OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Arden was inbound with us.  The Tai Shu met us midflight.  I left the FWL general out, for IC reasons.  These are representatives of the commands I know about.




Holt and Fatebringer are up in Arc Royal.  I will not respond until they have a chance to play the game.


Look, that's generous and I appreciate the impulse, but we have three days left in the cycle and I would really like to get this done before then. I think we'd all like to have this resolved to a point so we can get accurate order sheets in on time. Under less pressing circumstances, I'd be very happy to have Holt and FB involved, but right now I feel like the more people and the more incongruous schedules we involve, the more likely this becomes to spill over into the next cycle.


So be it.  If it spills over, it spills over.

Quote from: august on August 23, 2010, 01:13:05 AM
Look, that's generous and I appreciate the impulse, but we have three days left in the cycle and I would really like to get this done before then. I think we'd all like to have this resolved to a point so we can get accurate order sheets in on time. Under less pressing circumstances, I'd be very happy to have Holt and FB involved, but right now I feel like the more people and the more incongruous schedules we involve, the more likely this becomes to spill over into the next cycle.


Easy to say when it's not your entire faction that hangs in the balance.


Quote from: august on August 23, 2010, 01:15:26 AM
Easy to say when it's not your entire faction that hangs in the balance.

Problem is, the SLDF is not 'my' faction to make decisions solely on.  So, I can't cut others out.


NVA, all of my future RP depends on what happens in the Arc-Royal thread. I have three other RP threads that are on hold until this gets resolved. In effect, the continual delays here have cut me out of the game for half of this cycle and will continue to do so until this gets resolved. Any orders that I give for cycle 42 are going to be arbitrary nonsense if this rolls over; I'm glad that your interested in allowing others to play the game, but you haven't accounted me in your equations. As the guy who stands to lose most if things go wrong, I do think I have more of a right than the DC and FS players to ask that this go forward.

The SLDF might not be your faction, but your PC is the commander of that body. All I ask is that you show a little initiative IC and OOC and stop worrying about checking everything with other people - if you piss someone off, let the consequences be part of the game.


Problem is, the SLDF is not 'my' faction to make decisions solely on.  So, I can't cut others out.

Yes, you actually can. You're the Commanding General - if the SLDF states don't like what you do, they can suck it up until the next meeting, then they can whine there. The SLDF is a military, not a political organization, and the commander's orders override whatever potential qualms the politicians might have until the unit's back under home control.


Let me rephrase it.  I was in a GM RP in PM, dealing with Marco's arrival.  Once that was wrapped up, I restarted this one.  So, I will rephrase.  I choose to include others.  I am sorry if that is a problem.  But, given your demands and your position, I don't feel I have a choice.  Orders are not due for 14 days.  I am sure this can be wrapped up fairly soon.  If I don't get a response from the others in the next day or so, I will continue on without them.  But, that is the best I will offer, unless the GMs tell me I have to act.

Iron Mongoose

Of course, August, you always retain the IC option to simply reject the others, and offer the IC rational that you'd like to deal man to man, merroring your OOC thinking.  Then you can ask more openly IC.


Quote from: Iron Mongoose on August 23, 2010, 02:42:04 AM
Of course, August, you always retain the IC option to simply reject the others, and offer the IC rational that you'd like to deal man to man, merroring your OOC thinking.  Then you can ask more openly IC.

Well, I did ask that they be sent away IC, and the request was ignored. If I'd known ahead of time that they were coming, I would have barred them from entry, but they were introduced as present once things were underway. In the interest of avoiding insisting on a retcon, I thought that was the better option - as it stands, I think I'm stuck with them.


Quote from: Aleksandr on August 23, 2010, 01:29:06 AM
Problem is, the SLDF is not 'my' faction to make decisions solely on.  So, I can't cut others out.

