OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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You say "commentary", but all I hear is "propaganda".  Or maybe it's just the sound of Daphne Rowe going off on another of her patented crying jags. ;)


Actually, the UIW recognizes the RWR's existence, they just hate them in a casual, yet sincere way that you might see a Cappellan or Taurian hating the FedSuns.  (after all, you really can't feud with a nonexistent enemy, that would be insane...)

okay,well, the hatred's a little more sincere than THAT....


Quote from: DXM on July 26, 2010, 05:42:39 PM
I take you seriously. . . as a threat.  Which is why my defector troops are vacating your space pretty quick.  Take you seriously as in being the legal ruler of the Commonwealth?  Well, I had considered that, August. . . . until the Estates General started badmouthing Daphne.

Oh, I understand that. My position was that if I wanted to be taken seriously as the Lyran Commonwealth, that meant not reaching out to any of the groups that obviously presented themselves as "rebels." If I made the first move, that could be used against me if anyone went public with it. Which isn't to say that I didn't try to work under the table with anyone who approached - most of that didn't work out, because A-R is slightly hysterical and all and being a bunch of hardliners was our argument for why we were legit. I softened the rhetoric on Robert when there was a chance of working together, but that moment passed unsuccessfully.

And come on, if I whine a bit, it's meant to be taken as good humored; if years of playing multiplayer board games has taught me anything, it's that OOC whining in moderation (the moderation is key) can be an important component of a winning strategy. If I really had problems with how things are, I would quit. Even if I'm having fun posting slanderous remarks about the other Lyrans' mothers, it's all IC and meant to be good fun. I really do respect you guys and enjoy jointly playing the game.


Quote from: tassa_kay on July 26, 2010, 06:08:44 PM
You say "commentary", but all I hear is "propaganda".  Or maybe it's just the sound of Daphne Rowe going off on another of her patented crying jags. ;)

Propaganda? Nonono, only evil empires use propaganda.  When you're a democracy, its called Freedom of the Press.  On the flip side of the coin, I'm kind of sad to see the Blood Spirits pulling out of the Inner Sphere again, though I can't blame you for finally getting around to killing off Helm.  I know its been the works for a very, very long time.

Quote from: Cannonshop on July 26, 2010, 06:15:52 PM
Actually, the UIW recognizes the RWR's existence, they just hate them in a casual, yet sincere way that you might see a Cappellan or Taurian hating the FedSuns.  (after all, you really can't feud with a nonexistent enemy, that would be insane...)

okay,well, the hatred's a little more sincere than THAT....

Hmmm.  I must have missed that post.  I do vividly recall the "I hope you die painfully" public service announcement, though.  :o

Quote from: august on July 26, 2010, 06:19:07 PM
Quote from: DXM on July 26, 2010, 05:42:39 PM
I take you seriously. . . as a threat.  Which is why my defector troops are vacating your space pretty quick.  Take you seriously as in being the legal ruler of the Commonwealth?  Well, I had considered that, August. . . . until the Estates General started badmouthing Daphne.

Oh, I understand that. My position was that if I wanted to be taken seriously as the Lyran Commonwealth, that meant not reaching out to any of the groups that obviously presented themselves as "rebels." If I made the first move, that could be used against me if anyone went public with it. Which isn't to say that I didn't try to work under the table with anyone who approached - most of that didn't work out, because A-R is slightly hysterical and all and being a bunch of hardliners was our argument for why we were legit. I softened the rhetoric on Robert when there was a chance of working together, but that moment passed unsuccessfully.

And come on, if I whine a bit, it's meant to be taken as good humored; if years of playing multiplayer board games has taught me anything, it's that OOC whining in moderation (the moderation is key) can be an important component of a winning strategy. If I really had problems with how things are, I would quit. Even if I'm having fun posting slanderous remarks about the other Lyrans' mothers, it's all IC and meant to be good fun. I really do respect you guys and enjoy jointly playing the game.

Oh, it goes without saying this is all just playful banter.  Most of the best, most dedicated, most memorable players from the FGC made the jump over here.  Though dictated by circumstances beyond my control, I'm disappointed that I was late to the party.


Quote from: DXM on July 26, 2010, 06:38:38 PM
Propaganda? Nonono, only evil empires use propaganda.  When you're a democracy, its called Freedom of the Press.

Cute. :P  Let's call it what it is, though, shall we?  Not that I'm saying you actually do this, mind you, but a lot of folks like to sell their IC stances OOC, and refuse to call them what they are.  I'll give you credit in that you're a lot less guilty of it than others. ;)

QuoteOn the flip side of the coin, I'm kind of sad to see the Blood Spirits pulling out of the Inner Sphere again, though I can't blame you for finally getting around to killing off Helm.  I know its been the works for a very, very long time.

