[RP] Arc Royal - 1817 *COMPLETE*

Started by NVA, July 26, 2010, 03:25:10 PM

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The Wolf fleet started to reposition, some taking up escort positions for the massive flotilla of Wolf dropships that were preparing to burn to the planet.  They rest created a massive arrival cooridor, though no one on the ground initially knew why.  That was when the new arrivals begin.  Jumpship after jumpship.  More lift capacity that many people saw in a lifetime.  Nearly all of the jumpships were Terran or Clan Wolf.  And, they carried large haulers.  This was a movement flotilla, that was clear.






While inbound, the Wolf flotilla of naval and ground forces broadcast to SLDF Command on Arc Royal using the coordinated channels, meaning the Lyrans would hear as well.

"SLDF Command, this is Wolf Relief Flotilla.  We will be taking up corridor protection positions along our route.  Ground forces will be landing at Wolf City to make preparations for the requested evacuations.  Arc Royal leadership has refused our request to meet.  We will continue our mission as requested.  Request liason officers from all nations with forces on Arc Royal meet our forces at Wolf City."


As the Wolf dropships began their descent to the Wolf City spaceport, a Warrior VTOL made its way across the unseasonably chilly air and set itself down in the Spaceport command helipad. A group of professionally poised young Lyran bureaucrats made their way into the building; a few minutes later a message followed.

"Attention incoming Wolf dropships, care to explain why you have chosen to disregard your landing clearance? State your intentions clearly, or you will be opposed. We are prepared to receive your envoy, but no authorization for military landing has been given. Are we to count this an invasion?



From the mass of arriving vessels, a new signal was received.  It came from a Hunter class jumpship.  However, it was broadcasting SLDF IFF.

"Arc Royal command, this is SLDF Pony Express.  The Commanding General is requesting priority landing clearance and a meeting with the planetary government to discuss the threats approaching the Arc Royal system by the clans."


"This is Galaxy Commander Hector Ward.  We are here under SLDF orders.  If you wish to challenge our arrival, you may take it up with the Commanding General.  I believe he has just arrived.  We are here to ensure the safety of the people of this world for the Lyran government and the SLDF.  Do you wish to challenge the SLDF at this time?"

Quote from: august on July 26, 2010, 03:44:22 PM
As the Wolf dropships began their descent to the Wolf City spaceport, a Warrior VTOL made its way across the unseasonably chilly air and set itself down in the Spaceport command helipad. A group of professionally poised young Lyran bureaucrats made their way into the building; a few minutes later a message followed.

"Attention incoming Wolf dropships, care to explain why you have chosen to disregard your landing clearance? State your intentions clearly, or you will be opposed. We are prepared to receive your envoy, but no authorization for military landing has been given. Are we to count this an invasion?



"Pony Express, clearance is granted to the Commanding General. We ask that he make it clear to these Wolves that landing military forces on Arc-Royal without clearance from local authority may be construed as a hostile act."

"Galaxy Commander Ward - are you serious? You tell us that you're here to ensure the safety of the people while completely ignoring local authorities. We've heard lines like that before and recently - perhaps it's true that a clanner is a clanner no matter whose flag they claim to serve."


The message from the Pony Express was quick and terse.

"Arc Royal Command, those forces are under SLDF flag.  Any action to impede them or to take hostile action will be seen as an act of war by your local government.  General of the Armies Nondi Steiner has been found and HPG links are now available, if you would like to request her military commands on the matter, I can set up an uplink.  I am certain that the local government of Arc Royal is not interested in adding more enemies to the list they seem to be creating.  I repeat, the Wolf forces are under SLDF orders to land and prepare Wolf City for upcoming relief missions.  In case you have not heard, the clans continue to push on this theatre and Arc Royal will be under assault in the near future.  Now, are you prepared to act reasonably or do I need to order ALL SLDF forces to high alert to deal with those who refuse to acknowledge the chain of authority to Nondi Steiner?"

Quote from: august on July 26, 2010, 03:51:25 PM
"Pony Express, clearance is granted to the Commanding General. We ask that he make it clear to these Wolves that landing military forces on Arc-Royal without clearance from local authority may be construed as a hostile act."

"Galaxy Commander Ward - are you serious? You tell us that you're here to ensure the safety of the people while completely ignoring local authorities. We've heard lines like that before and recently - perhaps it's true that a clanner is a clanner no matter whose flag they claim to serve."


"Pony Express, in case you haven't realized, the General of the Armies has undertaken no involvement with the defense of Arc-Royal. We'd be happy to have her on board, of course, but until she broadens her horizons from Tharkad we're not going to pretend that we're in any way beholden to her. Her alleged regency is illegal, in case you haven't realized - we've explained this to you before, but perhaps another go at it will be more successful. She was the legal regent after Katrina's death, but that position was terminated with Peter's ascension. No new regent has been ratified by the Estates General since the Archon's murder. Now in case you hadn't realized, it's the Lyran government as member-state of the Star League that gives you authority to operate in our space, and you have blatantly chosen to ignore our sovereignty. It is not the place of the Commanding General to dictate terms to the member-states, and right now you're making Sun-Tzu Liao look like the model of Star League governance."

