OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Quote from: Daemonknight on November 06, 2010, 05:16:05 PM
Either that means you're a GM now, or they've already decided that she's coming back, and August is taking control of...well, whoever finds her(i assume either the Camels or elements of the Mandrills thus far not revealed to us).

Bodee was my PC for, well, about three years when I played the Mandrills exclusively; I invested a great deal in that character and, well, forgive me if I'm possessive. As much as I respect CS and the good RP that he writes, I'd be pretty upset if he or anyone else were to take over the character, honestly. Yes, DK, you're correct in that it's not up to me or anyone else but the GMs, but I would hope, for the sake of keeping everything friendly around here, that she not be given over to anyone else by fiat.


There would be no reason for her to show up anymore anyway.


Fun? Chaos? To see the look on people's faces? Theres a million reasons to bring someone back that everyone assumes but can't prove is dead.

And unless Bodee is heading a Mandrill faction, which you take, or is for some odd reason joining the AR faction...then its not a matter of fiat, but faction control. You don't own Bodee, anymore than I own Diana or Brian Pryde. We control our chars because we're faction heads. Thats all I'm saying. And besides, even if she comes back in a capacity other than Mandrill, to a faction that already exists(I'd think that if she re-appeared as GC-friendly, it would be to the Camels), its that faction-head's choice what to do with them. Same thing with Bobby KS: techniclly his faction died when you were given the Commonwealth, but since he was in my power, he became a CJF VIP. If I hadn't taken him off planet, you'd have been able to do what you wanted with him(an unexpected but welcome side effect of that whole string of events, atleast in some minds).

Not saying that u can't have her August. But you can't own a VIP without owning their Faction...and the Mandrills no longer exist, and you arn't running the Camels atm, so its simply not a question of 'giving' her to you, or 'fiat': its just that you don't control factions she could logically come back to.
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


I'm fairly certain that August doesn't need a lecture on how things work in the FGC, since he's been a player for years, long before you ever joined the game.  Nor did he ever claim anything to the contrary as far as control of Bodee Beyl goes.  He simply asked for player consideration/respect since Bodee Beyl was his character for years, and he built her completely from scratch since, before the FGC, she was just a name in a Field Manual.  You'll understand more once you control a character for longer than a few months, and invest time and roleplaying into that character to make it your own.


Daemonknight, with what respect is due, I don't think you get it. Your argument is, of course, correct according to the rules. But this game, like any other, doesn't survive first according to the rules; it survives according to the general amité that reigns amongst the players. Using the rules as an excuse to take actions that upset other players OOC doesn't make one correct and doesn't help the game; in fact, it destroys the game by driving people away. Of course the game is competitive, and people are going to be unhappy if things don't go well for them. But there's a line, and it isn't in fact a fine one, between playing the game in such a way that it can be fun even for those who are losing, and taking arbitrary actions that piss people off OOC.

Marlin is correct; there's no immediate reason to bring Bodee back. Frankly, she's probably dead and I'm okay with that. If she comes back, well, as Tassa pointed out, I basically designed the character from the ground up - she's not had any canon appearances and I do feel entitled to the gesture of respect that I would at least be asked for my approval if she was to be given to someone else. And I would say no, because I feel that strongly about it. Yes, the rules don't mandate it, but I, as a player, would feel slighted personally if that gesture weren't given or if my opinion were ignored.

I don't pretend to know the reasons why all the other players have come to this game, but the fact is that if we don't respect one another enough that we take the others we interact with into consideration as human beings who invest time and energy into this game, the game might as well die. In fact, were that the case, it should do so. So please don't lecture me on the rules - the rules aren't the issue here. To turn to them is, in fact, petty and avoids the real issue. The rules don't make the game, we, those who are gathered to play do. And I think our first loyalty needs to be to the other people involved in the game, not to the rules.

Quote from: Daemonknight on November 07, 2010, 02:22:22 AM
Fun? Chaos? To see the look on people's faces? Theres a million reasons to bring someone back that everyone assumes but can't prove is dead.

And unless Bodee is heading a Mandrill faction, which you take, or is for some odd reason joining the AR faction...then its not a matter of fiat, but faction control. You don't own Bodee, anymore than I own Diana or Brian Pryde. We control our chars because we're faction heads. Thats all I'm saying. And besides, even if she comes back in a capacity other than Mandrill, to a faction that already exists(I'd think that if she re-appeared as GC-friendly, it would be to the Camels), its that faction-head's choice what to do with them. Same thing with Bobby KS: techniclly his faction died when you were given the Commonwealth, but since he was in my power, he became a CJF VIP. If I hadn't taken him off planet, you'd have been able to do what you wanted with him(an unexpected but welcome side effect of that whole string of events, atleast in some minds).

