OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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tassa - Not digging at you.  But, have you considered this?  You have raised questions on this issue.  August has too.  However, a number of us have come to defend this as not entirely out of line and reasonable.  Now, our arguments have not satisfied you to the point that you agree.  That is fine.  But, it does not mean that this is broken, wrong, or OOC.  Remember, we broke from canon long ago.  Half the clans don't even act like clans anymore.  Or, at least not what we would expect from the canon information.  But, that, in fact, is the nature of this game.


Really, NVA?  Because I have yet to see one person actually address my original question.  All I've seen are a few bruised egos come in for God knows what reason (since the original question was levied at the Hellions' actions, but I guess CS and DR6 decided they needed attention for some reason) and just sling mud instead of answering the damned question.


Quote from: Cannonshop on August 10, 2010, 08:45:16 AM

Αχιλλευς = Akhilleus, if you're interested in orthography.  :P


Quote from: tassa_kay on August 09, 2010, 05:28:07 PM
So the Hellions are deporting Lyran citizens who don't want to live under Clan rule (which I would assume is most of them) to the UIW?  I didn't know that the Hellions had the transport capacity... or that the UIW had the infrastructure to support so many millions of people at the drop of a hat. 

Original question...As I can find it.  To which, the reply has already been made...

1 - No transport capacity required in game mechanics.  So, yes, they have the capacity.
2 - It is unlikely we are talking about 'massive' amounts of people, so not much capacity needed.

No where is it being suggested that mass migrations are occuring.  Primarily, I would say criminals and a few thousands of people otherwise.  Most other people simply won't care whose flag is over the world.  So, in terms of IC capacity, still not much transport capacity required.  Shoot, probably one big jumpship with a few large droppers could do it.  And, IC, it really does make sense.  The Hellions are moving faster than any other clan right now.  Why would they want to spare resources to reeducate and protect these worlds from INTERNAL threats.  They have enough external ones.  Why slow down?


Quote from: NVA on August 10, 2010, 12:11:53 AM
Wow...Seriously...6 dead warships vs 2...How...unlikely?

War hurts no matter which way you go.

We've objected to the way the damage is distributed since the rule was put into place. There's nothing we can do about it, so why complain anymore?

In RP, basically the Wolves did what we would have wanted to do, what anyone would want to do, and what this rule prevents us from doing, and that's using your CAP before giving up your warships to suck up the majority of the damage.

The reality is the Wolves just lost about 750 ASF pilots to the void plus 50 or so dropship crews and another 500 crewmembers from the Potemkins. People wise, that hurt bad.

Even though the Wolf Damage was so concentrated on our ships, we still lost about 375 Pilots, and the 7 Crews. But I don't think all 7 together had teh people your potemkins had.

Don't worry, the Ravens will recover as many people from the void as they can before they run out of O2. :) Cuase that's how we roll. ;)


Wow, was that so hard?  Thanks for at least staying on point, NVA.  

And it doesn't change the fact that, despite the whole "the Clans don't even act like Clans anymore" reasoning (which is sloppy thinking, even if it IS true), I can't call bad writing to task when I see it.  If one disagrees with my viewpoint, I welcome it, but address the issue at hand instead of just attempting to sling mud back, because it's tacky and shows nothing but impotence because it's an admission that there IS no defense for it.

And if one can't handle criticism through any means OTHER than slinging mud, then might I humbly suggest THEY toddle off and write their own private fanfiction to avoid it?  Because this is a community game and I'm entitled to comment on whatever I damned well want to comment on.  Trying to call me a bad roleplayer because I don't address it in-character doesn't make me a bad roleplayer.  Bad roleplaying makes me a bad roleplayer.


Tassa - As I said, you had already been answered.  Cannonshop answered first, but, gave additional information with it.  I answered after him, with the following:

Quote from: NVA on August 09, 2010, 07:21:03 PM
One - There is no game cost to moving people.  Never has been.  So, no trackable transport is required. 

Two - It has been determined that once conquered, a people no longer belong to the previous faction.  So, the previous faction players do not have to have a say in what happens.

Three - Again, no one has said mass people are relocating.  The Hellions are moving the garbage out and allowing those people who care enough about the flag to get out, so they DON'T have trouble.

