OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Dave Baughman


The Starling Report - 1 November 3069

Well, loyal readers, a little bird showed me something interesting... remember when "Jade Falcon commandos" raided the THAC? Well I got the security camera footage.

I never knew the TH Royal Guard uniforms included bellbottoms, but you learn something new every day!

Gatchaman - Opening
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

mmmmm.... ~300 posts in the first 24 hours of the active phase of the turn. I approve.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Why is the Amminadav thread locked?  I was going to go in and edit my lost-temper-fuelled-reply with an initiative roll to see if I can get out before more Adders arrive only to find it on lockdown.


Quote from: LittleH13 on September 08, 2010, 12:19:37 PM
I am going to give an extension on posting until the 12th.


I was unable to post the final threads over the weekend.


Looking thru the threads this morning, I see there were several polls, but they seemed to end very quickly.


Quote from: DXM on September 13, 2010, 03:47:00 PM
Why is the Amminadav thread locked?  I was going to go in and edit my lost-temper-fuelled-reply with an initiative roll to see if I can get out before more Adders arrive only to find it on lockdown.

All Wolf/SLDF threads are locked pending further discussions.

Dave Baughman

Quite note to everyone, effective turn 43 the new style orders sheets will be required. A few factions are currently still using the old style sheet and they will need to transition onto the new form for turn 43.

I don't like to be a stickler about these things, but the GM team will not be able to accept old-style orders sheets effective next turn.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


You know, the Transfer station DP9 thread is giving me flashbacks to the cliffhanger conclusion of the old Battletech Cartoon series. And that's not necessarily a bad thing.  :P


Quote from: Cannonshop on September 15, 2010, 06:32:16 AM
"This is Rabbi Doctor Mai Huyn of the Kahanist Synagogue Ia Drang, she is my senior science advisor...

You know, I used to think that A-R's political system was bad; now I'm more terrified of the UIW, honestly.


Quote from: august on September 15, 2010, 12:59:20 PM
Quote from: Cannonshop on September 15, 2010, 06:32:16 AM
"This is Rabbi Doctor Mai Huyn of the Kahanist Synagogue Ia Drang, she is my senior science advisor...

You know, I used to think that A-R's political system was bad; now I'm more terrified of the UIW, honestly.

A thousand years' difference, and remember: I run on 40% nightmare fuel.

But to clarify...

Here's the deal... I've written Kowloon (because face it, the place just isn't important enough to TPTB) a certain way-with some particular ethnic mixes and historical traumas built into it.  (Much of that wound up being supported by GM rulings here in the Fan Councils in previous turns, some of it even provided major plot points...)

Ethnically, Kowloon is largely made up of anticommunist Asians and Militant Jews (Survivors of Elbar, etc.)  creating the sort of culture where certain philosophies would likely not only exist, but mutate over time, some to the point of being un-recognizably mutated, others nearly 'pristine' from their origin to the in-game/story present.

It is not unlikely that, after the events during the Amaris Coup on Elbar, the survivors who emigrated to Kowloon might dust off the writings of Meir Kahane, and find them to be not incompatible with many of the views already held on a world that had been fighting to be free of Rim domination (at that point) for centuries.  Given enough time, such views would naturally tend to moderate out and become main-stream in the terms that we understand them-much as the ideas of the American Revolution have moderated out from the much more radical forms held by the original framers of the Constitution.

Given that Rev Kahane's views are already very obscure outside of a narrow group of political junkies and Militants today, it seemed a fairly 'safe' element to nab that would serve as kind of a combination in-joke and foreshadowing, or implied threat-posture but only for those whom are literate in such things.

Occasionally, I DO make mistakes.


A question was raised about which Clan ships have HPGs on them. The answer is this ALL Clan warships and any Clan jumpships that are accounted for on your sheet. This means any named Clan jumpships that have an actual FP value not the "magic" jumpships that move most of forces in the game. This means that all forces that do not have the named jumpships MUST make interdiction move rolls when moving through an interdicted hex.

-The GM staff


Quote from: Cannonshop on September 15, 2010, 05:37:22 PM

It is not unlikely that, after the events during the Amaris Coup on Elbar, the survivors who emigrated to Kowloon might dust off the writings of Meir Kahane, and find them to be not incompatible with many of the views already held on a world that had been fighting to be free of Rim domination (at that point) for centuries.  Given enough time, such views would naturally tend to moderate out and become main-stream in the terms that we understand them-much as the ideas of the American Revolution have moderated out from the much more radical forms held by the original framers of the Constitution.

Given that Rev Kahane's views are already very obscure outside of a narrow group of political junkies and Militants today, it seemed a fairly 'safe' element to nab that would serve as kind of a combination in-joke and foreshadowing, or implied threat-posture but only for those whom are literate in such things.

Occasionally, I DO make mistakes.

Hey, with the references to Carl Schmitt and the Martyrs, I'm hardly in a position to criticize; I've got no problem with it. I was just struck from my experience talking about them in Israel. I can't say I know much about the Kahanists aside from their being booted from the Knesset and the connection to the shooting in Hebron, but it was remarkable (and frankly, reassuring) that even my Israeli friends who leaned right more or less loathed them.

It's a good red-flag reference; certainly makes me frightened of the UIW a bit more.


This is meant as a compliment to both you and Cannonshop August. The little tidbit from history/politics really add huge amounts of flavor to the factions you run. It makes the regions of the LC we roleplay for interesting which in my opinion make the game much more fun. I run Skye fairly vanilla so to speak but there are elements there as well.


Elements are everywhere!!!



Thanks DR6, sincerely. Cannonshop does a better job of it than I, but I'm glad that what I've sprinkled has been appreciated.

And Marlin, you're right, but "[Denken] geht zu Ende, wenn aus seinem Element weicht." Not all elements are the right elements, and god help you if you slip out. :P

(And god help me, that I can't afford to stop thinking about these things anymore.)