OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Quote from: DisGruntled on August 31, 2010, 08:58:25 PM
We can help you fix that chaos, I know we have a few Arluna "blankets" tucked away somewhere...  ;)

Nah just sounds like the start of a new Opera. I think it's got a ditty that goes

Nuke the Adders! Nuke the Adders! Nuke'em all UN-TIL THEY GLOW!!!!

Nuke the Adders!

ad nauseum.

Dave Baughman

Quote from: DXM on August 31, 2010, 07:34:40 PM
Fair enough.

Technically, the statement that should be getting the 'fair enough' is:

"Peter Steiner-Davion destabilized the Lyran Commonwealth in his power play to steal back his authority from Daphne & Adam"

but that's all ancient history now... those events played out what, a year or two ago in real life?
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Iron Mongoose

Well, if you really want to go far back, and try and pass the buck away from any perticular player's actions, one can point to the late Kat Steiner-Davion and her reign over the Lyran state, which while nominaly ending with her assention to the First Lordship in fact continued untill her death.  Her decision to use the Alliance (I think it was the LA at the time) as a tool for the Star League and a venue for the war, along with her decision not to let her brother have actual power, meant that the Peter Steiner-Davion government was always on its back foot.  Victor, the Kells (both Phelan and Morgan and their repective factions), the Davions, the Terrans, all these factions had their tenticals in the pie, in large part because Kat let them in, thinking she could use them in some form or another.  Look at Pisag, the first action after her death, where the lone ilKhan met with not just Peter, not just Peter and Victor, but a whole host of parties that would go on to exert their influance not just over the war but over the Alliance as a whole.  With out a solid grip on the relm by the government, when Peter was incapacatated everything was already primed to go to pot. 

Of course, the revolving door of player Archons has hardly helped.  But, that's hardly an IC explination.


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on September 01, 2010, 06:25:19 AM
Well, if you really want to go far back, and try and pass the buck away from any perticular player's actions, one can point to the late Kat Steiner-Davion and her reign over the Lyran state, which while nominaly ending with her assention to the First Lordship in fact continued untill her death.  Her decision to use the Alliance (I think it was the LA at the time) as a tool for the Star League and a venue for the war, along with her decision not to let her brother have actual power, meant that the Peter Steiner-Davion government was always on its back foot.  Victor, the Kells (both Phelan and Morgan and their repective factions), the Davions, the Terrans, all these factions had their tenticals in the pie, in large part because Kat let them in, thinking she could use them in some form or another.  Look at Pisag, the first action after her death, where the lone ilKhan met with not just Peter, not just Peter and Victor, but a whole host of parties that would go on to exert their influance not just over the war but over the Alliance as a whole.  With out a solid grip on the relm by the government, when Peter was incapacatated everything was already primed to go to pot. 

Of course, the revolving door of player Archons has hardly helped.  But, that's hardly an IC explination.

add this up with the fact that leadership of the lyran faction was... troubled... for the most of the last 4 years...


So what you're saying is that Adam Steiner was, in point of fact, a decent Archon after all.  He just needed a solid player behind him. . . like me.


Quote from: DXM on September 01, 2010, 09:29:15 AM
So what you're saying is that Adam Steiner was, in point of fact, a decent Archon after all.  He just needed a solid player behind him. . . like me.

There were a host of problems that drove that mess, DXM.  We had three months of absentee leadership where Crunch and I scrambled (with help-lots of help. Welshie ended up ghostwriting our orders for a while) to hold things together under a triple of absentee leadership, including a nightmare of accounting issues from Lao_Hu's term handling the orders sheets.  (over a thousand FP unaccounted for/missing, they let us have five hundered back, under pretty restrictive conditions that didn't help matters.)


Okay, guys, let's get some applications for staff positions (but not me, I won't...I think).
I want to congratulate someone, darn it...

Iron Mongoose

Any one looking for more hours at work?  Sign up for the GM position!



I might...MIGHT...Consider a moderator position.  But, my position on some things is not condusive to me being a GM.  LOL


Logistically, I would be a good candidate. However, there are points I dont fit in and most importantly, I like the game too much to become a GM and get to hate it. And the players.

>:( ;D :D


I hope the GMs, one of them, is able to answer my PM so that I can get the orders in in time. :P

Dave Baughman

Quote from: Marlin on September 01, 2010, 07:17:14 PM
I hope the GMs, one of them, is able to answer my PM so that I can get the orders in in time. :P

If its the one I think it is, I will try to get you a definitive answer on Friday night, but I won't have the time before that due to my work schedule.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Hey GM/Mods...Can we get a secure area for SLDF conversations?  Since I intend to include people who can't see SL threads, it would help I think to have 2 areas.


Quote from: Dave Baughman on September 02, 2010, 01:57:28 AM
Quote from: Marlin on September 01, 2010, 07:17:14 PM
I hope the GMs, one of them, is able to answer my PM so that I can get the orders in in time. :P

If its the one I think it is, I will try to get you a definitive answer on Friday night, but I won't have the time before that due to my work schedule.
I hope for it. :)

Also, I am considering to request removal from the SLDF-tableau. Having accomplished no IC with the League (still trying) and being at the frontlines as Clan, I think it reveals too much. Not that I dont restrain myself but seing a new post its hard not to read it and then I have it in my mind. :P

Guess I wont miss much, but I always enjoy the shouting matches the FWL reps start. :D


Don't forget the duels to the death!

Im pretty sure my Ambassador has killed more player characters on his side then any of the current sitting Khans. :-)