OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Surrender Arc-Royal to Clan Blood Spirit.  Now.



"All the Arc-Royalers decided that they wanted to be part of Clan Blood Spirit and embraced their new overlords wholeheartedly. The Spirit touman magically transported to the capital where they were welcomed with flowers and adulation. All the bad people died. THE END."


Quote from: august on August 10, 2010, 07:09:42 PM
Cannonshop, politely, back off. If I haven't named the UIW in any of my posts thus far, it's not a coincidence. My issue with the bad roleplay is this: it's handled with a single line in a combat thread, and isn't at all unprecedented. Where you choose to go with that is up to you, and I'd like to see it handled well - even if I disagree with the idea that there should be so few refugees, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion. If some good pieces come out of it, pieces which I think you're certainly capable of writing, then I'll be all for it.

If I were to post something like "And the Arc-Royal Loki shot all the dissidents on their worlds and everyone was happy," it would be really shitty RP. Transparently helps my faction, zero effort, and allows me to argue that there are no dissidents on my planet down the line. This is completely unbelievable: an action that heads off my actions having consequences, including itself. This is pretty much how I see the deportation as it's now established.

As for Achilles and Spirits and stuff, it's true. My "misplaced personal loyalties" which your rhetorical negation so kindly allows me to escape are nonetheless present. I do whatever Tassa tells me and have no investment beyond that, really. Which is why it's totally on the mark for you to write a response that confuses us, attributes to me things that he said and vice-versa. To whom should I be loyal, if my present friendships are misplaced? Please do help me with this, preferably through more ad hominem attacks. I would hate it if any points were to be actually addressed.

August, I was out of line with that comment, and I apologize...to YOU.

As for the rest, I'm inclined to take this off the public side and into PM-with copies to the staff to guarantee I don't go too far off the rails without a brake.


I suggest pistols at dawn.

Dave Baughman


Take a couple of steps back, take a deep breath. This thread is going to stay locked at least till tomorrow evening, because I have split off a line of posts that appear to be over the line and am going to be reading it in detail.

I do not want to have to institute assinine forum rules and start issuing warnings over posts, but at the same time... seriously.

I'll post more once I have caught up on this whole explosion, but a couple of humble suggestions:

1) If an argument is becoming heated, take it off the public forums an into PM. If it gets too heated for PM, take it to the GMs for arbitration.
2) Criticizing another player's roleplaying is a guaranteed way to make them angry, and basically ends any chance for a reasoned debate. We've seen this over and over again on the old forums, and its still true.

On an unrelated note, the draft intel rules (in ugly, un-formatted plain text) are up in the 42 rules thread. Now that I have completed that job, I will start catching up on the RP over the course of this week with the goal of having all RP threads moving forward again by Friday.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Dave Baughman

OK, I decided to just go ahead and review the whole mess tonight instead of waiting.

I am going to very cautiously unlock this thread. Some of you will be getting private messages from the GM staff tomorrow. I think you all know who you are. Things got very out of hand today, and while I am not the type of guy who wants to step on peoples' discussions, at a certain point something has to give.

Long story short, we're going to have forum rules soon. I'm not going to write them up immediately, because I want to think over just how much I really need to 'legislate,' but its clear from this that the ground rules need to be put in writing on these boards so everyone is on the same page about what is and isn't acceptable.

For now, lets start with the following:

I. Don't use the OOC as a forum to denigrate other members' RP. Its fine to ask questions about the background if something is unclear or confusing - its also fine to discuss and debate the Canon and how it relates to the FGC campaign. Its not OK to attack another player over their RP in the public OOC forums. If they're cheating or exercising bad sportsmanship - PM the GMs. If the underlying issue is that you are unhappy or upset with what they are doing IC, there are ample means to move against those factions within the game. This is what the intel rules are all about, and with the impending end of the hard-wired faction intel bonuses, the "big kids on the block" are no longer "auto-immune" to many things they could have just ignored before.