Quote from: tassa_kay on August 10, 2010, 03:45:11 PM
Wow, was that so hard?  Thanks for at least staying on point, NVA.  

And it doesn't change the fact that, despite the whole "the Clans don't even act like Clans anymore" reasoning (which is sloppy thinking, even if it IS true), I can't call bad writing to task when I see it.  If one disagrees with my viewpoint, I welcome it, but address the issue at hand instead of just attempting to sling mud back, because it's tacky and shows nothing but impotence because it's an admission that there IS no defense for it.

And if one can't handle criticism through any means OTHER than slinging mud, then might I humbly suggest THEY toddle off and write their own private fanfiction to avoid it?  Because this is a community game and I'm entitled to comment on whatever I damned well want to comment on.  Trying to call me a bad roleplayer because I don't address it in-character doesn't make me a bad roleplayer.  Bad roleplaying makes me a bad roleplayer.


And I thanked you for the answer, NVA.  So why are you still talking about the question?  ???

Iron Mongoose

So, let's talk about something happy, for a change...

How about a former Warmonger award winner, serial faction leader, and all around good guy being elected to the most powerful, warmongering, nuke slinging faction of all?  Who's going to get it next?  What sort of mayhem can be created?


Because, you still claimed it had not previously been answered.  You claimed today that it had not previously been answered.  So, now, we know it was answered.  We know that you have your concerns about it.  And we know that we don't all agree with the IC'ness about it.  So, can we get back to 'Game On'?


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on August 10, 2010, 03:53:13 PM
So, let's talk about something happy, for a change...

How about a former Warmonger award winner, serial faction leader, and all around good guy being elected to the most powerful, warmongering, nuke slinging faction of all?  Who's going to get it next?  What sort of mayhem can be created?

Well, how about the Clanner for SLDF Commanding General.  <Silly Lords Disfunctional Force>


Quote from: NVA on August 10, 2010, 03:53:42 PM
Because, you still claimed it had not previously been answered.  You claimed today that it had not previously been answered.  So, now, we know it was answered.  We know that you have your concerns about it.  And we know that we don't all agree with the IC'ness about it.  So, can we get back to 'Game On'?

First of all, I was ALSO addressing what I see as bad roleplaying.  THAT has not been addressed.

Second, no one's stopping you or anyone else from "Game On".  If you don't like what I have to say, don't respond to it.  Simple as that.


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on August 10, 2010, 03:53:13 PM
So, let's talk about something happy, for a change...

How about a former Warmonger award winner, serial faction leader, and all around good guy being elected to the most powerful, warmongering, nuke slinging faction of all?  Who's going to get it next?  What sort of mayhem can be created?

Why do you think we elected you? The Veterans of the Kindraa Wars lobby expects kickbacks, by the way.


Quote from: august on August 10, 2010, 03:59:36 PM
Quote from: Iron Mongoose on August 10, 2010, 03:53:13 PM
So, let's talk about something happy, for a change...

How about a former Warmonger award winner, serial faction leader, and all around good guy being elected to the most powerful, warmongering, nuke slinging faction of all?  Who's going to get it next?  What sort of mayhem can be created?

Why do you think we elected you? The Veterans of the Kindraa Wars lobby expects kickbacks, by the way.

Unmarked bills, preferably. :)

Iron Mongoose

I think Marco got some dicussion IC, but it was more in the context of the Wolves' greater problems, so it was more glossed over.  We can get into a nuke fight at Tamar, but Marco's basicly safe on Terra or where ever, so there's not much the Clans can do about it.

As to why the IS would elect him... you're guess is as good as mine.  As a Randian I was reluctant to see Hall elected, because I feered he'd be too Clan centric, and not really give too poos about the Dark.  After all, the Clans are trying to wipe out his Clan, they've invaded the Wolf capitol world, and things are not likely to look good for a while.  Marco's got every reason to want to see most of the SLDF's forces go to the Clan front.

Perhaps that's why the Terrans voted that way.  Perhaps they hoped that in electing a Wolf, they'd tie the wolves more closely to the SL, and ensure one fewer Clan to fight.  I really don't know.  

It will be intresting to see how much muscle the SL can throw around, however, with a largely inactive first lord and a Clanner with out a Clan as General.