OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Quote from: NVA on August 30, 2010, 05:47:57 PM
Also, I would expect to have GotA Steiners representative there.  Even if not SL, depending on your point of view, they would be welcome.  Same for the independent worlds and the Skye region.  RWR, Charlie Steiners, and now Arc Royal, are not welcome at this time.  If I missed any regions, let me know.

Yeah. Feel free to have the Clan Wolf representatives make some points as well.

Sometimes I feel like Im arguing with the Wolves when Im arguing with the SLDF commander.

Again you don't have the authority to include non-SL member states on your say so get a SLHC ruling. If the MoC can't participate on that board despite having large numbers of MoC units operating with the SLDF those other groups need a SLHC ruling to get it too.



Actually, this is a sl DF meeting, not HC.  I could give a rats behind...Wait...That is IC...

IC, Hall is not allowing the MoC to be present.  They are pro Star Adder.  :)  Hence why the Charlie Steiners aren't allowed, though they are still claiming to be Lyran.  I did not include the UIW, RWR, or Arc Royal, due to their declarations of independence vs the others claim to Archonship.  So, yes, I can include other groups.  Given that we are discussing defending Lyran territory, they are welcome there.  None of these groups have attempted to have the Commanding General killed either.  At least, not as far as we know...

*looks at Victor


Oh...Wait...Maybe that is part of the issue.

This is NOT a political meeting.  These are the military guys in a military planning session.  Similar to what happened at Whitting.

Iron Mongoose

True, but is the SL, its always political.  For example, it would be tacticly wise to include Arc Royal, who's terratory is almost totaly surounded by enemies and where a great deal of fighting can be expected, but politicaly undesirable, and look which consideration won out.  It would be tacticly desirable to include the MoC, which is contributing funds and personel, but political reasons dictate their exclustion, so they are exluded.  Looking at Terra, it might or might not be tacticly best to at least predend to coordanate with the SL, but its definatly politicaly undesirable, so Terra stonewalls. 

Its OOC here, and I'm not in it at the moment, but from where I sit, its politics several, tactics very few.


Thank you IM for making my point so eloquently.

IC Hall can try to push his political agenda by including those groups but he should have made it clear from the beginning. Now RP has already occurred between multiple members who would not have responded how they had IF the groups he is now wanting to bring in were present.

And at Whitting it was still the SL Memberstates Militaries only WoB Militia leaders were not invited.


Quote from: Marlin on August 30, 2010, 05:39:41 PM
Ah. Ok. Perhaps they just wanted to deliver some flyers then.


Oh, they wanted to deliver something, but we stopped them. I gotta start getting some fighter escorts for the Fed Suns. The Dark are running with Ground forces that are nearly 50% fighters to the Fed Suns 5%.


Well, no one else is actually present yet.  :)

So, they will need to arrive.  But, realistically, the only member I would have included was Arc Royal, who has just kicked the SLDF out.


Um you just specifically requested GoA Nondi Steiner.

*points up thread* if someon doesnt have a sitting member in the SLHC that can vote, they don't get to show up to this.

Inchar Her being recognized is a Clan Wolf Position, it can possibly be a General Hall position.

It is not Star League policy. If they show up the question becomes who invited them.


Umm...If the thread is locked so that the LYran members can't show up, then so be it.  However, this is the SLDFs dance.  They get to create the invite list.  :)

So, yes, I would like to see someone representing GotA Steiner.  And, even the other still Lyran groups would be invited, as we have to work with them.  Just cause the SLHC and/or specific member states do not recognize these people, does not mean military coordination won't occur with them.  We are not setting policy, we are determining how best to defend their worlds, etc.  They SHOULD be there.


Then create a new thread and invite them to that and make sure it explicitly says so I'd move mine if it only involved fwl rp. Since it doesn't it would not male sense for me to do so.

As to it only making sense to invite them that's a inchar decision you have every right to make that will have whatever inchar consequences that they have.


Err...I did start that thread...lol.  So, the only reason to move it or to start a new one is if the players representing those areas can't access this part of the forum.


Quote from: Fatebringer on August 30, 2010, 05:30:59 PM
No, the invasion was halted by my Planned Attack - Hunting, wich counts as a Battle. Due to the way the rules work. The TC get the salvage, but should expect RP on our end ;)

You mean RP as in a post reporting results, or resource points? I am hoping the first (especially as I get just the one turn to try the enhansed (sp?) spy roll), but I can try to meet the requests. On the plus side - you have one world also returned and one emptied of bad guys....


I'd also like to point out, NVA, that if you want other factions to send reps to these meetings, then it'd probably be a good idea to *tell* us about the meetings.  I've sent I think two IC PMs to Hall as CG-SLDF and never received a response and haven't received any invitations to planning meetings so IC, I technically don't know that they're going on.  I may not plan to join the Star League, but I'm fighting the Clans and it'd be nice to have a little coordination.


Quote from: NVA on August 30, 2010, 10:08:56 PM
Err...I did start that thread...lol.  So, the only reason to move it or to start a new one is if the players representing those areas can't access this part of the forum.

Right but you didn't say you were inviting non SL Members.

The Free Worlds League and other Members have espoused positions that we probably wouldn't have had we noticed "Hey look at all the Elsies in the Room."

Its the Role Play equivalent of in the middle with no explanation one player saying "Suddenly everyone is on the far side of the moon in the vaccum of space and only I have on a space suit."

As I said before I'm not the only one with RP effected that's why it doesn't make sense to use that thread.

That being said, looking at DXM's post it occurs to me you are saying you invited them but...haven't actually invited them so why are we even arguing this. If you haven't invited them as you said up thread?


1 - I have said none of them would be present until they post.  So, you have not said anything they would know IC.

2 - As far as I know, DXM = RWR.  I have specifixally stated the RWR is not invited.  Only the Lyran claiming worlds that aren't clanners now.  So, Skye, Tharkad, Neutrals, and I don't know if there are others.  UIW, RWR, Charlie Steiners, and Arc Royal are not invited.

3 - Marco will likely not respond to the RWR.