II. Don't post PMs to the public boards, unless everyone else on the PM is cool with it being reposted. I'm going to be blunt about this: the "P" in PM stands for Private and that's what their purpose is. If someone sends you an unacceptable PM, forward it to the GMs and we will deal with it.

III. Please try to refrain from posting obscenity, at least in anger. This isn't CBT.com, which has to maintain a "PG-13" atmosphere for legal reasons, and I have no problem with IC profanity or with foul language used in good humor, but when obscenity is used to attack another player - no matter how much you think they deserve it, it will only make the situation worse. Every time.

Now, I see I have 25 PMs in my inbox, almost all of which came in while I was at work today. To those who wrote me, I will respond tomorrow.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Apollyon, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Does anyone have some SimpRes luck they will loan me?  I could really use a crit chance roll and to get a 12 on it so I can declare victory and force these guys to go home.  :)


Quote from: NVA on August 11, 2010, 05:14:36 PM
Does anyone have some SimpRes luck they will loan me?  I could really use a crit chance roll and to get a 12 on it so I can declare victory and force these guys to go home.  :)

If I had some I'd lend it.


Don't worry, you'll be facing some Adders again in the main fighting next round.  We tend to bring out the best of luck in other people's Sim Res rolls. (on non-militia fights anyways)


Quote from: NVA on August 11, 2010, 05:14:36 PM
Does anyone have some SimpRes luck they will loan me?  I could really use a crit chance roll and to get a 12 on it so I can declare victory and force these guys to go home.  :)

I have some I can sell ya NVA....should I send Vinnie the mouse over to negotiate favorable terms? ;D

Iron Mongoose

Quote from: august on August 11, 2010, 07:52:12 PM
OOC: D'Souza is the FWL General who caused trouble on Arc-Royal, no? Are there any FWL units amongst the SLDF force that I would know about upon my arrival? This has potential to get ugly.

That is the same name, yes, though with a trillion people in the IS there could be two of them out there who both just chanced to be Generals in the same theater of opperations for difrent units in the SLDF.  Noe would have to speak to his intention here.

The FWL's D'Souza was the commander of the 2nd Knights of the Inner Sphere, and has been active on the Clan front for the entirety of the game (I don't think they've ever been home, from turn 1 to now, since they started the game as one of our SLDF contribution units and remained on after we pulled the bulk of our force out).  He was at Pisag, and he's been the face of the FWL in theater for years.

What he's done since I left, that is not for me to say.


As said in the Morges thread, not the same person.  I grabbed a name out of the air.  now, I know why it struck me as cool.  Anyway, I also don't know for sure the FWL De or D' Souzas status.  I countered the order to leave Arc Royal and the AR leadership was supposed to receive that message from the FS general.


Honestly, this kind of thing is why I, out-of-character, want to divest A-R from the SLDF. It's one communications failure after another and it makes the game very hard for me to play. All I ask for is info that should be readily available IC to people on those planets (is there an SLDF garrison on Timkovichi? This would be common knowledge for people on the world, I imagine, even if they don't know what units, etc, are there. Am I told OOC? Of course not.)


Quote from: august on August 11, 2010, 08:31:12 PM
Honestly, this kind of thing is why I, out-of-character, want to divest A-R from the SLDF. It's one communications failure after another and it makes the game very hard for me to play. All I ask for is info that should be readily available IC to people on those planets (is there an SLDF garrison on Timkovichi? This would be common knowledge for people on the world, I imagine, even if they don't know what units, etc, are there. Am I told OOC? Of course not.)

One would think.  But, I don't even know what units are 'SLDF' and where.  That is part of the fog of this change over, etc.  And, communication failures happen.  But, honestly, I don't know if there are any seconded units to the SLDF anywhere, except the ones that have been reported to the SL Council.


Yet another reason why the closest I'm going to get to the Star League is an ambassador to Terra to plead my part in any cases where I have a part.