OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Even if the CBT boards are down, Steve's Servers should be up.


He has two 35.19 servers as well, but I don't know what port they were operating on.



It runs pretty smooth. For 9 hours yesterday the Megamek Download page was down and we were like. It's a conspiracy! The Wobbies are everywhere!


Adder players, in case I was not that clear with my last comments: I want you back and the game itself needs you. You had a giant string of success until Coventry and now you face a tough time, that happens. So please consider going forth and rolling with the punches.

And on that note:

A topic that not many of you will like: the last leaves of Players puts the 62 game in a bad position. Dont get me wrong, I will always stand to my Ice Hellions. However, a legitimate question should be, with how few peeps can we run this place? The GMs are already overtaxed and RL matters for them as much as for everybody, only that the problems stack in their case, for the game. (No fingerpointing)

This game exists for how long? I mean, at some point the playerbase is just too thin for the game to function. Example is the Lyran State. Many changing players and sometimes no player led them into this situation, as the Clans put pressure on them which lead to fewer people wanting them etc. etc. Wolves much of the same. Add bad measures by former GMs like the Coyotes, bad story= players leaving in frustration- less players for the game.

The question: how many are left and is that viable for this game? I for one lead 2 factions already, others even more. This is stressy and it hurts the game. Even if things are possible.

What do you think?




The traffic for Intelser in general died off. No new players = Attrition. We in the FGC game have found a few pick up players, but would still like to see more.

I know I worry about people running too many factions, games, etc. Something gets left behind when you spread yourself too thin. I myself would like to play more, but I just can't and my RP suffers for it. I focus on Simple Rez match ups in the FGC because I know most of the times, I can't get a game.


Quote from: Fatebringer on January 25, 2011, 02:41:27 PM
Even if the CBT boards are down, Steve's Servers should be up.


He has two 35.19 servers as well, but I don't know what port they were operating on.

Alright, now we need a time.


I'm afraid that if.we.don't find new players and soon, the FGC is going to die off, and that sux cuz I have so much fun with the game. I hate it every time someone else leaves.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Found the info Cache'd - Resposting

Current Server Status:
Server URL/IP*: mechadynamics.net /

34.9 = 2345
35.21 = 2346
35.19 = 2347
35.19 = 2348

(Somewhat Outdated) Map List: http://restless.mechadynamics.net/maplist.txt

* You can use either an alphanumeric URL OR an IP Address for the server address in MegaMek

Server Specifications:
Processor: Athlon 1.2ghz
Memory: 512mb
Hard Drive: 40gb
Operating System: Debian 4
Duties: Web, SFTP, Shell, Firewall/Router

Processor: AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+
Memory: 1gb
Harddrive: 60gb
Operating System: Debian Linux
Duties: Megamek

Iron Mongoose

It was definatly a problem for me.  There was definatly a sense that everyone was being asked to do as much as they could, and heaven knows it was needed.  But, for myself, and only for myself, I soon was in over my head.  I remembered the good old days when I could be active in two factions and decided to take on more and more challanges, and I still belive that had I been able to give them attention I could have had fun and done good RP and advanced the game.  But, I couldn't do everything I hoped to be able to do, and I feer I may have caused more harm than good.

Is, as Marlin notes, that a possibility for other players and other factions?  Already we have some factions with no players, and that's with many players taking on two and three and four roles.  More over, the intrafaction RP that I always enjoyed so is almost dead, as only a very few factions have more than one player (some don't even have a full one player) and most players are so buisey doing planning and book keeping that little RP gets done.

I don't know what the solution is.  My solution, to walk away, won't really work for the whole game.  The previous solution, the Homeworlds' cut off, worked somewhat poorly, since many players simply left the game rather than switching to the factions that remained, and quite a few of the excized factions didn't have players anyway (though I think it did help, in small degree).  That's hardly possible now anyway, since most factions are either heavily into the story, or dead anyway.  There's little oppertunity to cut.

For my part, I don't want to see it end.  But there's little that I can, or at least that I will, do about it.  So for that its in your hands.


I will say this, if the Adder players dont come back, the Clans have a hole that cant be easily healed (or not at all anymore). Combined with the recent Player losses, I would opt for a freeze of the game or, and I dont say that lightly, a shutdown.

Lets face it, we wont get more players, at least I dont see it happening, unless the 3010 game is not happening or a disaster.

I would not like a slow, cold death of this game, which I was a starting member of (with a few still left, I salute you), which will inevitably happen. Just that many players will be in to more than one faction and wont like it. I will hang on as long as the game runs, though, so you wont get rid of me that easily. ;)

This game run so long, it def. was a success, some factions never came on their feet, sadly, enabling others to get past beyond expectations. We need more voices to that, esp. some of the GMs.

BTW, personally the Cats' Journey is the single biggest op I ran in this game, ever, and I wanna see it come to fruition. Or its total defeat.

Better would be, that I would not be needed to run them, though.


Between my spotty Internet access of late and the departure of the players that I actually enjoy playing with, I may not be long for the FGC myself. I'm much, MUCH happier with the GM team we have now, but I can literally count the players that I enjoy working with on one hand, and that's eventually gonna become a dealbreaker for me.

I also would leave the game if something happened to my faction, as I've put in years of RP, blood, sweat, and tears to the Clan, and no other faction on the board even remotely interests me. So I'll see them through to the end, but once that endcomes, so does my own.


I confess that I'm not long for the game. Between teaching prep and various other concerns, I've been busy enough that the game just hasn't crossed my mind enough in the past weeks - apologies for the various delays in getting back to people. The CLP's situation is, of course, quite hopeless (and I say that not as a complaint, but as a simple statement of fact). I'll stick around to get this and that attended to, but overall the clock is ticking down on my time here; it's just not practical for me to move to another faction when current situations are resolved.

Iron Mongoose

Here's something we'd ought to do one of these days: do a sort of Behind the Music for the game, and for our factions.  It would be relitively easy, for example, to try and tell the story of what the FWL did, and try and explain why we did it, now that I'm two years out of leadership and few if any of our secret dealings are likely to have a really big impact on the game.  I for my part would love to know what nefarious things the other factions were cooking up, who was really responcable for what (we can guess it was Terra, but that goes for pretty much anything and everything, so its no real guess).  Who really killed Corrine is probably at the top of my list, and why?  What's the back story? 

Of course, the behind the scenes of Terra would be the most intresting of all.  I saw a brief glimpse of it, but some of it relates to ongoing tactical maters and I can't say about that, and most of the historical stuff I didn't get let in on (why the first war with the FWL? why the second?). 

I fear that too many of the older players may be gone to ever know it all, but I'd love to at least start thinking about it.


Well, there is that thing called Wiki, http://fc62.intelser.org/index.php?title=Main_Page which might help you out a bit?

Granted, not many wrote into it, but I dare you to take a look. :)


Somebody at Home?

GMs? There are still threads that need your attention. Or the turn will need an extension.