How would you know that, btw?  Not many people are privy to my thought processes. ;)

(And don't be sad.  It was either pull out of the Inner Sphere, or play the only game the DC knows how to play: doomstacks.  Booooooring, not to mention borderline unsporting and definitely not fun.)


Anyone who believes they can do a good job with the HQ Propogand...Ummm...Public Relations Officer I just started, PM me and let me know how you see them working.  I could use some help fleshing out some other characters.


Skye/Donegal's legal commentary/propaganda if you will has teeth so to speak. The division of the Commonewalth while misguided is base on the interetation of the Articles of Acceptance. (Which in canon allow any member world to leave the LC legally. Arc-Royal's Estates general is recognized even though the reps that were appointed from Skye Donegal are not. As for Morgan Kell's status. He was banished by Peter. If he is a prisoner (or hostage if you will) of Arc-Royal well that will make for an intersting wrinkle.


Quote from: tassa_kay on July 26, 2010, 06:43:00 PM
How would you know that, btw?  Not many people are privy to my thought processes. ;)

I may have said too much already.   :-X  I'm sure you'll figure it out.


Oh.  Duh.  Your sig line.  <smacks forehead>  Hah!  How amusing is THAT?  ;D


Quote from: NVA on July 26, 2010, 06:48:52 PM
Anyone who believes they can do a good job with the HQ Propogand...Ummm...Public Relations Officer I just started, PM me and let me know how you see them working.  I could use some help fleshing out some other characters.

Actually, I think you're doing a pretty good job with him as-is, just give him a name and a rank and keep having him make sensible suggestions like he's already done.

Folk on Arc Royal know Morgan's home and "in the care of" Mulcahy's government, that's a pretty solid motivator to keep him alive until he can be rescued.


Stay tuned...Skye/Donegal will be giving a 'postion' on Arc-Royal/Morgan Kell. It may or may not make things easier for them to resolve.


 Somehow i found the fact that Hesperus have fallen to FWL/Skye hands....sad (i think that word would fit). :(


Quote from: Cannonshop on July 26, 2010, 06:58:46 PM
Quote from: NVA on July 26, 2010, 06:48:52 PM
Anyone who believes they can do a good job with the HQ Propogand...Ummm...Public Relations Officer I just started, PM me and let me know how you see them working.  I could use some help fleshing out some other characters.

Actually, I think you're doing a pretty good job with him as-is, just give him a name and a rank and keep having him make sensible suggestions like he's already done.

Folk on Arc Royal know Morgan's home and "in the care of" Mulcahy's government, that's a pretty solid motivator to keep him alive until he can be rescued.

Or plenty of Coverage to slag both the "Estates General", and establish Arc Royal as a protectorate of insert power here. After all you can always say to the people of Arc Royal! LOOK! LOOK WHAT THAT TRAITOR DID TO POOR BRAVE, HONORABLE MORGAN!

I really had no choice but to kill them with fire. And those few who lived? Carted before the mob to die as a spectacle begging forgiveness and for a quick death...in Morgans name of course.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: chaosxtreme on July 26, 2010, 07:16:43 PM
Quote from: Cannonshop on July 26, 2010, 06:58:46 PM
Quote from: NVA on July 26, 2010, 06:48:52 PM
Anyone who believes they can do a good job with the HQ Propogand...Ummm...Public Relations Officer I just started, PM me and let me know how you see them working.  I could use some help fleshing out some other characters.

Actually, I think you're doing a pretty good job with him as-is, just give him a name and a rank and keep having him make sensible suggestions like he's already done.

Folk on Arc Royal know Morgan's home and "in the care of" Mulcahy's government, that's a pretty solid motivator to keep him alive until he can be rescued.

Or plenty of Coverage to slag both the "Estates General", and establish Arc Royal as a protectorate of insert power here. After all you can always say to the people of Arc Royal! LOOK! LOOK WHAT THAT TRAITOR DID TO POOR BRAVE, HONORABLE MORGAN!

I really had no choice but to kill them with fire. And those few who lived? Carted before the mob to die as a spectacle begging forgiveness and for a quick death...in Morgans name of course.

To be fair, at least within the LC, Morgan isn't exactly the hero he used to be. The whole "Kell Hounds quitting the LC" thing kind of blew up in their face, and I doubt Morgan's being reduced to penury by the Mulcahy and the Lyran State back in '67 or '68 (whenever that whole mess went down) evoked many tears on his behalf by the time it had all played out.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Lord Harlock

The fall of Morgan Kell occurred in January/February of 3069. As for the whole salvage incident, it occurred on Zhongshan in late 3068. But honestly, Morgan probably became less than popular with the whole Outworlds Alliance marriage between his daughter Caitlyn and Mitchell Avellar. Instead of being seen as a protector of the Lyran people, it probably painted him more as someone looking out for other nations more than his own people. So, he hasn't been popular for awhile.

Though Alaric Wolf(Kell) might yet redeem the family.