OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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I think that was the part where the Davions killed off a bunch of Death Commandos. Not sure though.


Just be glad those fanatics(the Death Commandos) don't have their own warships. *shudder* I can just image them deciding that glassing a few Davion planets be considered a new sporting event.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Well, you know, I would kinda like the idea. :D

Iron Mongoose

I do know the story (if it dosen't come out here, I guess you can PM me for it).  But, I don't really know how much we really want to go back and reopen old wounds.

The basic part of the story goes that the Death Commandos had miss jumped to some odd place, and were making their way back to CC space through the FWL.  On the way, two ships (known to be FS Foxes OOC, desputed by many parties IC, with most just beliving what they want to belive) attacked and distroyed the Commando jump ship.  The FWL and CC came out, fingers pointing, and the FS had to do some quick PR and some after the fact intel ops to try and manipulate things in their favor.  They were, by what ever means (which I think is a key point of contention) able to 'muddy the waters' IC enough that its not entirely clear it was them, though as I say there's evidance both ways so people just belive what they want to belive on the issue, depending on if they like the FWL and CC or FS better.

Dave Baughman

I think the key thing that Josh is getting at with his reference to the "Grey Foxes" incident was that in that case the player who was posting tried to conceal the nationality of his forces without running the appropriate intelligence operation. This resulted in some OOC static that spilled out of PMs and onto the boards and was (mildly) disruptive. There were some other issues in that thread too, but they aren't pertinent to the situation here.

By contrast, at Tamar someone (either myself - for one of the GM controlled factions - or a player) successfully used intelligence operations to conceal the nationality of the suicide force at Tamar (or were they? Were there hints dropped in the thread suggesting only a partial success?), and thus was able to conduct the operation that you all saw unfold last week.

The key difference is that with the Grey Foxes, there was an attempt to circumvent the rules with roleplaying, whereas at Tamar the rules were used to facilititate a roleplaying scenario. The latter is what is now the norm in FGC - the rules and roleplaying working in synergy for a better experience - and what I would like to see continuing to be the case within this campaign.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Oh, I remember that dust-up!  it actually ran (the argument) more than five turns, beginning before I joined in C26 and continuing as an undercurrent of angst through to around C35 or so before other [ooc] arguments just as vicious pushed it out of the public consciousness.  There were definitely some hurt and angry feelings off of it.

Iron Mongoose

Thankfuly, it was during a period when I was very inactive, just giving Hugin a bit of moral support out in the OA.  But I remember by innital reaction being "if only it had been so easy for me!" before the poo ultimatly hit the fan.


definitely sounds like an unpleasant scenario to be involved with in any capacit
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on August 01, 2010, 08:11:11 PM
definitely sounds like an unpleasant scenario to be involved with in any capacit

It was.


This turn has been hectic, so I would appreciate any Faction that has dealings with the Adders give me a listing of what is still outstanding between the yourselves and Adders (including Charlie's piece), and in conjunction with this being my first month of working overnights on weekends I may have lost track of, or just plain forgot, some details


I'd just like to say that apparently, you Adders missed the old guy sitting on the porch on New Apollo yelling "Stay off my lawn!"


Nice way: since there was no date set for posting battles, nor any fixed rules for such, and since the directly impacted party has known about it since the beginning, and since the amount of effort to stop the battles from continuing is roughly the same as what it took to stop them, and since clarifications were needed to even think the posted battles were going to be accurately posted, could the 2 attack threads I posted be reopened and continue? :)


Quote from: DXM on August 03, 2010, 10:25:09 AM
I'd just like to say that apparently, you Adders missed the old guy sitting on the porch on New Apollo yelling "Stay off my lawn!"

he didnt say please


Quote from: Jeyar on August 03, 2010, 02:40:00 PM
Nice way: since there was no date set for posting battles, nor any fixed rules for such, and since the directly impacted party has known about it since the beginning, and since the amount of effort to stop the battles from continuing is roughly the same as what it took to stop them, and since clarifications were needed to even think the posted battles were going to be accurately posted, could the 2 attack threads I posted be reopened and continue? :)

Despite wishing the Dark all the best (till New Avalon) I am with Jeyar in this. The Turn started irregularly and so far all we know is to post no later than the 10th. If there had been a hard date for it, I would of course say as you, but there was not.


Quote from: Marlin on August 03, 2010, 06:37:37 PM
Quote from: Jeyar on August 03, 2010, 02:40:00 PM
Nice way: since there was no date set for posting battles, nor any fixed rules for such, and since the directly impacted party has known about it since the beginning, and since the amount of effort to stop the battles from continuing is roughly the same as what it took to stop them, and since clarifications were needed to even think the posted battles were going to be accurately posted, could the 2 attack threads I posted be reopened and continue? :)

Despite wishing the Dark all the best (till New Avalon) I am with Jeyar in this. The Turn started irregularly and so far all we know is to post no later than the 10th. If there had been a hard date for it, I would of course say as you, but there was not.

well, you are invited to wish them the best, for my part, I look at those threads, count the warships alone, and turn away in disgust.  They're employing bigger fleets than the entire Lyran Commonwealth had prior to the break up, and more Regiments-in-being than many player nations have in total.

I am NEVER going to cheer when a GM run faction stomps a player faction, since the GM run faction is, by definition, wholly handwaved into existence.  It's the same issue I had until they got DXM to take over the Rim Worlds-nobody had to work for, or EARN that factional power-it just spontaneously generated out of nowhere, and started stomping players.