"We support the Star League to the fullest extent and are prepared to do whatever we can to aid the SLDF in the defense against the clans. What we cannot permit is the SLDF dictating terms to a member-state, in full violation of its government's wishes."


"We have not been in communications with any legal Estates General.  Now, you have a choice.  You can allow these forces to land and the SLDF will do what it can to protect the people and infrastructure of this world.  Or, quite simply, you can choose to go it alone.  Your leadership is so busy running their mouth and making new enemies that they are ignoring the existing ones.  You are right, I do not command the forces on this world.  However, the Lyran government did place this theatre under the protection of the SLDF.  Your claim that you have the Lyran government here does not make it so.  As the Star League has not recognized you as the Lyran government, I am not beholden to your commands.  Now, if you still refuse, then we will abide by your wishes.  All SLDF forces will depart this world.  However, we will still offer relocation to anyone who wishes to.  That is the relief effort the Wolves are leading.  Arc Royal will fall to the clans, short of a major change in what is happening.  So, it is time to choose.  Shall I order the evacuation of all of the Star League Defense Forces from Arc Royal and put their efforts to worlds who could careless about making a claim to be the illegitimate Lyran government and are more concerned about being under the heel of one of the clans coming to subjigate you?"

Quote from: august on July 26, 2010, 04:09:39 PM
"Pony Express, in case you haven't realized, the General of the Armies has undertaken no involvement with the defense of Arc-Royal. We'd be happy to have her on board, of course, but until she broadens her horizons from Tharkad we're not going to pretend that we're in any way beholden to her. Her alleged regency is illegal, in case you haven't realized - we've explained this to you before, but perhaps another go at it will be more successful. She was the legal regent after Katrina's death, but that position was terminated with Peter's ascension. No new regent has been ratified by the Estates General since the Archon's murder. Now in case you hadn't realized, it's the Lyran government as member-state of the Star League that gives you authority to operate in our space, and you have blatantly chosen to ignore our sovereignty. It is not the place of the Commanding General to dictate terms to the member-states, and right now you're making Sun-Tzu Liao look like the model of Star League governance."

"We support the Star League to the fullest extent and are prepared to do whatever we can to aid the SLDF in the defense against the clans. What we cannot permit is the SLDF dictating terms to a member-state, in full violation of its government's wishes."


"Well, it appears that with the election of a Commanding General from the clans, piracy has become the modus operandi of the SLDF. Do you really expect us to accept that you have the best interests of the people of Arc-Royal in mind when you refuse to perform a single gesture in good faith? Even if the SLDF refuses to acknowledge the Estates-General, we expect conformity with the interests of the Duchy of Arc-Royal, which despite your allegedly benevolent intentions is under assault one jump from here - things would go much better if you actually fought the clans instead of talked about fighting them while doing nothing. The Commanding General may land, but if any forces loyal to Clan Wolf insist on making landfall without clearance from local authorities, we will have Morgan Kell shot in his prison cell. If full cooperation by the SLDF is obtained, we may release him to your custody. Any attempt to make our offer public will ensure his death. Do we make our position clear?"


"Arc Royal Command, consider carefully your response.  Before I take your threat seriously, I require communication with Duke Kell.  I am sure you understand, given the nature of politics in the inner sphere and the actions of the Steiner-Davion's in the past."


Some ten minutes later, video feed is broadcast on a tight beam to the Pony Express. The camera first shows Morgan Kell, looking emaciated and much older than his last public appearance. The frame zooms out to reveal that he is strapped to a chair within a prison cell, with two masked and armed members of the Association of the Tharkad Martyrs on either side. Kell speaks, his voice straining from lack of use, "I am Morgan Kell, former Duke of Arc-Royal. My captors have treated me well and I am in good health. For the safety of the people of Arc-Royal, I encourage the soldiers of the SLDF to comply with their reasonable requests." One of the Association members covers Kell's face with a cloth, and the transmission cuts.


Hundreds of mechs, thousands of armored vehicles and countless foot soldiers begin to stir within the Draconis Combine cantonment, followed by multiple wings taking to the air. "This is Tai-sho Isoroku Kurita, commander of the DCMS Task Force assigned to this world, the Dragon owes a great debt to Morgan Kell for his defense of Luthien, so hear me well. If any harm comes to Morgan Kell my troops and i will stop at nothing to avenge his death."

[OCC multiple regiments of mechs begin to take up positions.]


(OOC: I assume that means that the Pony Express informed the SLDF garrison? That message was meant only for Marco Hall. If it's been leaked even to the other Star League forces, Kell's going to get it.)