Not saying that u can't have her August. But you can't own a VIP without owning their Faction...and the Mandrills no longer exist, and you arn't running the Camels atm, so its simply not a question of 'giving' her to you, or 'fiat': its just that you don't control factions she could logically come back to.


A lot of what you say I agree with august. It has much more to do with respect. Yes the "rules" say if 'x' player wants to use 'y' character who does not have a faction player, then for the most part they may, but if that character was someone's pet for quite some time, then it would just be respectful to get in touch with that player and at least get input.

Truth is, it has been the power-/meta-gamers amongst the Clans that drove me away. I could deal with the Vipers not having their way, and having problems.. It is the nature of the game. But when the players were intentionally screwing over another faction in their own meta-faction, it became BS. No.. I was not going to impale myself on the Terran's sword, especially after the screwjob the Falcons/Hellions with some assistance from the Horses and Wolves, gave me. Then when I was not going to throw myself heedlessly at the Terrans, or kiss anybody's ass, I was pretty much shut out, both IC and OOC. Makes it kinda hard to give a crap about the game.


Quote from: GreyJaeger on November 07, 2010, 07:07:11 AM
Truth is, it has been the power-/meta-gamers amongst the Clans that drove me away. I could deal with the Vipers not having their way, and having problems.. It is the nature of the game. But when the players were intentionally screwing over another faction in their own meta-faction, it became BS. No.. I was not going to impale myself on the Terran's sword, especially after the screwjob the Falcons/Hellions with some assistance from the Horses and Wolves, gave me. Then when I was not going to throw myself heedlessly at the Terrans, or kiss anybody's ass, I was pretty much shut out, both IC and OOC. Makes it kinda hard to give a crap about the game.


It's one thing to have IC consequences to one's actions.  It's another thing to have to deal with it OOC.  But in the interests of keeping things civil, I'm going to refrain from calling certain players out for doing such things as talking **** behind peoples' backs and plotting against them OOC or using OOC knowledge to metagame, both of which I've had to deal with in the past few months.  It honestly makes me wonder why I bother sometimes. Seems to me sometimes that if you aren't sitting at the cool kids' table, you might as well be playing the game by yourself.


Patriots v Browns today, anyone else watching football?

I say it'll go 27-14 in the Pat's favor. Any takers? :P
"My only regret is that I will not be alive in .03 seconds. I would have liked to watch the enemy attempt to vent an omnidirectional thermonuclear blast enveloping their outpost."
-Last thoughts of Maldon, Type XXX Bolo, 3rd Battalion, Dinochrome Brigade


Nah.  To busy plotting the assassination of Di...Err...

Too busy at Kowloon polishing my nuk....errr

Yeah, go Dolphins.


Quote from: GreyJaeger on November 07, 2010, 07:07:11 AM
A lot of what you say I agree with august. It has much more to do with respect. Yes the "rules" say if 'x' player wants to use 'y' character who does not have a faction player, then for the most part they may, but if that character was someone's pet for quite some time, then it would just be respectful to get in touch with that player and at least get input.

Truth is, it has been the power-/meta-gamers amongst the Clans that drove me away. I could deal with the Vipers not having their way, and having problems.. It is the nature of the game. But when the players were intentionally screwing over another faction in their own meta-faction, it became BS. No.. I was not going to impale myself on the Terran's sword, especially after the screwjob the Falcons/Hellions with some assistance from the Horses and Wolves, gave me. Then when I was not going to throw myself heedlessly at the Terrans, or kiss anybody's ass, I was pretty much shut out, both IC and OOC. Makes it kinda hard to give a crap about the game.

I REALLY hope I wasn't involved in that, Grey.  If I was and I gave offense, I apologize.



So, in regards to the Taurian offense: somehow I assumed, the separate Aero Clash would allow slipping away of Ground Forces in any kind.

So, to escape, sacrifice your fighters (against bigger enemy) and slip the ground out.

On an Attack, sacrifice your fighters and slip to the Ground. Did that not happen before? If not, then I am clearly wrong, but somehow I remember this.



Anyway, go on then. :)


and yay, my small bit of RP for UIW was eaten by the Browser.. :P Sorry, CS. Expect some more introspectives and intensive listening to Miranda.


If anyone could spare the time to give me a hand with the orders sheet for the Spirits, please let me know.  My partner-in-crime has now taken over the Steel Vipers (yay for them!  not-so-yay for me. :() so I could really use the help.


Quote from: tassa_kay on November 09, 2010, 06:35:06 AM
If anyone could spare the time to give me a hand with the orders sheet for the Spirits, please let me know.  My partner-in-crime has now taken over the Steel Vipers (yay for them!  not-so-yay for me. :() so I could really use the help.

... I can help.

Iron Mongoose

I can help with things like advice, but if you need some actualy beans counted... we'll I'm out of the bean buisness for the time being.