Yes, you actually can. You're the Commanding General - if the SLDF states don't like what you do, they can suck it up until the next meeting, then they can whine there. The SLDF is a military, not a political organization, and the commander's orders override whatever potential qualms the politicians might have until the unit's back under home control.

Or they could vote to remove him from office for refusing to allow a member state to partake and/or be present during what could turn out to be a hugly important negotiating table. The SLDF might be a military organization, but its like any modern military force: it answers to the politicians. If the SL Council decides that Hall isn't doing his job, or has threatened the security of a member nation(which the AR govornment isn't), then yeah, they can remove his ass from his position. Which reflects badly on him, and all of Clan Wolf...something any Clanner would do anything to prevent.

His hands are a little more tied than people seem to be thinking.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Quote from: Daemonknight on August 23, 2010, 02:50:59 AM
Quote from: Aleksandr on August 23, 2010, 01:29:06 AM
Problem is, the SLDF is not 'my' faction to make decisions solely on.  So, I can't cut others out.

Yes, you actually can. You're the Commanding General - if the SLDF states don't like what you do, they can suck it up until the next meeting, then they can whine there. The SLDF is a military, not a political organization, and the commander's orders override whatever potential qualms the politicians might have until the unit's back under home control.

Or they could vote to remove him from office for refusing to allow a member state to partake and/or be present during what could turn out to be a hugly important negotiating table. The SLDF might be a military organization, but its like any modern military force: it answers to the politicians. If the SL Council decides that Hall isn't doing his job, or has threatened the security of a member nation(which the AR govornment isn't), then yeah, they can remove his ass from his position. Which reflects badly on him, and all of Clan Wolf...something any Clanner would do anything to prevent.

His hands are a little more tied than people seem to be thinking.

Necessary disclaimer before I address the quote: I'm not telling NVA or anyone else how to run their characters. I just want to address the portrayal of the clans.

Keep in mind though that an individual warrior has to do something really, really awful to bring shame to a clan as a whole. The only example I can think of is the Widowmaker guy who killed Nick Kerensky. The clans are really good at disowning individual warriors who fail in some way; it's necessary given the crazy risks that one has to take on a regular basis to achieve, well, anything as a Clan warrior. It's do or die, all the time, and those who end up on the latter side are left to do just that by their parent clan. No one questioned the viability of the Falcons because Elias Critchell turned out to be a fraud, or that of the Ravens when their saKhan engineered the extinction of the Sea Fox. Same goes for the Cobra who was kicked out of the ilKhanate for being a jerk. Each time, the parent clan just let the aggrieved party take out the offender in a trial of grievance and moved on, offering surkai if necessary. People fail all the time in the clans, perhaps more often than they succeed - the system is built to account for it and even to encourage it to a certain extent. The unfit should always be replaced.

For a clan to bring shame on itself as a whole, the crime has to be pretty widespread: take the Burrocks' dealings with the Dark Caste, the Nova Cats' siding with the SLDF as a whole, the Jaguars' weakness as a whole. But even then, there are examples of clans overcoming such obstacles - the Hellions purging their PED-using warriors, the Falcons' Culling, the Coyotes' mass self-reaving. For a clan to become seen as tainted as a whole, they pretty much have to have a large portion of the touman involved in dirty dealings and the rest be unwilling or unable to elminate the bad warriors on their own. Having a warrior, even a well-respected one lose a cushy job doesn't come close.


I'm talking about the Wolves feeling shamed themselves. If the Clans are truly the superiors they deem themselves to be(the wolves would not have lost their arrogance at being trueborn), then being told by Spheroid politicians, of all people, that you are a bad commander...that would make most people associated with that warrior feel like he shamed the whole program.

This isn't a case of what the other Clans think...we have made our position quite clear how we view the wolves. I'm saying from an internal viewpoint, he doesn't want to be replaced by people who would be viewed(by the Wolf warriors) as essentially useless themselves. The position itself isn't whats important, its that he can be seen to do his job better than those less suitible(freeborn, sphereoid politicans).
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade