OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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I think it is only consistent that chaos' FWL pisses off Adders like he does with its IS counterparts. :D


Quote from: GraeGor on September 21, 2010, 01:38:52 PM
Quote from: Parmenion on September 21, 2010, 12:36:36 PM
Point Commander Drizzt

:D +1

QuoteThis in turn allowed Drizzt and his four warrior companions

Hmm...gonna guess here...

Wulfgar (washed out Elemental), Bruenor (long time infantry veteran of advanced years) , Cattie-Brie (sniper and adoptive daughter of Bruenor) and Regis (failed Pilot, though with a knack for stealth)

I plead guilty in regards the Drizzt persona, but just chucked a number into the post of the infantry accompanying him.  Twas nearly midnight, and this little little antipodean had to get up again in a little over five hours for work.

Worked out well though, didn't it  :D


Point of order for Arluna: Jaymie is now A Star Colonel? The first posts indicated her to be a Star Commander, though..

So, she is then Colonel, right? Just to be sure.


Quote from: Marlin on September 23, 2010, 09:04:57 AM
Point of order for Arluna: Jaymie is now A Star Colonel? The first posts indicated her to be a Star Commander, though..

So, she is then Colonel, right? Just to be sure.

Nope.. She is just a Star Commander.


I've been sick, I will fix it.


That is no excuse!!!

Seriously, you already did, I think.


Anyone know how I can attach pdfs to the Wiki?


So... I hate to ask, but is the new Comm and Intel Rules in effect now, or will they be in 43? Later?


You all have until Midnight tonight to clean up your threads.

-The GM staff


One more note. If both sides have already bid forces in a trial or commited forces to a battle/invasion then either side can clean up that thread using the public dice rolling. If anyone has any complaints about this you can find me on Skype and bring them up.



Complaints?  I'm so happy about that I think it should be a permanent rule.


As yet another note..........If you have not bid you will be bidding at my discretion. I will not be allowing threads to be dragged out because of non posting in a thread. Again if you have any complaints you can find me on Skype.



I have a sugestion for the UIW's National Anthem.

Dueling Banjos Deliverance
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade



Im not real happy with the ruling

I work parttime weekend graveyard shift currently, that's 10pm to 8am, I have about 2 hours from when I wake up (around 7pm) before I have to leave, and about the same after work before going to bed

and with the weeknight graveyard person leaving I may be going to full time, that's 4 nights a week, which will cut into the time I have available during those days

so I really DO NOT appreciate another player rolling for the Adders unless cleared by an Adder player, even if a GM says otherwise (GMs rolling are acceptable)

and I dont have Skype, and have no desire to get it....MSN and Yahoo work just fine