OOC Thread #2

Started by Dave Baughman, July 26, 2010, 03:38:13 PM

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Mr. JibberJab

so im curious. theres a list of notable leaders of the Clans....how come theres not one for the I.S.??  :)


I might have 2 Answers for that. 1st: Fate didnt make one. and 2nd: Because it would be way too big?

Clans esp. in this game, are quite few factions any more, IS actually Got more factions to type in.


Answer Nr 1.   Same as Marlin's.

Smart-arse answer Nr 1.  Because it's too much drama updating the list every cycle, just because the Lyrans yet again change their Archon  ;)

quite frankly, they change their Archon more often than I change my underwear


Quote from: Parmenion on November 14, 2010, 11:52:58 AM
Answer Nr 1.   Same as Marlin's.

Smart-arse answer Nr 1.  Because it's too much drama updating the list every cycle, just because the Lyrans yet again change their Archon  ;)

quite frankly, they change their Archon more often than I change my underwear

That, and too much work-just look at, say, the UIW-one faction, probably (likely) the smallest and newest in the game, over twenty "Name" characters not including lower-level people.  August's...whatever they're named this week has even MORE.

By contrast, with the Clans, no matter how big they may be, you only really need to account on a regular basis for three Personalities-the Khan, the SaKhan, and the Loremaster.  Everyone else is readily changeable and doesn't really impact the function of the 'state'.

The GREAT houses it's even WORSE than the UIW-just accounting for the highest non-Head-of-state personalities in the FedSuns, for instance, you're looking at a shit-ton of characters.  Add in Ambassadors (to whatever alliances exist), major-duty "Hero" characters in the Military, and I'd guess there's at least two to five times MY faction's individual throw-weight in names to track, along with important titles-and that's assuming someone doesn't come up with a new character in the next turn.



Quote from: Parmenion on November 14, 2010, 11:52:58 AM
quite frankly, they change their Archon more often than I change my underwear

Is that really something to want to air, Parm?  Pun fully intended. ;)


Someone get Parm a can of baby-wipes and some skin-lotion, Stat!
I'll go down to the street corner and see if I can find a leggy blonde of loose morals to apply them to the poor man...


I'm fairly certain Parm is capable of wiping his own ass.  :P


It's the chafing from them getting all crusty and stuff, Tassa-average term for an Archon's been about two to four months.  He claims not to have changed his drawers more frequently than that...which leads to chafing and all sorts of ugly consequences.


Well, you're obviously an authority on the subject, so I bow to your superior wisdom. ;)


Well, if I get my way, there will be no more Archons, so problem resolved. Bela Kun Agnes Eszterhazi will reign forever!


[Cleveland from Family Guy]"Y'all are just nasty!"[/Cleveland]


So, whats the deal about Turn 44?

Will be kinda decisive in my Opinion. (the turn, not the beginning. :P)

Does it still start or what?


Definately the wrong place to post this.