OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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<<Poke GM with a stick>>

Can we get an update on the status?


Quote from: Fatebringer on March 07, 2011, 07:31:48 PM
<<Poke GM with a stick>>

Can we get an update on the status?



Quote from: GraeGor on March 09, 2011, 02:07:34 AM
Quote from: Fatebringer on March 07, 2011, 07:31:48 PM
<<Poke GM with a stick>>

Can we get an update on the status?


Ditto.  I know the call went out for us to get our characters set for the 20 year leap, however at least for me, I'm finding it difficult to set some down.  The lack of information as to what has occured within the last twenty years gives me little to frame characters on.  If for instance I was told that the Horse Alliance was involved in a bitter war with the Combine, then Tanya DeLaurel might very well have been killed, and therefore the HA requires a new saKhan.  But if it was all 'kum-ba-yah', then the only way she could have died would have been through boredom.


Agree with Parm.

I need more info or at least a hint what's up?  :)




As someone who has gamed with Deathrider IRL, I have some suggestions...

1. Typically during a "Deathrider Reset", the down-turn should be spent positioning your characters and factions the way you WANT them to go over the time jump.

2. the more active you are, the more likely he is to pay attention to that positioning.


If player A wants to have trade deals with player B over the time-jump, it's a good idea to stage that openly during the "Roleplay Only" period.  If player A wants to go on a conquering jag, then THAT also needs to be staged.  Likewise if you're intending to supplement forces, or develop something, or if you're angling to have major political realignment in your faction as part of the reset.

What this means to THIS game...

Well, it means that if you want an event, you need to put in some in-character work showing what direction you want to go, and you need to PM Deathrider6 with questions. 


Muah ha ha, and here I was thinking my 12 page update with multiple addendums might be falling on deaf ears ;) Naaah, I got plenty of feedback after I sent my stuff in ;) I know he's out there, and it takes time to stir the pot ;).


The pot is being stirred as we speak. I am working with chaos to get a map ready. In a nutshell so you guys have something to work with conflicts have been kept to a low intensity level. Raiding, lots of espionage and a whole lot of internal trials for the clan side. the same but with lots of back room dealing for the IS factions. Once the T46 final map is done a T47 map will be released. The one thing you gents can do is roleplay even if it is just fluff. If you all are active even a little it does help for the t47 setup. There is also the fact that I am in the process of preparing to relocate possibly out of state so the issues involved with that are mucking things up. I will be leaving here on the 15th of this month to look into a job out of state if things work out I will be offline for a period of time arrangements will be made to keep the game moving in my absence.


My recommendations for Role-play is to navigate from the current date to 3090 in a gradual manner. See the above post for more info.


Rep. Gordon of Alula Australis-a man who'd vote "No" out of cowardice were he sober, must get half-hammered to act on his conscience.  A pathetic wreck of a man, and so much fun to write.


Quote from: Deathrider6 on March 10, 2011, 10:02:52 AM
My recommendations for Role-play is to navigate from the current date to 3090 in a gradual manner. See the above post for more info.

Mmmmm... 1 McKenna per years x 20 years = 30 McKenna's.  Plus a brace of York class DDs per year as escort ships for each of the aforementioned.

Gotcha   ;)


Quote from: Parmenion on March 12, 2011, 02:36:03 PM
1 McKenna per years x 20 years = 30 McKenna's

Need I point out the obvious here? :P
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Lol. True.

But I guess there is a certain cap on our income inbetween and the amount of buildup.


I was talking to DR the other day as he packed, and from what I gather:

nobody is actually getting 100% of the income you would normally get from 120 turns of play. Or else we would have fleets of 30(or was it 20? :P) McKennas floating around, and 2000+ FP armies running amok. Each faction is getting a portion, which is going to be decided on a case-by-case basis. Part of that case, is the body of work being done...so yeah. Get them RP posts out there, cuz you might get more monies from it. And everyone like shiny stuff.

The other part that I am assuming, is your faction's current state of affairs. The UIW for example, has been aggressivly expanding it's resources(you're welcome :P) and so would likly get more than a faction that's not been doing much other than slug it out with the other guy. We shall see once DR gets settled into the new place.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Important to know would be how the demise of the TerHeg will go down. Will the Clans do an attack on top of all the problems or not?

What will Dracs, Suns and Liao do?

What are the Dark capable of now that they are sent back packing?