take up a position of safe keeping within range of the Arc Royal forces.  Do not engage, unless Arc Royal forces engage either us or Lyran citizens by force of arms.  All citizens of Arc Royal are Lyran citizens and under Star League and SLDF protection.  The military forces of Arc Royal are refusing to recognize General Steiner as Commander of the Armies, so are to be considered rogue.  Escalation should be avoided, if possible, as government leadership has threatened and commited terrorist acts already.

Report all hostilities or situations immediately.


It's a damn fool order but its an order go weapons hot. We uphold the Honor of the Brigade or will you let the Green Monster Battalion say they preserved Hussar honor and we shamed it? ordes are as follows the Elsies ignore us we ignore them they wanna fight we show them what it means to be in battle with the Regulan Hussars.

Sir this Chootia Clanner is involving us in a  damned civil war!

I know Force Commander and if he has the courage I  will have this Kuthri in a circle with Sabers when this is over. But we shall have to wait until this is over to properly punish him.

Tight Beam To Hall's Dropship from General Singh's Perseus.

We are with you today General, but rest assured when this is over you will die on my blade, this is not a threat that is my word.

OOC: Translated from hindu Chootia=Dumbass

Kuthri= lets just say for the new standards of the boards I'm going to have to insist you look it up.  ;D


General Singh,
  Your unit is to hold in base for the time being.  Stay ready.  However, as this terrorist organization has already declared war upon the FWL, we do not wish to provoke them.  We simply want to ensure that the Lyran citizens who wish to leave are given an opportunity.  As to your threat, are you seriously threatening a general officer of the Star League Defense Force?  I would think the Free Worlds League already has enough enemies, without adding the Star League to the list.  I will ignore your threat and expect you will be able to carry out your duty as ordered.

General Marco Hall


Quote from: NVA on August 27, 2010, 08:47:31 PM
General Singh,
 Your unit is to hold in base for the time being.  Stay ready.  However, as this terrorist organization has already declared war upon the FWL, we do not wish to provoke them.  We simply want to ensure that the Lyran citizens who wish to leave are given an opportunity.  As to your threat, are you seriously threatening a general officer of the Star League Defense Force?  I would think the Free Worlds League already has enough enemies, without adding the Star League to the list.  I will ignore your threat and expect you will be able to carry out your duty as ordered.

General Marco Hall

Don't you dare you suwar ki aulad   kayaar, hide behind the Star League! You sir have broken with the Star League. You have no right to involve the SLDF in a Lyran Civil War! Had you a Council Rit to justify this I would know it.

You asked for Trust and General De Souza gave it, know that you have abused that trust and whatever else happens posthumous or otherwise charges will be filled against you and you WILL be made to answer before the High Council for breach of the oaths of loyalty you have given the Star League!

That you have not the courage to fight me when this is done does not suprise me. All know that without Phelan's blood to strengthen and lead it the Wolf has proven to be a weak whelp.

I have fought for this Star League for over 4 years with the 9th Regulan Hussars and I have defended Arc Royal from the Clans for the better part of over a year. Where have you been Corward? Where are your victories?

When the Terrans attacked the Free Worlds League my men and I remained on the line to prevent the Clans from taking advantage.

Don't you dare speak to me of the Star League you johnny come lately genetic joke. I have more time in the latrine in the SLDF uniform then you have had it on your whole life.

That being said puppy we will abide your orders for now but when this operation ends I will publicly re-invite you to face me with a saber so all may know that a kaayar leads the SLDF.

suwar ki aulad = son of a hog
kayaar = coward decided to take the hindu curses down a notch. Regulan or not its a family show. ;-)


Oberleutnant Hieronymus Brakke of the Tharkad Martyrs surveyed his troops, as they were; starry-eyed patriots stood next to barely reconstructed street thugs, those barred from regular LCAF service, and the occasional actual LCAF veteran. A dismal lot, to be sure, but thus far, as a group, they'd displayed the necessary combination of servility and brutality that their task demanded. They milled about behind the hastily erected barricades, smoking, laughing, waving their pistols around. At least this time he'd managed to keep them off drink while on duty.

The factories that surrounded them had been shut down for the duration of the crisis, giving Brakke the unnerving privilege of hearing what might have sounded like an approaching storm save for its uninterruptedness. Throwing his cigarette to the pavement, he assumed his best command posture. "Martyrs! You hear that? It looks like the SLDF has finally noticed that and have sent some friendly observers to make sure we do our job well. You know the orders! No one provokes a conflict! And as long as they're watching, restrain yourselves! Break property if you need to, but no busting heads!"

"Adamic, spray down the pavement, quickly! Anjou, Resmersen, Porokova, get that hulk out of here." He gestured with his head to a smashed-up luxury car whose previous owner had fled in terror back to the city. "The rest of you, stand sharp!"

Brakke reached for another cigarette, hoping that his crew wouldn't be the one responsible for bearding the lion from its den and setting it upon the city.